Strengths for Next Year | The Boneyard

Strengths for Next Year

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Dec 29, 2011
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When we look back at the team this year, the two biggest strengths were our defense and our foul shooting. We were an average offensive team, and a below average rebounding team.

Hard to predict what we will be next year, but I see no reason why we can't expect to still be a Top 5 defense. Yes we lose Gibbs and Miller, but by all accounts Gilbert is a plus defender already. With Gilbert, Purvis and Adams ability to play the perimeter, and Brimah still manning the middle, I think this team can continue to be an elite defensive team.

Losing Gibbs and Miller will hurt on the foul line. Gibbs was an 85% foul shooter who seemed to make all the big FTs. Miller was I think as 75% foul shooter, which is great for a big man. Still, Adams and Hamilton are great from the line, Purvis was close to an 80% shooter from January on, and it looks like Gilbert shot 77% in high school. We should still should be a really good foul shooting team.

Everyone talks about the improvement of Adams, Hamilton and Purvis for next year as the keys. I really think the inclusion of Gilbert is the key. If he can come in and play like a Kemba or Shabazz as a freshman, this team takes off. I say that because if they have another ball handler who can get to the rim, finish, and more importantly set up his teammates, than Ollie's offense will run more effectively. Purvis will be open on the wings. Adams as well. And he will be able to get the ball to Hamilton in spots where he can be most effective.

Losing Miller will end up being a bigger deal than losing Gibbs. Enoch really needs to improve. Facey needs to as well. Larrier will see time at the 4, and by all accounts Ollie has had him in the weight room with this in mind. I agree that Brimah is what he is, and I don't see significant improvement coming. I think Diarra will play more than people think. I am not counting on Durham, and I see him redshirting.

Finally, I think Vance Jackson may have a bigger role on this team than people think, IF he can hit outside shots. This guy is 6'8, and is an outstanding shooter. I understand he has to transition to the college game, but put him on the floor with guys like Adams and Hamilton, and he will get outside looks.


Storrs, CT The Mecca
Aug 26, 2011
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if they all come back, the ones who can, the line up should be adams, purvis, hamilton, larrier.facey, brimah... our starting 5 will be experienced but our bench not as much. other than what you said, rebounding is huge... also for me, a few questions will need to be answered early in the season.
who is going to close games? who is going to take the lead on the team? who is going to be the one getting in the faces of their teammates and holding them accountable? who's going to take the last shot? we didnt have a guy this year to do that and we lost several games by a basket or blew leads
Aug 26, 2011
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Too bad on Durham there's something really special about this kid and now our only hope is he gets healthy enough to be a part of it.

Agree on Miller, a void there although it can be filled. Heck I love what DHam could be on occasion with his back to the basket? Hate to start thinking about the frosh but it's a must, some will need to be a big part and Gilbert one of them. Also can Vance come in and shoot the ball when needed? Diarra just defend and rebound when physicality is required? So many open question yet exciting thoughts.


if they all come back, the ones who can, the line up should be adams, purvis, hamilton, larrier.facey, brimah... our starting 5 will be experienced but our bench not as much. other than what you said, rebounding is huge... also for me, a few questions will need to be answered early in the season.
who is going to close games? who is going to take the lead on the team? who is going to be the one getting in the faces of their teammates and holding them accountable? who's going to take the last shot? we didnt have a guy this year to do that and we lost several games by a basket or blew leads

Substitute Enoch in the starting lineup for Facey/Larrier combo and your all set. Facey and Larrier are too small to be playing the 4 and aren't stretch 4's ala DeAndre Daniels to be able to play with them. We need to go big and set the tone against teams. We need to dominate the glass like we used to. We also will have a big guy in Enoch who can you play through offensively and will not get pushed around, and a shot blocker to go with him in Brimah.
Starting lineup: Adams, Purvis, Hamilton, Enoch, and Brimah
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm excited for next year, 3 reasons why:

1. Talent. Everyone on the team as it is currently composed is a top 100 recruit, except for Amida and Cassell. Hard not to be excited for Gilbert, Adams, Purvis, Hamilton, Larrier, and Jackson as a 1-3. Think Jalen has a chance to be a Caron/Rudy level sophomore talent.
2. Experience. 6 guys with at least 3 years of college basketball experience. 5 of them will be in the rotation. Jalen, while only a sophomore, already plays like an upperclassmen at times and will look like a junior when it is time for the NCAAs.
3. The open scholarship. Might go to Zach Brown. Might go to a late bloomer. Might go to a graduate transfer who can choose to transform UConn into a Final Four contender, rather than saving it from a NIT season as Sterling and Shonn did.
Nov 10, 2011
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I think the starting 5 will gel a lot faster next season. Our key returners last year were fairly new with UCONN and then we had 2 grad transfers. It took a while for everybody to get used to each other and their roles.

This coming year, our key returning players all know their roles. We still need somebody step up to be the alpha. I am curious to see if Ollie tweaks his system to showcase a D-Ham or Purvis.
Mar 19, 2013
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Need to get a much better big guy down low. The starting 5 can't gel if the big guy can't catch, shoot, or rebound consistently. This forces desperation shots as the clock is winding down, which seems to have occurred on a regular basis the past two seasons. D-Ham was showcased this year, but for the reason I stated he couldn't really show what he is capable of on a regular consistent basis.
Oct 8, 2015
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Two things that could make a good season great next year: One you mentioned is that the bigs need to step up a bit with the departure of Miller. I think this is the most important development that needs to happen, we need some offensive presence down low.

Also important is the development of Jalen Adams. If he makes the transition that Kemba did into an effective outside shooter, he becomes a lethal combo with Purvis/DHam. Kemba went from 27% from 3 his freshman year to 34% sophomore. Jalen Adams this year...27%.
Aug 26, 2011
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Substitute Enoch in the starting lineup for Facey/Larrier combo and your all set. Facey and Larrier are too small to be playing the 4 and aren't stretch 4's ala DeAndre Daniels to be able to play with them. We need to go big and set the tone against teams. We need to dominate the glass like we used to. We also will have a big guy in Enoch who can you play through offensively and will not get pushed around, and a shot blocker to go with him in Brimah.
Starting lineup: Adams, Purvis, Hamilton, Enoch, and Brimah

I like the idea of this lineup once in a while but Enoch will need to improve drastically to see this. To have 2 guys without good footwork guarding the low post and interior would be dreadful, they both give up baseline too much so they will get each other into foul trouble. Hey I hit AB hard I admit, but Steve's biggest issues right now begin on defense like AB. Not in the right place, not hedging and getting back in time, slow afoot. He needs to work hard on his footwork this summer to be one of the guys. Also may need to understand the game a lot better too like AB and Facey. This doesn't always catch up as we've seen, hopefully with him it does.


Aug 24, 2011
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Too bad on Durham there's something really special about this kid and now our only hope is he gets healthy enough to be a part of it.

Agree on Miller, a void there although it can be filled. Heck I love what DHam could be on occasion with his back to the basket? Hate to start thinking about the frosh but it's a must, some will need to be a big part and Gilbert one of them. Also can Vance come in and shoot the ball when needed? Diarra just defend and rebound when physicality is required? So many open question yet exciting thoughts.

Yep, Durham could be a real gem. Not sure when he will be ready, but the talk of redshirting is a Boneyard idea that may well not happen. Not our call, obviously. He looks like he's got "it." Now if he has two good knees to go with "it," he can be an offensive threat inside eventually (although certainly not the muscle guy).

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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Integrating Larrier in to the main rotation of 25 mpg, developing Enoch in to a 15-20 mpg player, and finding out very early if Diarra can play at this level are my three biggest concerns.

For Larrier, see what he can do as a spot up shooter or how effective he can be handling the ball in the half court.

Enoch is codintioning and footwork. His offense is already better than Brimah or Facey.

Diarra? See if he can handle the speed and pace of the game. Show him non-stop highlight reels of Jeff Adrien.

Nolan and Miller are gone. Brimah and Facey have flat lined in their three years at UConn. There isn't any reason to believe either one can make the Hilton Armstrong jump in to productivity for their senior years.

The front court was consistently outplayed all year. Poor footwork, poor rebounding position and non-existent post games was the limiting factor on this year's team.


Fort the ead!
Aug 26, 2011
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I can't think of anyone more willing, or anyone I'd rather see in the 'vocal leader' position than Rodney in his last year of eligibility. His game has improved tremendously, entirely through his work ethic and his personal drive. And he is all about the UConn family.
Aug 29, 2011
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Whatever interior offensive presence UConn had is out the door with Miller. An occasional lob dunk to Brimah is not an interior offense. Sadly, I do not see a returning player with the ability and drive to make a consistence difference in the interior.

Additionally, even this year with Miller there was no semblance of offensive rebounding. Second chance points and additional possession time are important, and Uconn either purposefully, in making sure to limit fast break points, or subconsciously to avoid fouls never had a presence on the offensive boards. It cannot be expected that Diarra can do this as a freshman, but this will continue to be an Achilles heal if UConn's opponents are racking up 2nd chance points.

This will continue to be a guard focused offense next year, but how Larrier is used as a 6'7" wing will be interesting. How do Larrier, Purvis and Hamilton fit into the rotation with 2 true PGs in Adams and Gilbert. The best 5 players are 1s, 2s, and 3s if Larrier had any improvement from his Freshman year. As has been pointed out frequently, the 4s and 5s have do not developed at Uconn.
Feb 20, 2012
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With Larrier, Purvis, Hamilton and JA on the court, we should be able to really spread the court.


With Larrier, Purvis, Hamilton and JA on the court, we should be able to really spread the court.

Joker stop with the small ball 4 guard lineups because that doesn't work for us unless you have 4 guys with high basketball IQ and good shooting ability. Larrier is not a good shooter, and is an erratic wing who likes to jack up shots. He is not DeAndre Daniels or Giffey, but who knows maybe he will surprise us. If you want a big wing who has a shot than Vance Jackson might help in that department and has some girth and size to guard big men as well.

We need to play big: Jalen, Rondey, Hamilton, Enoch and Brimah(Mamadou if Brimah or Enoch aren't playing well)
Feb 10, 2013
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Additionally, even this year with Miller there was no semblance of offensive rebounding.
Facey is, by the numbers, one of the best offensive rebounders in the nation.

One thing I'd love to see is a strong-side pick-and-pop with Amida coupled with weak-side screening action as a misdirect. This will free up Brimah for 16-footers that 1) he can hit, 2) drag the opposing center out of the lane, and 3) can disguise weakside action and set Facey up to crash hard.

If we run that 5 times a game I wager Facey would end up with a couple of put-backs.
Feb 20, 2012
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Joker stop with the small ball 4 guard lineups because that doesn't work for us unless you have 4 guys with high basketball IQ and good shooting ability. Larrier is not a good shooter, and is an erratic wing who likes to jack up shots. He is not DeAndre Daniels or Giffey, but who knows maybe he will surprise us. If you want a big wing who has a shot than Vance Jackson might help in that department and has some girth and size to guard big men as well.

We need to play big: Jalen, Rondey, Hamilton, Enoch and Brimah(Mamadou if Brimah or Enoch aren't playing well)

LOL, no one is suggesting that we trot a 4 guard lineup for 40 minutes. And Larrier had a very solid frosh year at VCU on a good team.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I think (maybe just hope) next season will in many ways be similar to 2002-2003. We will be young but also very talented and deep.

One thing I really like is that we will be able to show many different looks. Kansas gave us problems with a diminutive point guard, a combo guard and a decent sized two, I can see a look of Gilbert, Adams and Purvis doing something similar for a few three or four minute stretches a game.

I think DHam will be far more efficient and effective facilitating the offense if he isn't also a primary ball handler. If he receives a pass while we are into our offense (by having more ball handlers who can breakdown a defender), he can get a pass at the top of the key or the elbow and then quickly attack to either get his own shot or pass to an open man (due to the defensive rotation).

We should be able to go very big, very small or anything between and with reasonable development, we could give almost any opponent a list of matchup problems.

We will however still be a bit young. I hope our fan base will understand that part of the equation.
Aug 26, 2011
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Facey is, by the numbers, one of the best offensive rebounders in the nation.

One thing I'd love to see is a strong-side pick-and-pop with Amida coupled with weak-side screening action as a misdirect. This will free up Brimah for 16-footers that 1) he can hit, 2) drag the opposing center out of the lane, and 3) can disguise weakside action and set Facey up to crash hard.

If we run that 5 times a game I wager Facey would end up with a couple of put-backs.
Our lack of offensive rebounding seemed partially by design. I think KO realized our guys weren't the best rebounders and decided to eliminate opponents' transition baskets. The NBA has largely given up on offensive rebounding to protect against fast breaks, and so it wouldn't surprise me if KO--in the league a scant few years ago--coached our guys to do the same.

Honestly, our half court defense, once Brimah was in, was pretty good yesterday, and the key to our mini-comeback. Kansas just capitalized almost every time we took an ill-advised shot with scoring on a secondary break, or whenever we had a shot rim out.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Joker stop with the small ball 4 guard lineups because that doesn't work for us unless you have 4 guys with high basketball IQ and good shooting ability. Larrier is not a good shooter, and is an erratic wing who likes to jack up shots. He is not DeAndre Daniels or Giffey, but who knows maybe he will surprise us. If you want a big wing who has a shot than Vance Jackson might help in that department and has some girth and size to guard big men as well.

We need to play big: Jalen, Rondey, Hamilton, Enoch and Brimah(Mamadou if Brimah or Enoch aren't playing well)

Play Big?
Enoch and Brimah at the same time?
Two foul machines (if you can base your opinion, which is wrong, on Larrier, mine on these 2 is eyeball on), two offensive liabilities (SE may be better) and one with no hands.
Biggest needs are consistency at PG and the #5
If Brimah doesn't come back with a more complete package, its time to move on - I think KF will be a better player next year
Aug 26, 2011
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When we look back at the team this year, the two biggest strengths were our defense and our foul shooting. We were an average offensive team, and a below average rebounding team.

Hard to predict what we will be next year, but I see no reason why we can't expect to still be a Top 5 defense. Yes we lose Gibbs and Miller, but by all accounts Gilbert is a plus defender already. With Gilbert, Purvis and Adams ability to play the perimeter, and Brimah still manning the middle, I think this team can continue to be an elite defensive team.

Losing Gibbs and Miller will hurt on the foul line. Gibbs was an 85% foul shooter who seemed to make all the big FTs. Miller was I think as 75% foul shooter, which is great for a big man. Still, Adams and Hamilton are great from the line, Purvis was close to an 80% shooter from January on, and it looks like Gilbert shot 77% in high school. We should still should be a really good foul shooting team.

Everyone talks about the improvement of Adams, Hamilton and Purvis for next year as the keys. I really think the inclusion of Gilbert is the key. If he can come in and play like a Kemba or Shabazz as a freshman, this team takes off. I say that because if they have another ball handler who can get to the rim, finish, and more importantly set up his teammates, than Ollie's offense will run more effectively. Purvis will be open on the wings. Adams as well. And he will be able to get the ball to Hamilton in spots where he can be most effective.

Losing Miller will end up being a bigger deal than losing Gibbs. Enoch really needs to improve. Facey needs to as well. Larrier will see time at the 4, and by all accounts Ollie has had him in the weight room with this in mind. I agree that Brimah is what he is, and I don't see significant improvement coming. I think Diarra will play more than people think. I am not counting on Durham, and I see him redshirting.

Finally, I think Vance Jackson may have a bigger role on this team than people think, IF he can hit outside shots. This guy is 6'8, and is an outstanding shooter. I understand he has to transition to the college game, but put him on the floor with guys like Adams and Hamilton, and he will get outside looks.

Over the season, Miller was a much more important player than Gibbs. Down the stretch, Gibbs was much more important. Why? Because Miller spent much of the last several games on the bench. I may be crazy but if next year's team manages to NOT PANIC and stay intense, they can overcome the loss of Miller easily, because he played only 20 mins a game when UConn was at its best. Not because they were better without him.

Gibbs on the other hand could handle the ball and he could hit the 3. I think it is difficult to replace 3 point shooters. But we hope we have that with Alterique. Cassell is going to get laying time. I hope he can give the team what Calhoun did, but he has to stop chucking it.

Several people who have watched Vance on this board think he needs to develop a lot more, so we need to tamp down expectations there. Durham will be coming off ACL tears. And if Diarra plays a lot, I'm not sure it would be such a good sign because it will be saying a lot about the lack of development in Brimah, Enoch, Facey. Those 3 are largely going to play the center minutes, with Larrier/DHam playing a lot at the 4.
Aug 26, 2011
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Over the season, Miller was a much more important player than Gibbs. Down the stretch, Gibbs was much more important. Why? Because Miller spent much of the last several games on the bench. I may be crazy but if next year's team manages to NOT PANIC and stay intense, they can overcome the loss of Miller easily, because he played only 20 mins a game when UConn was at its best. Not because they were better without him.

Gibbs on the other hand could handle the ball and he could hit the 3. I think it is difficult to replace 3 point shooters. But we hope we have that with Alterique. Cassell is going to get laying time. I hope he can give the team what Calhoun did, but he has to stop chucking it.

Several people who have watched Vance on this board think he needs to develop a lot more, so we need to tamp down expectations there. Durham will be coming off ACL tears. And if Diarra plays a lot, I'm not sure it would be such a good sign because it will be saying a lot about the lack of development in Brimah, Enoch, Facey. Those 3 are largely going to play the center minutes, with Larrier/DHam playing a lot at the 4.
I think Diarra will be what the most optimistic thought Rak would be: a strong, tough kid who will push and bully our bigs in practice to toughen them, and then emerge as a junior or senior as serious contributor.

As for Vance: I'm not expecting a lot from him next year. I have high hopes for him as a player long term, but freshmen year is tough. People who say he'll be the stretch four instead of Larrier are crazy: Larrier's been in the gym for 2 years more than him, and has gotten up way more reps.

His year at VCU he didn't shoot well, but his stats actually look better than a freshman Daniels:

Terry Larrier
DeAndre Daniels
Aug 26, 2011
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Need to get a much better big guy down low. The starting 5 can't gel if the big guy can't catch, shoot, or rebound consistently. This forces desperation shots as the clock is winding down, which seems to have occurred on a regular basis the past two seasons. D-Ham was showcased this year, but for the reason I stated he couldn't really show what he is capable of on a regular consistent basis.

Enoch is the big guy.

Mau is right that the concern with him is defense, but if you need a presence down low, watch him. He establishes position much better than Miller. No one throws it into him but he gets his spot down low and seals his man well. Miller had a nice post-up game, but he struggled to get his position. He would start way out and back in. It was effective, but you could also see the offense stagnating because it was a real struggle for him to establish position to be fed the ball. Enoch is already much better at this than Shonn. Now, this doesn't mean that Enoch can score like Shonn. I don't think he can. But if Enoch can draw double teams and then pass out of the post, you might actually find the offense opens up much more than with Shonn. I always thought it was a big struggle just getting the ball to Shonn at all. And it was because of Gibbs' ability to pass and Shonn's to find position.
Aug 26, 2011
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I don't see Brimah and Enoch both starting. They are the only real big men we have. I hope Facey comes back stronger and more improved. He could be a surprising key. Watching yesterday's game really drove home the point that between scheme and ability we are a brutally poor offensive team. When we are not shooting well we get behind big because we have no second chance opportunities. How many times in the game did one of our guards miss a shot and there was literally not one of our players in the lane or in any position to try for a rebound.
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