SW Force Awakens - Review w/ spoilers (Don't read until after you see it) | Page 3 | The Boneyard

SW Force Awakens - Review w/ spoilers (Don't read until after you see it)

Aug 24, 2011
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But they rushed everything. Saw no foundation for relationship between Luke's hot daughter and the former storm trooper

That and the obvious foreshadowing of Han Solo's demise are my two biggest issues and why I can't rank it equally to any of the original 3. Better than the prequels? Sure. But not as good as Episode VI, which was the weakest of the originals.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I liked it.

My nit to pick is why does Ren withdraw his saber from Solo. Wouldn't it be easier and more natural just to cut him half?


Aug 26, 2011
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But not as good as Episode VI, which was the weakest of the originals.
As I mentioned upthread, we brought our youngest daughter (age 9) to The Force Awakens, and she had not seen any of the others previously. So, to complete her education, I watched IV, V and VI with her over the past two weeks (I will continue to ignore that the prequels existed). I went in thinking the same as you, i.e., that Return of the Jedi was the weakest of the originals. After watching them again these past two weeks, however, I have to say that it was the one that we enjoyed the most. I still think The Empire Strikes Back is the best because it was so dark and and did not have a happy ending, and because it made you want to know what happened next immediately (and made the wait for Return of the Jedi seem interminable when I was much younger), but I was really surprised at how much I enjoyed seeing Return of the Jedi again. Lots of action, lots of interesting new characters and gadgets, and just plain fun.
Sep 2, 2011
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I liked it.

My nit to pick is why does Ren withdraw his saber from Solo. Wouldn't it be easier and more natural just to cut him half?

Chewie had no business outliving Han by more than a few scenes in my opinion. I fully expected him to to kamikaze on Ren's arse. He should have gone kamikaze. Wookies don't lose a game of chess gracefully, much less their best friend of 50 years.
Dec 25, 2011
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Chewie had no business outliving Han by more than a few scenes in my opinion. I fully expected him to to kamikaze on Ren's arse. He should have gone kamikaze. Wookies don't lose a game of chess gracefully, much less their best friend of 50 years.

Don't forget that Kylo Ren is also Benn Solo. More likely than not, Chewie has know Ben/Kylo since he was born and as that nutty, loving, fury uncle that we all have in the family. I am not sure of the life debt that Chewie has with Han is still valid (it was in the novels). If it is, it may apply to all of Han's family, including Ben/Kylo. Chewie did go wild nailing Kylo with a bolt that clearly hurt him during his duel with Finn and Rey. He also went to town with the Stormtroppers at the base and made the opening that Poe used to fly in and finish off Starkiller.
Aug 27, 2011
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I dont know where they are going with this new trilogy. But I assume the next two will involve turning Kylo Ren to the good side. If he didnt kill Han Solo (his father), I think they could have pulled it off. I dont understand how anybody can forgive him and I dont know how he could live with himself after that.

And yes, Im one of those people that believe The Force Awakens was a rehash of the original. I hope the next 2 films are unique and dont follow the same path as Empier Strikes Back and Return of The Jedi.
Aug 26, 2011
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I dont know where they are going with this new trilogy. But I assume the next two will involve turning Kylo Ren to the good side. If he didnt kill Han Solo (his father), I think they could have pulled it off. I dont understand how anybody can forgive him and I dont know how he could live with himself after that.

And yes, Im one of those people that believe The Force Awakens was a rehash of the original. I hope the next 2 films are unique and dont follow the same path as Empier Strikes Back and Return of The Jedi.
Rian Johnson is helming the next two, so I think it will.

I'll say this: it will be really hard to judge VII honestly until VIII and IX. I liked VII a lot, and thought it did what it was supposed to do: give us familiarity and build trust while pushing the series in a new direction. It hinted at the last part, but didn't really go there. If the foundations are used to go in a new direction, I'll continue to look fondly on this installment. If the next two are remixes of the original trilogy, it will lose some luster.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I dont know where they are going with this new trilogy. But I assume the next two will involve turning Kylo Ren to the good side. If he didnt kill Han Solo (his father), I think they could have pulled it off. I dont understand how anybody can forgive him and I dont know how he could live with himself after that.

Self-sacrifice to save the Republic/universe, or possibly just Ren, after Ren refuses to kill him because she senses that there is good still in him.

Yes that is pretty much ROTJ. Sorry.


a.k.a PencilForest
Aug 26, 2011
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Rian Johnson is helming the next two, so I think it will.

I'll say this: it will be really hard to judge VII honestly until VIII and IX. I liked VII a lot, and thought it did what it was supposed to do: give us familiarity and build trust while pushing the series in a new direction. It hinted at the last part, but didn't really go there. If the foundations are used to go in a new direction, I'll continue to look fondly on this installment. If the next two are remixes of the original trilogy, it will lose some luster.

Rian Johnson is doing episode VIII and Colin Trevorrow (Jurassic World) is doing episdoe IX.

My opinion on VII is very similar to yours. If the next two episodes are great and original I will have a positive opinion about it, but until those movies come out it is hard to completely judge TFA.
Aug 26, 2011
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Rian Johnson is doing episode VIII and Colin Trevorrow (Jurassic World) is doing episdoe IX.

My opinion on VII is very similar to yours. If the next two episodes are great and original I will have a positive opinion about it, but until those movies come out it is hard to completely judge TFA.
Yeah I don't see how others are that upset. It was a fun movie on its own that felt like Star Wars. There were similarities, for sure, but I think that's a bit overplayed. Or it won't be if others are too.

Trevorrow is directing, but my understanding is that Johnson is taking the basic plot from Kasdan/Abrams and writing both of the last two.
Aug 27, 2011
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They basically remade Episode 4. I thought it was good, but not great. A little too lighthearted for me. I thought Episode III was better. It is still worth the money.

I thought it would have been cool if both Rey and Finn were Jedies. I think I need to see it again.


a.k.a PencilForest
Aug 26, 2011
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Trevorrow is directing, but my understanding is that Johnson is taking the basic plot from Kasdan/Abrams and writing both of the last two.

Just checked it out on IMDB and you're right which I think is a good thing.

I had read an article the other day and JJ said he would be helping Rian with his story and then Rian would be there to help Colin for IX so I assumed that meant Colin was writing the last one


Conscience do cost
Aug 29, 2011
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Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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I think we will see Kylo drawn back to the light... but maybe we will see Rey go closer to the Dark side thank Luke did????


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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I don't know why, but I suspect that Supreme Leader Snoke is going to be Yoda sized in person.
Sep 21, 2011
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Just checked it out on IMDB and you're right which I think is a good thing.

I had read an article the other day and JJ said he would be helping Rian with his story and then Rian would be there to help Colin for IX so I assumed that meant Colin was writing the last one
The script for VIII is done (they begin filming this month and I believe it comes out in May 2017)
Abrams read it and loved it. After reading it he told one of his friends he wished he stayed on as director for VIII. Apparently one of his friends says he never compliments other scripts the way he did after reading VIII.
I don't know much about Rian Johnson other than the fact he directed one of the best Breaking Bad episodes ever...the one where Hank and Gomez get shot in the desert. I went back and watched it after hearing it was Johnson at the helm and it was so well done. I think VIII will be outstanding.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Ok, people from the other thread: @August_West @ @Mr. Conehead @UCFBfan @junglehusky @tzznandrew @CL82 @Jarhead_1775 @Penfield @8893

Finally saw the damn thing. I'm going to post without reading any thing else here first. Overall, good, not great. I have to say that I was mildly disappointed; I didn't leave the theater all jazzed and walking on air. Failed on some really important things imo.

First the good

Loved the intro. Instant . The original scroll effect, combined with scan down to planet, still holds up.

Harrison Ford killed it once again in the reprise of Han. There's a reason this guy is one of the best actors of his generation. Only bummer is we won't get to see him in future episodes. Although, I did think killing the character off was overall a good move, added a much needed pathos to the film.

Kilo Ren. Loved that actor. Love the getup. Loved the Saber. The voice with helmet on and off. Almost everything about him. Except for his childishness sometimes, but I can let that slide given that he is supposed to be 'underdeveloped' force-wise. He along with Han were my favorite characters. The Han Solo death scene was awesome. Chewie going ballistic after was awesome.

Vader helmet scene was awesome. Ren struggling with himself. I like that. A well done look at his stage of development.

While, prior to watching, I scoffed at the politically correct casting overall, John Boyega as the turncoat stormtrooper was really very good. Great casting/acting there. They wrote his character a little poorly, as he was a bit too bumbling for my taste--especially in the beginning, but he was my third favorite character in the movie (behind Han and Kylo).

Really loved the cinematography throughout. They didn't overdue the CGI, as they did in the first 3 episodes, where it felt like Industrial Light & Magic was testing the limits of a new toy (they were). The ships and the space was a nice mix between the feel of the original trilogy and newer modernized CGI effects. Well done.

There weren't any completely hokey characters. That's a good thing. Some people didn't like the little droid. I was a fan. Nice mix between (too hokey) C3P0--which worked in the 70's--and R2D2. He was funny, but not often obnoxious. Thumbs up little droid dude.

I like most of the Luke scene at the end. It was almost powerful. Cool helicopter camera technique at the end to the closing credit. The only problem was that the holding out of the saber (for what seemed like 20 minutes) was stilted. It should have ended with Rey holding out the saber for about 5-10 seconds. Luke, eyes watering, raises his hand and uses the force to pull the saber through the air and into his hand. Scene ends with him examining the saber in his outstretched hand, struggling with opposing internal dueling emotions, as the the helicopter camera shot takes us out to darkness. Where do I apply for a scripwriter's position?

And now for the criticism (yes, I realize I have a high standard):

If I had wanted to see the plot of Episode IV, I would have popped Episode IV in the DVD player and not spent the $20 and dragged my arse to the theater. Couldn't they have branched out a little further than that? Is there a modicum of creativity running around in Hollywood these days? It was a homage to Episode IV, and to a lesser extent V and VI. This is what Hollywood churns out left and right these days. Remakes or comic book knock offs. No actual creative writing.

Chewy was more expressive than in IV-VI, but I thought that took away from the character. I don't want to see Chewy smile. That's not his shtick. I also wanted to see him in permanent mourning for Han. Not grinning ear to ear.

The lightsaber scenes were underwhelming, choreography wise. Though the snowy setting for the fight was great though. I think they hit a high point in Episode VII with Darth Maul. Darth Maul was a criminally underused character and should have been present through the first 3 episodes (yes, I know they wanted one villain in each -> stupid).

How the could Finn and Rey hang with Kylo Ren in a lightsaber dual? It makes no sense. Yes, I realize Finn is trained in hand to hand combat (despite working in sanitation and going on exactly ONE (failed) mission prior to that) and that Rey had done some fighting at home to survive. But this is the first time either of them truly fought with the weapon, pitted against a highly trained Jedi (both skillwise and in the force). Two swipes and they'd be split in half.

Carrie Fischer forgot how to act. She seemed borderline dumb at points.

The plan came together real quick. Like lightspeed quick. OK, let's figure out how to blow up this planet on the back of a napkin. Kid, you go destroy the Oscillators. Done. Send out 20 twenty dudes (which inexplicably is the entire fleet of the resistance?) and take it down the main cannon sight unseen. The rest of us will just sit here and twiddle our thumbs, hoping for the best, while the worlds biggest gun is point at our head. It felt more 'real' in Episode IV. Although, the flying and shooting in that scene was great.

The Millennium Falcon does not fly like a tie fighter. It's a 70's muscle car, as opposed to a modern day Porsche 911 Tie fighter. That's part of it's charm. I love the Falcon, and don't like seeing it disrespected like that.

How the did Rey learn to access the force so quickly, and with such control? It took Vader years. Look the greatest Jedi in the known universe (Luke) took a bunch of time, and he was getting tutored by the greatest Jedi ever (Yoda) and one of his protégés (Kenobi).

Wooden Rey has the same face the whole movie. Can't she have any expression other than a look of dumb consternation on her face? I have no idea if she can act or not. The directing and the script didn't let her? Dunno what to think there.

Snoke was interesting, but did they have to make him 100 feet tall? I realize it's a hologram/projection, and they wanted him to appear imposing but 10-15 feet on a raised dais would provide the same affect without feeling so silly.

As mentioned above the politically correct casting having 'strong powerful' young women and ethnically diverse black guy was strained to say the least. Don't try so hard Abrams.

While I get they have to show Rey's expertise in mechanics, she wouldn't come close to knowing the Falcon, and what it could do, compared to Han.

They didn't do a good job explaining the politics in the movie. Felt thrown in.

Tried too hard to intersperse humor throughout the movie. The level of the humor was more in tune with the original trilogy, a plus, but it's pervasiveness took over the film and lessened the impact of the actual funny scenes.

Can we have no more Death Stars or Death Planet super weapons please? It's tired. Think of something else. I'd rather have Lord Dark Helmet and his big schwartz at this point.

And how many times do you see ships just casually flying away from blowing up planets? Yes, I get you want that shot with the ships flying towards you, planet going supernova in the background. But for the love of god, have them jump into hyperspace to add an element of reality. And don't make the explosions trails touch/pass flying ships. If that happened the ships would be instantly incinerated/vaporized. This happens in all movies and it drives me absolutely batsh_t. I though the new Star Wars would be intelligent enough to avoid that.

That's all I have atm. The next movie will tell the tale of the tape in this series. Apologies for length. I'll read the rest of the thread now.
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i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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And some mod approve my magnum opus post above dammit. Took a while to type. @tzznandrew
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Aug 26, 2011
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How the could Finn and Rey hang with Kylo Ren in a lightsaber dual? It makes no sense. Yes, I realize Finn is trained in hand to hand combat (despite working in sanitation and going on exactly ONE (failed) mission prior to that) and that Rey had done some fighting at home to survive. But this is the first time either of them truly fought with the weapon, pitted against a highly trained Jedi (both skillwise and in the force). Two swipes and they'd be split in half.

Finn did fight another storm trooper. Also, Chewy shot Kylo Ren and hit him directly. The movie takes great pains to shot what happens when that happens (people go flying). Ren stands there an takes it, and still battles them. Also, I didn't think Finn did very much. It was more like Luke/Vader in Empire. Ren played around with him, and then whooped him after he got hit in the arm (like Vader). Obviously the movie suggests that this may not really be the first time Rey used this weapon, even if she forgot it. Perhaps that last part will be proven wrong, and in which case I'd agree with your assessment a bit (still remember that Ren was injured).
Carrie Fischer forgot how to act. She seemed borderline ed at points.
Yup. That was brutal.

How the did Rey learn to access the force so ing quickly, and with such control? It took Vader years. Look the greatest Jedi in the known universe (Luke) took a bunch of time, and he was getting tutored by the greatest Jedi ever (Yoda) and one of his protégés (Kenobi).
Definitely not her first time. If it was, then yeah, your point is right. I think she's been trained.

Wooden Rey has the same face the whole movie. Can't she have any expression other than a look of dumb consternation on her face? I have no idea if she can act or not. The directing and the script didn't let her? Dunno what to think there.
Funny, I thought she was great.

As mentioned above the politically correct casting having 'strong powerful' young women and ethnically diverse black guy was strained to say the least. Don't try so hard Abrams.
This is strange to me. I don't see how it is "politically correct" to have the main character be a woman. Hell, in early drafts Luke was a woman. And I don't see what's politically correct about a black guy being a secondary lead here. Like, is the default white male? Does it have to be? Why would it be a statement for it not to be?

Regardless, like you points. Agree with a bunch.


Who wouldn't want to be me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Just parked my in a seat. Giggety.

Sorry Huskies.


i fart in your general direction
Aug 24, 2011
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Finn did fight another storm trooper.

Yah, that's why I specified against a Jedi. The previous encounter hardly coached him up to a professional level.

Also, Chewy shot Kylo Ren and hit him directly. The movie takes great pains to shot what happens when that happens (people go flying). Ren stands there an takes it, and still battles them.

Fair enough point. And that's definitely a factor. But I still feel like Ren should be able to slice Fin in half with only one arm and no legs. But maybe not.

Obviously the movie suggests that this may not really be the first time Rey used this weapon, even if she forgot it. Perhaps that last part will be proven wrong, and in which case I'd agree with your assessment a bit (still remember that Ren was injured).

Definitely not her first time. If it was, then yeah, your point is right. I think she's been trained.

I saw the little flashback, but wasn't sure what to make of it. I guess I just made the assumption that Rey was just as clueless as Luke on Tatooine. If that's not the case, then yeah, that clears a bunch of this stuff up for me. Wasn't really sure what to make of that Ben Kenobi-like figure at the beginning either, who could very well be a part of it.

Funny, I thought she was great.

Yeah, I don't know. She's def right for the role. And I think she's got the chops for it, just something wasn't there for me. Perhaps the directing might have let her down a bit there (for me).

This is strange to me. I don't see how it is "politically correct" to have the main character be a woman. Hell, in early drafts Luke was a woman. And I don't see what's politically correct about a black guy being a secondary lead here. Like, is the default white male? Does it have to be? Why would it be a statement for it not to be?

Eh, this is more of a pet peeve of mine than anything else. I'm about as anti-PC as you come; don't like people telling me what to think and do. PC culture just sucks all the humor and fun out life imo. And I'm not a conservative person socially either (not talking political designations here so don't start). So caring about type casting has nothing to do with black/white/green/purple people in the abstract. I don't care who you are as long as you're good.

It's just that Hollywood is really pushes home the 'inclusive' thing. It's cloying frankly. For example, Hollywood is pervasive with these ass kicking lead role chicks. Now if she's a superhero, vampire, jedi, or whatever, I can get behind that. Suspending disbelief is easy there. But the number of times I see some sprightly little chick kick the crap out of big badass trained killers is nauseating. I guess it's kind of like WCBB fans saying that Maya Moore could play on a men's team or something. It's like, no. No she couldn't. /rant Anyway, not really the clearest explanation of what I was going for, but c'est la vie. Not much to see there I guess.

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