Some thoughts on the upcoming season | The Boneyard

Some thoughts on the upcoming season

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Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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Well we're not to far away from another great season of UConn WCBB.

We have....... the nucleaus of our team coming back with only one senior in Tiff. With that said we will have a nucleaus coming back for the next 4-5 years.

We have...... one of the best post players in the country in Stef . After seeing what Tina did againest Griner I cant wait to see what Stef does againest Griner. Stef has Genos experience and coaching which I believe will make a big impact, just like it did for Tina.

We have Bria with experience this season and not playing the point. This is a major key for us. It gives us another outside shooter and penetrator.

We have ...... 3 guards who will be effective at the point. Caroline if healthly, BB and Bria. No other team has that and with 2 of them on the floor at the same time we will be more effective running our offense .

Having Stef is big. She will be a presence underneath and draw alot of attention when she gets the ball. Being a great passer will only make our offensive thrive. Being a great foul shooter will only make defenses crazy trying to guard her. Stef will be the difference imo this season with alot of balanced support.

Although we have graduated Maya we have more balance and more experience then last season. We are still young however we have defense and height. Last season our defense was good this season it will be even better.

We will be a team that opposing defenses will have to guard the perimiter on and they will have to have good perimiter and help defense. We have height underneath with the ability to go high low or just go big. We have options this season that we didnt have last season. Last season our option was Maya and we beat some pretty good teams. This season we have more options.

IMO we are the team to beat because we play as a team on both sides of the ball. We have better chemistry then most teams and that will be tested againest some of the top teams in the country. Baylor imo is number 2 and although we play them at Baylor I still feel we will win that game. My top teams preseason are UConn Baylor Stanford and ND (twice) during the regular season. We may not be ranked number one in the polls because of our SOS being so much tuffer then most teams but we will again be the team to beat. Our OCC schedule and our BE schedule are second to none.

UConn will be in the FF this season and the next 4. Of course I hope I dont have to preface this with the big IF there are no injuries or transfers. That imo should be understood. GO HUSKIES
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