As usual great post Tony!! Any REAL UConn WBB fan does not need to be "prodded" or nudged to step up and rally around our team. Of course they need our support now more than ever. The "REAL" UConn fans will show up and show out without fatigue or complaint. Without blame or ridicule. We expect the players to do their part, we MUST to do ours. Anyone that hesitates, should turn in their lifetime UConn WBB fan club card now, and find another team to follow. "Ride or die!! That's our mantra. Through Heaven or hell, we're behind our girls 1000%.

So. shove
all of those chips to the middle of the table (
Jim Fassel) Be "ALL IN."
Since the season began, we've talked about how each of the ranked teams they played would be a good "test" for them, and they were. Well, being down to 8 players (I'm counting Caroline) is another test. A test we couldn't imagine getting this summer, but one we have whether we like it or not. The basketball gods just dumped a truck full of lemons on our doorstep. You know what we have to do with them. That's right.....lemon aid anyone? Do the only thing we can do, play through it until the injured players return. No whining, no excuses. That's why each of these girls chose to play here, and why each one of our coaches chose to coach here.
Adversity either builds character or reveals it. Now we're really going to find out each player's mettle, character, resilience and resolve. They know what they have to do. Geno and their position coaches have told them. They know what to expect. Who knows, we may be pleasantly surprised these next few weeks.
Even though we're down to 8 players, I'm still going to enjoy watching them play. We knew what this team would have done with everyone healthy. Let's see what they can do shorthanded. That which does not kill you only makes you stronger. This team will survive this, and be better for it come March when it rally counts.
Dorka, Azzi and Caroline should ALL be back and 100% come March ready for that final run, with a bench that has plenty of experience this season. Things happen for a reason. After this, there's nothing we'll face in March that can shake us, or make us question our abilities to achieve our goals. It can't get much worse than this.
Remember that old adage................
When things get tough, the tough get going. Let's go!!