Taurasi is aging, and parenting, but not ... | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Taurasi is aging, and parenting, but not ...

Apr 1, 2013
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Is this a joke??????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So all of Larry Bird's rebounds, all of his inside moves were all so wonderful and clean???? Are you kidding?

He never threw "an elbow?" All of HIS HIGHNESS Larry Bird's elbows were all clean?

Jordan said if NBA players were surveyed Bird would have been voted near the top of being the dirtiest.
Apr 1, 2013
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What does "could have been hurt" mean? Further - what if you instigate? Does that count?

You can go on youtube and see Bird having fist fights. Everyone else's fault, right? Bird was a non-instigator every time? FIST FIGHTS. FIST FIGHTS. FIST FIGHTS. One of them with Dr J!! There's an interview with DR J and Michael Kaye and he was asked "IS there a player you wanted to punch in the mouth?" And he said "Larry Bird." You think Bird was playing clean?

I loved Larry Bird but imo your revising history and / or creating a double-standard. .

Larry Bird I love him to death but he was an instigator. He didn't have the athtticsm so he used his wits, his body to throw players off but he played dirty and he instigated with his both his body and his mouth. But ofc ":how you look" matters more, right?
Apr 1, 2013
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Let's put it this way: I certainly wouldn't want to drive the lane w/ Bird, McHale and Parish waiting in there. :p Chances are pretty good you were gonna get smacked around if you tried it. Danny Ainge was pretty intense. Can't remember so much about guys like DJ and Maxwell.

Guess what happened in the Laker-Celts series in 1984. Larry Bird called out his teammates telling the media that his teammates were playing like a bunch of sissies. Then in Game 4 what happens? Celts play much more physical resulting in a McHale clothesline. The series changed after that to more physical dirty play.

I was rooting for Celts so I was happy -- but it still was dirty. Players could get hurt. DO you know you can go and google Bird's comments on that clothelsline and he says it wasn't a hard foul. This is from the leader of the team. So can you imagine how revved he is getting his teammates away from the camera?

And you can look back even when he was an Exec-- the young Pacers had a good run and faced Miami in the playoffs before they were expected to be really good - and after being down 2-1 to Miami Bird came out and said his team was playing soft. After that the series changed. Forever changed how Indiana would play Miami. This was similar to what happened in 1984.

ANd to think this physical play is okay but we need to vilify DT? IMO it's a classic double-standard. "The leader" is getting his team revved up to play a physical style that "could lead to injury" is somehow excused?

IMO they are both fine. But what you are speaking of -- this Bird instigating a rough style. That rough style could also lead to injury. ANd "lead to injury" is subjective too. Look at 1:24 and 1:47 too. They "could" lead to injury but not likely. But you can claim many things - an elbow or a poke in the ye "can lead to injury."

And let's take a look at he 2nd video (Larry Bird Top 5 Fights) around the 1:05 - 1:07 mark. I think Bird is having scuffle with Iavaroni- but Iavaroni's hands are down - and then Bird throws a punch at 1:07. But yet we hear on here Bird never tried to hurt anyone while ripping DT? Please. LOL. Double-standard.

Top Five Larry Bird Fights
Last edited:
Apr 1, 2013
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OFC How silly of me to think throwing punches and it means they aren't out to really hurt anyone. I guess in only the 'I Love you Larry Bird and HE Can DO NO WRONG fan club" would this be justified.

Hey btw, per the link below I see Larry Bird's "psychology used" when he threw his cheap shot punch while the other player has his hands down. I guess Jordan calling him one of the dirtiest players in NBA, DR J wanting to punch him in the mouth even after retired, his fist fights, and the cheap shot punch per the link below all weren't "INTENTIONAL" too, right?

I guess Bird throwing a cheap shot punch and getting thrown out translates to him "not losing his cool." Sure no double-standard here.

I'm done too. Please let's just stop the school-kid whining about DT and trying to justify it with revisionist history. .



Wise Woman
Aug 23, 2011
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Poor Larry screenshot 1
Feb 4, 2019
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Diana has never and would never deliberately try to hurt some one, this is and always has been her style of play, no different than many players in the WNBA she plays hard, tough and competitive. I guess some people fail to see the beating she takes now and lest we forget in college.

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