We just had a guy buried on the depth chart who surprisingly gave us some major league QB play and he's got three more years of eligibility. That isn't good enough for you? He's not Cam Newton or Flutie, but he might be Chad Pennington. The Supreme Being answered your prayers and you missed it. Pray for forgiveness Pollyanna.
Nowhere did I use the word "pray." I used "beg."
Wow, you're protective of CC. If our linebackers reacted as quickly as you to perceived CC slights, we'd have the country's best defense. If the staff decides CC's the best, so be it. I hope he's 13 and zero. I do think his reaching out to CW indicates that BD isn't sold on any of the QB's.Wishing for a Manziel/Newton clone is not a criticism of CC, by the way. Hell, I wish we had an All American at every position.
Finally, as a Jet's fan, Chad Pennington is one of my favorites. And you're correct. CC seems to have many of the same attributes.