So What's Been The Oddest Statement On The Boneyard This Season | Page 2 | The Boneyard

So What's Been The Oddest Statement On The Boneyard This Season

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Aug 27, 2011
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Yes anyone who uses evidence to disagree with you is 'pathetic'. Certainly starting passive aggressive threads isn't 'pathetic' at all

First, relax. It's your position that's pathetic--not you. Secondly if you call this thread "passive aggressive" you must live in a pretty naive world. This is simply an animated discussion among passionate fans who happen to disagree. I'm heading for Birmingham today. That's where fans get passive aggressive.
Aug 27, 2011
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First, relax. It's your position that's pathetic--not you. Secondly if you call this thread "passive aggressive" you must live in a pretty naive world. This is simply an animated discussion among passionate fans who happen to disagree. I'm heading for Birmingham today. That's where fans get passive aggressive.

His position is like mine: We are very talented at some positions, not so talented at others, and very GREEN in some cases where we do have talent. BTW, we both recognize that the coaching, while much better, isn't perfect. I would also add that some players don't get it even if they are coached up on something 100 times, which is on them, not the coaches.

Please explain to me what is pathetic about that point of view.

And here is one more for you - there is a team on the other side of the ball. Most of those teams had higher rated recruiting classes than we did (hard to be lower rated to be sure). Now we all know that ratings aren't everything, but you act like it is crazy to think that some other teams might actually have more talent than we do.
Aug 26, 2011
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Wow ... I thought I had learned not to go this way in a post. You clearly haven't.

I do have one bone to pick with the Yard ... when you start identifying PATHETIC ... that's when one of another of you often (some with frequency) stated that UConn was a "Bad" football team this season.

Why are you a fan? Do you really want to grovel in the excrement. I could see early this year that we were better. A "Rising" Program ... and isn't that an exciting place to be. Why label Diaco's team "Bad" ... from early on. We are a bowl team now; and that won't make me say that we are a "Good" team. It does give me hope. I think I found that Diaco really had talent to de-construct a Team/Program and rebuild. I think that places us as something we all ought to be happy to look for this next game and how we come into next year.

Also, I have a tough time understanding how one particular guys says the Coaches planned to "lose".
Aug 27, 2011
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Yeah. You're clearly trolling. No possible way you can believe this.

I do believe it. I believed Nick Williams was an underused slot receiver. I believed Ryan Griffin should have started over John Delahunt. That Marcus Easly had talent. That Byron Jones was not given the credit deserved here --when he was healthy. I recall folks here saying Nick W couldn't play in the NFL. I disagreed and was called a troller then. Here's my take. We have lots of talented players on this team. The fact that you and a few others don't want to recognize that is your problem not mine.
Aug 27, 2011
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I do have one bone to pick with the Yard ... when one of another of you often (some with frequency) stated that UConn was a "Bad" football team this season.
Also, I have a tough time understanding how one particular guy says the Coaches planned to "lose".
Not sure who you're referencing here Pudge. I never called this a bad football team. Just the opposite. And there's a huge difference between saying coaches "planned to lose" and saying coaches "planned not to lose". But within a contentious thread it might be good to identify the people you are calling out.
Aug 27, 2011
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I do believe it. I believed Nick Williams was an underused slot receiver. I believed Ryan Griffin should have started over John Delahunt. That Marcus Easly had talent. That Byron Jones was not given the credit deserved here --when he was healthy. I recall folks here saying Nick W couldn't play in the NFL. I disagreed and was called a troller then. Here's my take. We have lots of talented players on this team. The fact that you and a few others don't want to recognize that is your problem not mine.

My position is that we were a better football team than Nova, Army, UCF, ECU, and Tulane. Mizzou is probably better than us but it's close. We were not, this year, in 2015, better than BYU, USF, Cincy, Navy, Houston, and Temple. I don't think that's all that controversial nor is it saying that we don't have talent. But you are trolling anyways and don't want to have an honest discussion because if you did, you'd start by calling for Diaco's head. But maybe that would upset some of the crowd that you roll with.


Aug 26, 2011
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Nostical - starting this thread was a way for you to say look at me I'm right. There's no other reason to start it.

The thing is you are trying to claim that your opinion is fact. You've concluded that we have unsurpassed talent and guaranteed wins multiple times... And found reasons each time it didn't come true that didn't include your preconceived notion of talent.

The fact that we aren't as talented as Bama doesn't make us negative haters. It's simple truth.

This team is loaded with sophs and frosh that haven't reached their potential yet. If you want to go on believing that a team this raw was ready to run the table, that's on you. It's very illogical though. And that is not contrary to my belief that we do have talent in SOME areas. But not all. And certainly not a level of depth that we need to make a real run. You are projecting out your beliefs of where their talent eventually will be without giving them a chance to get there.
Aug 27, 2011
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We were not, this year, in 2015, better than BYU, USF, Cincy, Navy, Houston, and Temple. I don't think that's all that controversial nor is it saying that we don't have talent.

Who ever said we were "better"? Navy and Cincy beat us. No doubt. We beat Houston. No doubt. We should have beaten Mizzou and USF. No doubt. We were in position to have beaten BYU. No doubt. Our game plan vs Temple given our roster injuries was misguided in my view.
And here's my final statements here which you can happily disagree with. We have a talented team. I wouldn't trade our roster for Temple's.
Aug 27, 2011
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I do believe it. I believed Nick Williams was an underused slot receiver. I believed Ryan Griffin should have started over John Delahunt. That Marcus Easly had talent. That Byron Jones was not given the credit deserved here --when he was healthy. I recall folks here saying Nick W couldn't play in the NFL. I disagreed and was called a troller then. Here's my take. We have lots of talented players on this team. The fact that you and a few others don't want to recognize that is your problem not mine.

Nobody disagrees with the bolded statement. We do have lots of talented players on this team. We also have some subpar ones. That you are unwilling to acknowledge that, and when you do you only blame the coaches for it, harms your credibility.

BTW - this board loved Griffin, Williams, and Easley. Most of the talk, however, was that having 2 or 3 guys that are lower echelon NFL talent on an offense doesn't mean squat when you have a D2 QB running the show. Someone needs to put the ball in their hands. And someone needs to block.
Aug 27, 2011
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Who ever said we were "better"? Navy and Cincy beat us. No doubt. We beat Houston. No doubt. We should have beaten Mizzou and USF. No doubt. We were in position to have beaten BYU. No doubt. Our game plan vs Temple given our roster injuries was misguided in my view.
And here's my final statements here which you can happily disagree with. We have a talented team. I wouldn't trade our roster for Temple's.

Nobody would trade our roster for Temple's TODAY - given that they lose half their team and our team is so young. Of course you've completely missed the point.

On the field, at Temple, with the players we had available - we would have lost that game 9 out of 10 times, regardless of the play calling / game plan. Please explain in detail how I'm wrong. At home, at full strength? Game might be a toss up. I would certainly give us a puncher's chance. But you talk as if they were a D3 squad and we should have rolled them, other than for poor coaching.
Aug 27, 2011
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Nobody would trade our roster for Temple's TODAY - given that they lose half their team and our team is so young. Of course you've completely missed the point.

On the field, at Temple, with the players we had available - we would have lost that game 9 out of 10 times, regardless of the play calling / game plan. Please explain in detail how I'm wrong. At home, at full strength? Game might be a toss up. I would certainly give us a puncher's chance. But you talk as if they were a D3 squad and we should have rolled them, other than for poor coaching.

I've come to the conclusion that when Nos says he wouldn't trade rosters with Temple today, he is trolling and when pressed, will clarify that he means that he wouldn't trade rosters because we are so young and they are loaded with seniors.

Nos, this is your chance to clarify your statement, because there probably isn't one person on the Yard who would agree that we had a more talented roster than Temple THIS YEAR. Not even your buddy sportsart would agree.

It's clear that he's just trolling us and we are being willing participants.
Aug 30, 2011
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I would like Nos to identify two people on the offensive side of the ball who he thinks is a good or consistent, decent blocker. I'd settle for one.
Aug 27, 2011
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Nobody would trade our roster for Temple's TODAY - given that they lose half their team and our team is so young. Of course you've completely missed the point.

On the field, at Temple, with the players we had available - we would have lost that game 9 out of 10 times, regardless of the play calling / game plan. Please explain in detail how I'm wrong.
You may not be wrong. I simply think you are. I'd rather lose going for broke in that game than playing IMHO not to lose. That's all this is about. And as for trading rosters it's more than just measurables on the field. Let's leave it at that.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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"It's more than just measurables on the field."

Translation: I wouldn't be able to tailgate and be buddy-buddy with the players' parents if we switched rosters.
Aug 24, 2011
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I honestly don't get why some folks here are fans. Of all the things there are to do in life, being a college football fan should be something done largely for fun and excitement. If your idea of fun is wallowing around in piles of , then I guess that speaks more about your options than the football program.

Life's too short.........
Aug 27, 2011
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Translation: I wouldn't be able to tailgate and be buddy-buddy with the players' parents if we switched rosters.

Oh really? What's your level of sacrifice for these players? I can't wait to hear.
Aug 29, 2011
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Should be a flag or tag or something to identify posters that are friends and family of players. A smiley face or something. Should be a different flag or tag for posters that are player family groupies. A radioactive symbol or something.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I honestly don't get why some folks here are fans. Of all the things there are to do in life, being a college football fan should be something done largely for fun and excitement. If your idea of fun is wallowing around in piles of , then I guess that speaks more about your options than the football program.

Life's too short....

Where does stuff like this even come from?

A team that goes 1-5 against bowl teams... noting that other teams just might have better players isn't wallowing in anything. It's just really not being completely insane.
Aug 27, 2011
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Of all the things there are to do in life, being a college football fan should be something done largely for fun.

What's not fun about a spirited back and forth on a freaking blog site?
Aug 27, 2011
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You may not be wrong. I simply think you are. I'd rather lose going for broke in that game than playing IMHO not to lose. That's all this is about. And as for trading rosters it's more than just measurables on the field. Let's leave it at that.

How many out of 10 do you think we would win against Temple, going for broke with Tim Boyle at the helm. I say 1-2. You?


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Oh really? What's your level of sacrifice for these players? I can't wait to hear.

Level of sacrifice? I don't think you have any understanding of the fan-player dynamic. Which makes sense given how your behavior indicates you've completely blurred the line. I watch all the games that are on my cable package on TV, and when I'm not at school I've recently begun putting some of my money into going to the games themselves. I post supportive messages on social media in an effort to get many of my old classmates/friends who attend UConn more aware of the football program and the need to support it. For a fan in my living and financial situation, I don't think there's a hell of a lot more I could be doing...bottom line, I'm not doing any of that because I feel I owe the players any sacrifice. I'm doing it because I enjoy it and I get gratification from being a fan of the program. And the players don't owe me anything either. I know damn well I'm putting my money and time into an entity that involves young athletes who aren't fully developed physically or emotionally. Before you get your undies in a wad, that's not a dig on the players; virtually every student-athlete will be leaving with a stronger body and a better head on their shoulders than the ones they came in with. But bottom line, I don't have any expectation of "owing" or "sacrifice".

But I'm not flipping burgers for their parents, so I guess I'm not worthy of being a fan.
Aug 29, 2011
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I'm very happy this team has gotten through a season to a post season game. At this point in time, this team has one more game together to play.

The program reality is that it can go backwards as quickly as it goes forward after that game. Recruiting, player development on field and off, and coaching and systems development on the field and off, have got to keep improving, if we're going to have a better team next season.
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