OK, I got a real treat for you folks who might be interested in a sexy female group that sings in Russian. In the early 2000s the singers in the group were actually Ukrainians and not Russian, a common mistake made by some fans. The group survives to this day..they just keep replacing gals with new, younger singers. I'm sure that over time at least some were Russian nationals as well as Ukrainian. The name of the group was and still is ВИА Гра inside Ukraine. Outside Ukraine it was known as Nu virgos. If you know any Russian, the cyrillic letters ВИА Гра translate into Via gra

From wikipedia: "
Nu Virgos (
Ukrainian: ВІА Гра) was the name used to promote the musical group
VIA Gra (ВИА Гра) outside of Ukraine and other nearby countries. The name
VIA Gra is a triple
wordplay: it is an allusion to the drug
Viagra, also the first three letters "ВІА" ("VIA") stand for "vocal-instrumental
ensemble" in
Ukrainian, and "Гра" ("hra") means "game" or "play" in
Ukrainian..." Since everyone seems to post only 1 youtube video per reply, I will do the same unless they also have an English version of the same song. Then for clarity I will post the Russian and English versions in the same post. So here goes...I will start with "Stop Stop Stop" which is a song reflecting the work of Sigmund Freud. The first is the Russian version and the second is in English. The 3 gals singing in the English version are hotter than the 3 singing in Russian. The hotter gals are part of the original or near original Ukrainian ensemble. The back and forwards arrows allow you to toggle between the 2 videos. To confuse matters, it appears other videos are linked to these 2, so you might have to pause or stop manually.