OT: Syracuse & NCAA Update | The Boneyard

OT: Syracuse & NCAA Update

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Aug 26, 2011
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Syracuse NCAA investigation: As ruling draws near, what we know and what we don't know

1. One of the potential violations NCAA investigators looked into involved academic impropriety with Feb Melo.

How do we know: Syracuse coach Jim Boeheim said part of the NCAA's case involved the academics of Fab Melo in his book. The NCAA also invited multiple people formerly involved with Syracuse's academic support system to its hearing in Chicago, a group that included former director of basketball operations Stan Kissel, mentor Debora Belanger and tutor Kristie Smith.

What we don't know: The specifics of what happened with Melo, and if the issues were limited to Melo.​

2. Part of the NCAA investigation involved potential impermissible benefits provided in connection to the Oneida YMCA. The NCAA looked into an internship program the YMCA ran and asked specifically about two YMCA employees, Hank Leo and Jeff Cornish.

How do we know: Multiple sources acknowledged impermissible benefits were involved in the investigation. Multiple people were questioned about their experiences at the YMCA and were asked about Leo and Cornish. Leo, the current CEO of the Oneida YMCA, attended the hearing in Chicago.

What we don't know: If the alleged violations involved the internship program, other types of extra benefits or both. The specifics of the accusations.​

3. Part of the NCAA investigation involved the school failing to follow its own policy regarding failed drug tests.

How do we know: Multiple sources have told Syracuse.com/The Post-Standard that drug testing was part of the investigation. Syracuse acknowledged in 2012 that an NCAA investigation involving potentially ignoring its drug policy was ongoing.

What we don't know: The specifics of the accusations. If/how many players competed while ineligible.​

4. The investigation dates back years. Syracuse lawyers have been involved for at least seven years, and issues reach back more than a decade.

How do we know: Syracuse said in a statement after the hearing in Chicago that the statement went back "years." Sources were interviewed by school lawyers as early as 2007. They were asked about experiences dating back until at least 2003.

What we don't know: Exactly how far back the investigation goes.​

5. The potential punishments are significant if the hearing went poorly.

How do we know: The NCAA investigators went further than the organization's standard statute of limitations traditionally allows, indicating they are trying to show a pattern of "willful violation" of NCAA rules or "blatant disregard" for them. Cases of academic impropriety have historically been met with harsh punishments, with scholarship losses or postseason bans in 24 of 26 cases since 2000.

What we don't know: While we have an idea of what accusations and punishment the NCAA investigators might push for, we don't know what the NCAA Committee on Infractions has found actually has been committed.​

6. No current Syracuse athletes will have their eligibility impacted.

How do we know: Syracuse said in a statement that none of the violations involved current athletes.

What we don't know: If current athletes could be impacted by harsh punishments such as a postseason ban or scholarship losses.​

7. Syracuse isn't saying much right now but eventually will.

How do we know: Syracuse officials left the hearing in Chicago without much comment and have been silent on the issue ever since. Athletic director Daryl Gross hasn't discussed the NCAA investigation. Neither has anyone in his administration. Football coach Scott Shafer has said he feels "great" about the place of the football program. Jim Boeheim told ESPN that "you'll want to hear" when he's permitted to address the issue.

What we don't know: What Boeheim, often outspoken, will eventually say about the process.​


a.k.a PencilForest
Aug 26, 2011
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8. Syracuse has been bending the rules for over a decade and only has 1 ring to show for it.

How do we know: Syracuse fans like to remind us all the time that the program's other accomplishments make up for the lack of Championships.

What we don't know: How this is possible, and when they are lowering the banner.


$3M a Year With March Off
Aug 26, 2011
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Seven years.

So Syracuse got to play in the last Big East tournament despite basically having been on the wrong side of the rule book for a decade.


While voting to block us.

Deleted member 3149

At least if 2003 is vacated, they'll still have their Helms championships


If he blocks 100, he blocks 100
Aug 26, 2011
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"Dis room be ware we lern too reed and rite at saracus"
Dec 23, 2011
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Syracuse all would have to admit is a rich basketball history..... but they also have (think figures bear this out) the softest cupcake schedule of any big national program...... it used to be that they played all the local weak schools, and never played an away game until the first of each year.

Yes they have a wonderful tradition, but they are so far in our rear view mirror......

Speaking of NCAA investigation results.... what about UNC? Are they going to get a free pass? The NCAA is quick to slap us and make rules retroactive for grades, and let's hit Geno also for his congratulatory call to a 12 year old girl who did well in the world series


Aug 27, 2011
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Lack of institutional control...pedoph enabler has to retire in shame...loss of three scholarships for three years...no post-season for two years ...probation for ten.
At least that is what I would like to see!
Aug 25, 2011
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Syracuse all would have to admit is a rich basketball history..... but they also have (think figures bear this out) the softest cupcake schedule of any big national program. it used to be that they played all the local weak schools, and never played an away game until the first of each year.

Yes they have a wonderful tradition, but they are so far in our rear view mirror.

Speaking of NCAA investigation results.... what about UNC? Are they going to get a free pass? The NCAA is quick to slap us and make rules retroactive for grades, and let's hit Geno also for his congratulatory call to a 12 year old girl who did well in the world series

This might not be the year to denigrate anyone else's schedule. And they still get Villanova, Louisville, Carolina, Duke (x2) . . . .
Dec 23, 2011
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I shall say it another way it has appeared over recent history that Syracuse has scheduled the easiest early season schedule..... It seems that they have feasted on the junk food that is local which has no nutritional value..... Colgate, Loyola of Syracuse.....etc.... I know everyone does this, I am just saying the Orange have done it more than anyone else, evidenced by the fact that several times they have ended up #1 in the country with 20 whatever straight wins to start the season......

Problem is they did not test themselves, they did not play outside of their own gym, and they did not learn anything about the makeup of their team...... so essentially they gave themselves 8 weeks (start of January to the start of March Madness) to figure things out.... and they were usually in the thick of the conference schedule by then.....

It just seems to me that they have used the early season strictly for show, and learn very little about their team until it is too late. JMO
Aug 28, 2011
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All of this pales completely versus what happened at North Carolina and the NCAA looked at it and gave UNC a pass.

So he question is, How can the NCAA use this to help North Carolina?
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