The start of the play was Polley/Gaffney 2 man game, see if any advantage can be created. Hall switched it, so next action (the real plan) was 5-out post entry to Sanogo. Sanogo came over to screen Martin's man, but his man wasn't covering him all that tightly so he didn't even need to set the pick. Martin flashed, caught, and looked for the dump down. Obiagu was slightly fronting, so either by play design or by choice, Sanogo tried to setup a lob instead of a deep post.
Here's where it breaks down. Obiagu is pretty massive, so it took a couple seconds for Sanogo to move him out of position to have space for the catch. Unfortunately, Jackson is 0 threat from 3, and so his man helped way off, and the time it took Sanogo to move Obiagu allowed AJax's defender to have both feet in the lane and in position to pick off or deflect any lob. Not to mention it would have been a tough pass just from Obiagu's length.
In a team where Jackson is any kind of shooter, you make the cross court pass and he makes the wide open shot to win. But that's not our personnel.
So then Martin thinks drive with 8 seconds left. He calls for Sanogo pick (agree with
@Ricker that he called for the pick, didn't waive him off), and might even have been thinking find Sanogo on the short roll. Smart to get Obiagu into space. Sanogo rolls immediately, and Obiagu does a really nice job of doubling by sliding to baseline to cut off Martin. Martin tries to protect the ball to get the pass off, but his man reacts well, strip, over.
It's not a genius play, but it's not like we called nothing. We tried to get it to our best player. We had run a different Sanogo play last play, so this was likely not our top play. They had a pretty good defensive option with Obiagu and to me the big problem is that Jackson didn't actually create the space we needed. He tried sliding up to maintain the pass angle and try to draw his man up, but there was just no respect there. One possible action would be to have Jackson set a flare screen for Polley on the far wing to take advantage of his man playing so far off. Would be a tough cross court look from Martin with all of Hall's height/length, so ideally it would have been timed with Martin driving right into the middle of the paint, but unfortunately he prefers driving left. The pieces don't really fit.