Some Late Game Review | The Boneyard

Some Late Game Review

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Aug 26, 2011
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Just critiquing some of our late game possessions, and (other than the last 4.4), the biggest agony was the stepback Cassell took with 1:30 left. Texas totally - and I mean totally - lost Boat on that play. Boat drove and found Cassell in the corner, Cassell (who had just missed a 3 on a ball reversal from Hamilton after a Boat kickout) up faked, dribbled into the stepback and Boat fanned out to the three-point line all by his lonesome. Holland was under the basket 20 feet away after apparently switching, only nobody else was in on the switch. It honestly wasn't a bad look for Cassell, but more court awareness and we get a wide open three from our best player.

Our other looks in our late drought weren't too bad. Boat's drives were great chances, just a bit unlucky (fell off the front rim the first time, damn close to goaltending the second time). Brimah's lefty jump hook in the paint was a good post move without the finish (the airball on the other side was yeesh). Hamilton would have had a good look at a 3 and gave Cassell a better look at his 3, which really was close to going in and rattled out. Boat had a pretty good, but not great look at a 3 (a big was flying out at him) after he kicked it to an open Samuel twice earlier in the possession, which was a dead end. The shot was right on line and front rimmed it giving it a little extra arc (would have put us up 8). Any one of those shots might go in on a different day. On the boards, we were unlucky - I didn't like the Facey over the back call (the Texas player jumped back into him and the contact was pretty much incidental), Boat was just a smidgen late trying to swipe the ball back out and they could have let that one go, since the Texas guy came down with possession anyway, and Brimah got tied up after getting to another board where it might have been a quick held ball (but Brimah has to be better at securing that one to himself).

The game-winning three it's honestly hard to tell if we were supposed to switch that. Hamilton played as if he was expecting a switch, but Boat was in ball denial on the high side of his man (Holland) and got his arms locked with him a bit, so Holland didn't even really set the screen on Hamilton - Boat essentially set the screen (and rolled his ankle). It turned into a play where one guy screened two men, even in their wildest dreams in their play design, Texas couldn't have hoped it would work out that well. My best guess is that, to the degree anyone was to blame, Boat was too intent on ball denial and just got accidentally caught in a position where he couldn't switch (and rolled his ankle before he could make a desperation fly by). I prefer that explanation, because the others are that we didn't know what we were supposed to do on defense after two timeouts, or that Hamilton quit on the play.

Incidentally, if Texas didn't have a timeout left, Boat probably would have won that game with his defense. He aggressively covered the entire Texas backcourt on a dribble weave and they were going nowhere - it looked like the end of the Kentucky game last year.
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Aug 26, 2011
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He hadn't been making 3's so he made a move for his shot, which is the step back and it looked fine to me. He missed a lot of shots and that one wasn't any better/worst.

I was also fine with Brimah's left-hander what I am not fine with is when he's ready to go he's going, there's no backing out and looking for the open guy. We need an inside out game!

Boat should have and possibly would have had the corner on the switch if he didn't roll over DHam's ankle. May or my not have gotten there on time but they did play awful D on that all around minus Brimah closing on Holmes. If you watch it I am still unsure whether Holmes wanted to shoot it or dump it down. I know he made it but how many jumpers are you shooting from 3 like a runner?
Aug 26, 2011
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He hadn't been making 3's so he made a move for his shot, which is the step back and it looked fine to me. He missed a lot of shots and that one wasn't any better/worst.

In a bubble, that shot was fine. He had Feliz (smaller defender) on him and got into the step back, which I figure is one of his favorite shots (it was a Sam Sr. special). The agony on the re-watch was that it isn't often you can expect your best player to be completely unguarded.

Of course, for all his strengths, Boat isn't necessarily an automatic three-point shooter so it isn't like we missed a guy open for a layup.


Storrs, CT The Mecca
Aug 26, 2011
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these are all learning experiences for these kids... boat is the only one with experience... the team is young and inexperienced, they'll watch tape and be told what they're doing's fixable, it's not like they aren't talented... offensively yesterday we passed up too many open shots... they would beat their man get to the free throw line and instead of shooting, they would look to pass, also you can tell not having purvis and omar hurt against the zone because hamilton couldnt stay at the free throw line, he had to come out on the perimeter which left facey and nolan in the middle... the biggest thing i took away from the game was the transition defense, it was not that good, many easy uncontested layups... also the pick and roll defense, other than boat it seemed no one fought to get around or through they had time for most of their threes... it's going to take sometime for the team to gel and know their roles, we haven't had a healthy squad all season... imo texas was not better than us, we let way too many easy layups and threes happen, need to fix the defense and the offense will come, especially when we're healthy... boat always played as the second guy on the team while bazz was there, he wasn't the point, this is new to him as well and i think he's doing fine
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Aug 26, 2011
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Actually, if I had read the news before I posted, Jacobs talked to all parties involved. They were indeed supposed to switch. Boat (imo) was a little too aggressive in ball denial on the high side for a switching defense, and then the ankle roll prevented him from a late contest. I feel like Boat flying late at a 6-7 shooter would have been a bad recipe anyway - he would have needed to be there on the catch to force a difficult shot. But to the degree there was human error, it was a case of trying too hard (to deny his man the ball), which makes for a sucky way to lose a game, but I think you can live with it and learn from it.


Aug 24, 2011
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He hadn't been making 3's so he made a move for his shot, which is the step back and it looked fine to me. He missed a lot of shots and that one wasn't any better/worst.

I was also fine with Brimah's left-hander what I am not fine with is when he's ready to go he's going, there's no backing out and looking for the open guy. We need an inside out game!

Boat should have and possibly would have had the corner on the switch if he didn't roll over DHam's ankle. May or my not have gotten there on time but they did play awful D on that all around minus Brimah closing on Holmes. If you watch it I am still unsure whether Holmes wanted to shoot it or dump it down. I know he made it but how many jumpers are you shooting from 3 like a runner?

It was hard to see on the final shot by TX, but I could not understand why Boat seemed to try to go between his man and dham, blocking dham from getting around the screen. It seemed like he should have gone to the right to block the TX guy from going toward the baseline.
Jan 26, 2014
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article in today newspaper with olliewood simply saying players need to spend more time in gym on their own in addition to formal practices to improve shooting; saying if student athletes are not studying they need to be shooting j's to improve %'s

i guess sledteam has no formal shooting instructor which can be inferred from these comments

it is laughable the advice that was given with the obvious problems current unidimensional roster has in terms of shot rotation, release points, release in general in regards to finger tip release, cup palm release and all poor methods in between, overall shot form, elevation on shot, lean in vs fade away issues, squaring up issues, arc on shot issues, stationary vs on the move shooting issues not to mention whole frontline is a proven nonshooting contingent with exception of Lubin and it appears he wont be given much run

does anyone on staff have any shooting prowess? ricky moore,not; freeman, not much, ollie,not; hobbs,not much; little white gi, i doubt it; did i miss anybody?

olliewood is basically saying practice all you bad, poor and ineffective shooting habits and you will improve=joke
Sep 7, 2011
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To add a little to the discussion all 3 refs were Big 12 and Derosa is also AAC. Pollars also did the WVA loss.:(
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