Starting Line-up is Broken | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Starting Line-up is Broken

Feb 20, 2021
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Not sure if it’s broken but Hurley needs to do a better job of managing lineups situationally, When you’re down 7 points with a few minutes left in a rock fight like we were last night you’re not gonna comeback with virtually no shooting threats on the floor. Especially when Andre is foul happy like he was last night.
I agree on the end of game strategy but Chief takes the position we set-up losing the game early. The poor shooting starting lineup sets the table for poor shot selection, guys making wild drives, foul trouble that reduces minutes for guys we need on the floor to win. The sad part is our guys end up not trusting each other. Watching it unfold Chief can understand why but that mindset won’t produce wins against good teams.
Aug 27, 2011
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I mean I’m in the Hawkins park too but imagine if for Whaley how easy the other team will score. I mean that difference is huge. Don’t think we have a viable enough answer to make a change although we should.

Agree on Samson no doubt. No reason not to for so many factors none more so than next year and the future.
Ok, if Whaley is going to continue to start, change the offense then. Sanogo down low with Whaley and Jackson as three point shooters is an awful offense. Whaley is a good passer and can be more effective down low with putbacks, rebounds and passes. He’s averaging less than 6 rpg and is shooting 30% from three. You can’t play Whaley and Jackson behind the 3 point line and expect good results.
Mar 4, 2020
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Ok, if Whaley is going to continue to start, change the offense then. Sanogo down low with Whaley and Jackson as three point shooters is an awful offense. Whaley is a good passer and can be more effective down low with putbacks, rebounds and passes. He’s averaging less than 6 rpg and is shooting 30% from three. You can’t play Whaley and Jackson behind the 3 point line and expect good results.
Jackson can hit three’s, with Whaley you’re better off buying a power ball ticket.
Feb 20, 2021
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Yeah I know you hate the hard hedge, you blame it for everything that ever goes wrong with this team. It's a very good defensive strategy despite you constantly saying otherwise
90% of my opening post focused on offense. But, it does adversely impact that due to Sanogo picking up fouls either hedging against guards 25 feet from the basket or running to catch up with the driver. It’s a disaster.
As I said before, Jim made the adjustment away from the pressing as his competition and personnel changed. Hurley is no longer coaching at Wagner where most guys are interchangeable and Bigs are 6-7 not 6-10.
May 15, 2019
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I can't advocate for Gaff starting. A few more minutes maybe. He was decent last night but missed two free throws (almost air balled the first), had a crazy drive to nowhere that resulted in an offensive foul and as @mauconnfan mentioned when he was pressured he did not handle it well. I'm thinking Whaley to the bench for Hawkins. Whaley will still get 22-28 minutes off the bench. Two other things I'd like to see are DH telling AJax if he doesn't look for his offense early in the game he's coming out. How many times is he four feet from the hoop and he makes a two foot pass? Also, I'd like to see Samson get some run. Sanogo's foul issues may continue as teams attack him early in the game and we could plug Samson in there for a couple of minutes each half.
I kinda like the idea of Samson in the game for a little bit because he can really open up the lane by being a stretch 5. Or maybe I'm just a little crazy for thinking that.
Feb 20, 2021
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He has played horrifically in the majority of his minutes in all of the games besides the first half last night. How does that earn you minutes? I mean everyone trying to find excuses by saying he should be an off guard, he’s not this or not that. He’s a damn guard and hasn’t been a good one through most of his 3 years, not at the point or off of it. It’s his 3rd year we should be seeing consistency in a positive manner not just hoping for a few good minutes every 10 games. As soon as they through some pressure on him he came back to earth last night as well. I mean more minutes, heck no unless they become positive.
My suggestion is roll the dice because at least he has the skills and physical potential to provide the answers we need as he did closing out last season. If it doesn’t happen, both he and the team will move on.


Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel
Aug 26, 2011
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Man, the entertainment value of this board is just off the scale. The starting five is broken and has to be changed. But our bench is not deep enough and should be playing starter minutes??? Jackson can't score the ball, needs to improve his handle, and won't look for his shot, but he's the best player on the court. Gaffney is a waste and Diggins should be getting his minutes, but Gaffney needs to be starting alongside Cole. Sanogo's a beast, but he keeps forcing play under the basket and turning it over. The coach doesn't know what he's doing, obviously can't recruit, and is too emotional on the sidelines leading to technicals. He's right on target, though, in bringing us back to relevance and top 25 stature.

God, I love you guys!!!


Mid range white knight
Sep 5, 2011
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I think you’re being too critical here. Prior to his injury he never passed. Since coming back he does make some passes but the guys he passes to throw up bricks. He had a beautiful dish to Cole in the corner for three. Another time he hit Whaley perfectly, but he bricked a 3. Another time his only option was Jackson, whom he had no trust in, so Sanogo forced it into a double team and turned it over. He is making an effort to pass lately but his options at times are so dreadful that he forces it instead.
I would like to see him make those passes regardless because it's just good offense. Make the defense work and move. Try to do it with better timing too I'd say as sometimes he passes it too late. If he was capable of being a good passer out the post it would be a lot easier to run our offense through him and make him that much more dangerous. Because he does draw a lot of attention.
Nov 15, 2018
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Another night, we hit the 10 minute mark and have 10-13 points and Sanogo in foul trouble.

Last night Sanogo plays 25 minutes and Whaley 37, that’s a problem as Whaley scores 2 points and goes 1-6. Sanogo collects 11 points, going 3-6.

If we have 5 guys with Isiah’s production, we are scoring 10 -12 points a game as a team. It’s insanity. 2 points in 37 minutes, doesn’t work.

The starting lineup needs to be revamped - At least Gaffney, Hawkins and Polley have the potential to hit some shots. However, Polley can't create on his own and by the time he comes in Sanogo goes to bench with fouls. Therefore, there’s not the collapse defense that would give him and Hawkins space. Meanwhile, we pretend we have a stretch 4.

We need to start:

Yes, there is nothing wrong with going with a hot hand and with this team Chief is not going to pretend I know who he is ahead of time. I do know Gaffney gives us another ball handler and penetrator. Sanogo with the current starting lineup gets straight up doubled - the opponent doesn’t even try to disguise where it is coming from.

We need to run and pressure on defense but not with a 6-10 230 pd guy chasing point guards 25 feet from the basket.

Two PG ball handlers gives us another dimension and makes our offensive less predictable and limited.

As much as we handicap ourselves with the starting lineup opening 10 minutes of Rock Fight, we still almost win. Eliminate that torture and we start beating good teams consistently.
No way on earth Gaffney can start imo. Sanogo, Cole, Martin, Jackson, Hawkins.
Aug 27, 2011
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I think the biggest problem with the construction of this roster is Hurley and staff obviously expected last year’s versions of Polley and Whaley but they’ve both regressed greatly. He has said on multiple occasions that The Big East is very physical and not many teams rely on freshman. It they viewed at least Johnson and Diggins as projects, that means they had championship aspirations for:


Gaffney, Whaley and Polley haven’t been as good or better than last year, Jackson can’t shoot and Hawkins is still developing. I think we need to temper our expectations of this group because they’re too inconsistent and too flawed as a whole. When they run well they can look almost as good as anyone in the country but when forced to slug it out in the half court, it’s an entirely different story.
Sep 1, 2011
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We have the team we have. Gaffney played very well the last 7 games last year. He has been a big disappointment this season to Chief. But, he can dribble, drive and shoot - when he is on his game. If running is your best chance to success and I think it is, you need those skills on the floor.
Dribble? Just pressure him and see what happens. Shoot? The 3 last night was his first since Nov 30. Also, not a good defender.
Aug 26, 2011
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Jackson can hit three’s, with Whaley you’re better off buying a power ball ticket.
Jackson had about 3 games early on he got us excited but until last nights late 3 he’s been horrid. I mean without looking it up I’m thinking he and Whaley are close on % but could be wrong. I know Whaley throws the ball away a ton less than AJ.
Aug 26, 2011
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My suggestion is roll the dice because at least he has the skills and physical potential to provide the answers we need as he did closing out last season. If it doesn’t happen, both he and the team will move on.

Sorry Chief not rolling the dice on him we are mediocre enough. If he can put a few halves together like last nights 1st then maybe but that was the first sense of anything positive at all in ages.
Mar 4, 2020
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Jackson had about 3 games early on he got us excited but until last nights late 3 he’s been horrid. I mean without looking it up I’m thinking he and Whaley are close on % but could be wrong. I know Whaley throws the ball away a ton less than AJ.
Shooting 42.1% for the 2021-2022 season so far from behind the arc according to ESPN stats.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Lineup is Ok, although I think our starters are wearing out.
Aug 26, 2011
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Shooting 42.1% for the 2021-2022 season so far from behind the arc according to ESPN stats.

My bad he’s shooting better than I thought had a great start since then no difference between he and Whaley. Neither of them take them when open so that’s all you need to know about confidence. He shoots better from 3 than 2 yikes.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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I think this team needs Whaley in the starting lineup, he does so many unnoticeable things on the floor that others simply don't. AJ is not the answer at the 2 or the 3 - great athlete but he is not a basketball player - not now
It is concerning that your best big player, Sanogo, goes into a mental funk when he isn't scoring and takes plays off and doesn't rebound. He also continues to swallow the ball when double teamed more than not, this hurts the team and all teams will do so until he and DH decide that must change.
It is concerning when your PG has 3 assists - Whaley tied RJ with team high 3 assists.
I have argued that Martin should have the ball more and he did yesterday but at times he forced things way too much.
Gaff had some shining moments yesterday but has done so in the past - he is not the answer
Polley, for a 5th year player, is mind blowing. The guy is tall, has some bulk but refuses to get physical and his defense is meek.
Hawkins takes a lot of crap from BYers - he is 18 yo and is not physically mature. He will get abused by bigger and smarter players but he will apply muscle and weight in the right places and he will become a star. That being said he still needs PT and yesterday as well as against Marquette, he is very mobile and comes off hard the quasi screens but rarely do the ball handlers get the ball to him. They dribble with their heads down or tunnel vision busy trying to find a hole to dribble to hoop and trouble.

All the freshmen should have seen much more PT in the early season as well as at least appearances in most every game so far- 3 to 5 minutes isn't going to kill the team but will do wonders for these kids mental attitude and comfort levels. DH has to learn to put his faith behind his recruits or kids will start to stay away.

I would start
Cole - spelled by Sool
Hawkins - spelled by Gaff
Martin - spelled by Polley
Whaley - spelled by AJ/Akok
Sanogo - spelled by Johnson

Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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The spacing a Polley -Sanogo front court creates helps both players and the team so much. You don’t have to guard Whaley unless he’s a foot from the hoop and even then he’s 50/50.

I like a lineup of


4 guys who can hit a 3 and back to the basket god. Our current lineup has 2 guys who are offensive nonentities
I meant



Old Member
Aug 26, 2011
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Jackson is a terrible scorer. He plays a scorers position and doesn’t score. I know a pull up game is not the modern thing. but it should be his thing. Another even 6 - 8 points from him would make a boat load of difference in a close game and open more room for drives and better passing angles off the drive.

Beyond that and our totally off or totally on jump shooters, this league is really tough. You can critique almost every coach in the league the way Hurley gets critiqued.
Feb 25, 2021
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Shooting 42.1% for the 2021-2022 season so far from behind the arc according to ESPN stats.
Most of his 3s are wide open cuz teams sag off him and double the post. He can hit the wide open set 3 as ugly as it looks… that’s about it for his offensive arsenal. He has no midrange game… no floater… and frankly has a hard time making layups unless it’s a wide open dunk. He’s shooting 35% in BE play FG%. I wish he would develop a pull up or a floater cause he has a fast first step. Hopefully that will come next year.
Aug 25, 2011
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Good but certainly not an impressive starting 5. Sadly the bench does not have any 'certified' challengers to any of these positions.

Of all the UConn teams, particularly our good teams this group is as unexciting as they come. It seemingly is built for rock fights with 'Showtime' not an option. I often wonder with these gazelles (all can run) and high flyers, why do we play so freakin slow?

Also no outside shooting other than Cole and Martin. There's only one inside scorer who requires to be fed. AJ and Whaley are practically non existent on offense, and when Martin disappears we often only have 2 scorers on the floor.

So yes I think Hawkins should be given AJ's spot and see if that brings the added offensive punch we need. Without that threat we often appear boring as hell and worse, prone to scoring challenges.

Feb 20, 2021
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Dribble? Just pressure him and see what happens. Shoot? The 3 last night was his first since Nov 30. Also, not a good defender.
He closed out last season playing as good as anyone on the team except Sanogo. He has potential, which has not been on display this year. I just don’t see who else can handle the ball?
And again I included Hawkins and Polley in starting 5 consideration.
The bottomline the current starting 5 is not working for us after being tried for numerous games. Time to move on and try something different.
If you think Whaley standing on the 3 line scares the heck out of the opposition - continue as is.
Aug 26, 2011
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Yeah I know you hate the hard hedge, you blame it for everything that ever goes wrong with this team. It's a very good defensive strategy despite you constantly saying otherwise
Not disputing what you say, but something is wrong with defense as opponents seem to drive, get cleaner looks at basket than UConn does. I watch hard hedges and don't see it hurting most times. Not sure I would catch more of the subtle issues where rotations to cover guys breaks down because of this.
My overall comment would be sure seems like opponents can take advantage of individual defensive lapses more by going against individual UConn defenders a lot.
Offense is more of the issue (which includes weak turnovers and not finishing when have driving advantage). Win games where shoot well, like most good teams, but Polley and Hawkins take some hard 3 pointers and AJ and Whaley turn down too many offensive opportunities that make the subsequent shot taken harder than what they passed up.
Feb 20, 2021
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I think this team needs Whaley in the starting lineup, he does so many unnoticeable things on the floor that others simply don't. AJ is not the answer at the 2 or the 3 - great athlete but he is not a basketball player - not now
It is concerning that your best big player, Sanogo, goes into a mental funk when he isn't scoring and takes plays off and doesn't rebound. He also continues to swallow the ball when double teamed more than not, this hurts the team and all teams will do so until he and DH decide that must change.
It is concerning when your PG has 3 assists - Whaley tied RJ with team high 3 assists.
I have argued that Martin should have the ball more and he did yesterday but at times he forced things way too much.
Gaff had some shining moments yesterday but has done so in the past - he is not the answer
Polley, for a 5th year player, is mind blowing. The guy is tall, has some bulk but refuses to get physical and his defense is meek.
Hawkins takes a lot of crap from BYers - he is 18 yo and is not physically mature. He will get abused by bigger and smarter players but he will apply muscle and weight in the right places and he will become a star. That being said he still needs PT and yesterday as well as against Marquette, he is very mobile and comes off hard the quasi screens but rarely do the ball handlers get the ball to him. They dribble with their heads down or tunnel vision busy trying to find a hole to dribble to hoop and trouble.

All the freshmen should have seen much more PT in the early season as well as at least appearances in most every game so far- 3 to 5 minutes isn't going to kill the team but will do wonders for these kids mental attitude and comfort levels. DH has to learn to put his faith behind his recruits or kids will start to stay away.

I would start
Cole - spelled by Sool
Hawkins - spelled by Gaff
Martin - spelled by Polley
Whaley - spelled by AJ/Akok
Sanogo - spelled by Johnson
I understand your points but I didn’t even think Isiah’s defense was good recently. I like both Tyler and Isiah as people, but they have not made that extra 5th year special yet and the clock is clicking.
It’s like a relationship - the first team’s chemistry is really bad - it’s not so much pointing figures at someone - but shaking things up to see if something works better. We don’t know if we don’t try to do that.
Feb 20, 2021
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Not disputing what you say, but something is wrong with defense as opponents seem to drive, get cleaner looks at basket than UConn does. I watch hard hedges and don't see it hurting most times. Not sure I would catch more of the subtle issues where rotations to cover guys breaks down because of this.
My overall comment would be sure seems like opponents can take advantage of individual defensive lapses more by going against individual UConn defenders a lot.
Offense is more of the issue (which includes weak turnovers and not finishing when have driving advantage). Win games where shoot well, like most good teams, but Polley and Hawkins take some hard 3 pointers and AJ and Whaley turn down too many offensive opportunities that make the subsequent shot taken harder than what they passed up.
You are right, the subtle 2 rotations later is where we get beat. Sometimes a foul will make it happen earlier.

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