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So that happened

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Aug 26, 2011
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Whaler I have to ask. What exactly should our standards be? The team is bad period. They have been bad for three years. What have you been looking at that would make you expect more? I said it last year when the debate over when to fire the coach was raging here. You can change the coach, but it only solves half of the problem. Getting a win is above where my expectations are right now, most games I hope to just be competitive the way this team plays, but to play like crap and win, against anyone, at this point! I'll take it!

Maybe you need to curb your expectations a bit Diaco isn't the next coming of JC and doesn't walk on water, this team needs time, there are going to be many rough spots ahead so you might want to get used to it quickly. And that's not accepting the performance, that's accepting where we currently are.
Aug 29, 2011
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I generally ignore what is said. All that matters is what happens on the field.

But I listen to the postgame in the car on the way home... and it seems impossible but this week was more ridiculous than last week.

He's learning.


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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Whaler I have to ask. What exactly should our standards be? The team is bad period. They have been bad for three years. What have you been looking at that would make you expect more? I said it last year when the debate over when to fire the coach was raging here. You can change the coach, but it only solves half of the problem. Getting a win is above where my expectations are right now, most games I hope to just be competitive the way this team plays, but to play like crap and win, against anyone, at this point! I'll take it!

Maybe you need to curb your expectations a bit Diaco isn't the next coming of JC and doesn't walk on water, this team needs time, there are going to be many rough spots ahead so you might want to get used to it quickly. And that's not accepting the performance, that's accepting where we currently are.

You might be right, but it would mean that my expectations should be so low that UConn would struggle at home against a team that lost to 40 scholarship Bryant last week.

It might not be Diaco's fault. There might be that little talent on the roster that escaping against a mid level CAA team is a good outcome.

Beating Stony Brook is above your expectations and that probably means you are more realistic than I am.

I thought we had moved past clipping the 8th best team in the Colonial at home. I guess that was only temporary.
Aug 26, 2011
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I sat there today and a I said I have no idea what this team is about, what they are good at, or what they are trying to do. They do nothing consistently well, except maybe make frequent substitutions and break any hope of players getting into a groove. We are a bad BCS team which really kind puts us on equal ground IMO with many FCS teams. I have to take the little wins right now or else I'll turn into the guy in 204 who looked like he was one bad play away from punching kids who dared to be enjoying themselves at the game!

EDIT: Watching the Boise St game right now, to quote Clubber Lang when asked for his prediction of the match, "Pain!" We are going to get bitch slapped if we play like we did today!


Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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EDIT: Watching the Boise St game right now, to quote Clubber Lang when asked for his prediction of the match, "Pain!" We are going to get bitch slapped if we play like we did today!

No doubt Boise is going to move the ball against UConn. Having said that, Colorado State lost 31-17 to a Colorado team that just beat UMass 41-38 so it doesn't look like they're very good.

Hopefully this Hedrick character takes some more hits (guy refuses to slide) and will be banged up next week. I think he might have a concussion to be honest. He got lit up earlier.


Aug 26, 2011
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Surely, then, the "win is a win" crowd never took any additional pleasure in beating South Carolina or Notre Dame? After all, those were just wins too right, just like barely eeking past Stony Brook today?


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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No doubt Boise is going to move the ball against UConn. Having said that, Colorado State lost 31-17 to a Colorado team that just beat UMass 41-38 so it doesn't look like they're very good.

Hopefully this Hedrick character takes some more hits (guy refuses to slide) and will be banged up next week. I think he might have a concussion to be honest. He got lit up earlier.

Umm Colorado State beat Colorado.


Probably returning some video tapes...
Aug 25, 2011
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Umm Colorado State beat Colorado.
oops misread their record. Thought it said 0-1. Regardless, watching the game they don't look very good. Boise should still win pretty easily though so it's all a moot point anyways.
Aug 26, 2011
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Not arguing in any way. Diaco called Whitmer's performance wonderful today - so it's going to be a long time before I believe anything he says.

Didn't hear that but if he said it he was either trying to convince Chandler (sad), UConn fans (insulting) or himself (pathetic). Hope he didn't say that or you just took it out of context.
Aug 26, 2011
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Surely, then, the "win is a win" crowd never took any additional pleasure in beating South Carolina or Notre Dame? After all, those were just wins too right, just like barely eeking past Stony Brook today?

How is that even relatable? Those teams were capable of those victories, and many of us expected that level of play because thats where those teams were. THIS team should not have those same expectations IMO becuase they have done nothing that would warrant them. I hate this losing BS but until they show they can elevate their level of play, coaching, schemes etc. my expectation will be that if they can get a win over anyone, I'm throwing a party for the win! (Figuratively) But ultimately right now if they play a competitive game and show consistent improvment and play I will be happy. It just hasn't happened yet and probably won't for some time yet.
Aug 26, 2011
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Didn't hear that but if he said it he was either trying to convince Chandler (sad), UConn fans (insulting) or himself (pathetic). Hope he didn't say that or you just took it out of context.

It was out of context, this response was to being asked about his game management, he didn't shy away from pointing out his mistakes either.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Didn't hear that but if he said it he was either trying to convince Chandler (sad), UConn fans (insulting) or himself (pathetic). Hope he didn't say that or you just took it out of context.

It wasn't really any of the three - it's spectacularly out of context on its on. The larger point...

"I thought [Whitmer] managed the game well," Diaco said. "He was communicative. He was engaging. He never got down on himself. I felt like he kept making the right reads. He was orchestrating things really well. Just an inch here or an inch there or inch here, you know?"

Obviously, he is taking a liberty with the measurements, but you get the gist.
Aug 26, 2011
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It was out of context, this response was to being asked about his game management, he didn't shy away from pointing out his mistakes either.

Thanks Jerry. Going back to what our expectations for this year should be I was fairly optimistic that our new coach would elevate the fitness level, energy level and skill levels of a team that did win their last three games last year against teams arguably not weaker than today's opponent. That and the absence of GDL mucking up the offense should certainly have made us better than a team that easily could have lost today's home game.

We are worse than I thought. The offensive line is more of a project than I thought. And any competitive advantage I might have expected due to better schemes, adjustments or gameplan has proven to be wishful thinking on my part. Still I don't think having those expectations was unrealistic, or expecting our coaches to share them or show a little more urgency and concern. Yesterday we saw a couple of flashes of talent but nothing really coming together for an offense that desperately needs to dominate some team in some facet of the game. If not Stony Brook then who? When?
Aug 26, 2011
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It wasn't really any of the three - it's spectacularly out of context on its on. The larger point...

"I thought [Whitmer] managed the game well," Diaco said. "He was communicative. He was engaging. He never got down on himself. I felt like he kept making the right reads. He was orchestrating things really well. Just an inch here or an inch there or inch here, you know?"

Obviously, he is taking a liberty with the measurements, but you get the gist.

I don't think the orchestration was all that great unless he had him confused with the band leader who was outstanding and hit all of his notes in stride.
Aug 26, 2011
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Thanks Jerry. Going back to what our expectations for this year should be I was fairly optimistic that our new coach would elevate the fitness level, energy level and skill levels of a team that did win their last three games last year against teams arguably not weaker than today's opponent. That and the absence of GDL mucking up the offense should certainly have made us better than a team that easily could have lost today's home game.

We are worse than I thought. The offensive line is more of a project than I thought. And any competitive advantage I might have expected due to better schemes, adjustments or gameplan has proven to be wishful thinking on my part. Still I don't think having those expectations was unrealistic, or expecting our coaches to share them or show a little more urgency and concern. Yesterday we saw a couple of flashes of talent but nothing really coming together for an offense that desperately needs to dominate some team in some facet of the game. If not Stony Brook then who? When?

I'm with you, I was hopeful as well, and in 5 minutes of game one that all disappeared, these guys are being re-taught, re-trained and learning all new schemes. It's unfortunate that we fell as far as we have but it's going to take a lot of time to get the PP/GDL stink off of this team. So for now I have to find little joys and they may not be victories in the W column is all I'm saying. Who knows, maybe it clicks somewhere this season, hell after 0-9 last year I thought we were going winless so you never know!


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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It wasn't really any of the three - it's spectacularly out of context on its on. The larger point...

"I thought [Whitmer] managed the game well," Diaco said. "He was communicative. He was engaging. He never got down on himself. I felt like he kept making the right reads. He was orchestrating things really well. Just an inch here or an inch there or inch here, you know?"

Obviously, he is taking a liberty with the measurements, but you get the gist.

I believe that is from the press conference. Not from the conversation with Joe D and Wayne.
Aug 27, 2011
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fishy, post: 1055830, member: 38"]It wasn't really any of the three - it's spectacularly out of context on its on. The larger point...

"I thought [Whitmer] managed the game well," Diaco said. "He was communicative. He was engaging. He never got down on himself. I felt like he kept making the right reads. He was orchestrating things really well. Just an inch here or an inch there or inch here, you know?"

Obviously, he is taking a liberty with the measurements, but you get the gist.[/QUOTE]
Basically....he didn't execute..


Head Happy Hour Coach
Aug 27, 2011
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I've been accused of taking comments out of context. There will be no transcript of the 1080 postgame - but he said what he said on the radio postgame.
Oct 8, 2011
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Positives: Wain, Puyol, we have an excellent marching band, much improved cheerleaders, our nose tackles, an ugly win is better than an ugly loss, Davis, and my kids wanting to know when they're going again.

Negatives: OL, whitmer's footwork, OL,an overrated secondary, TE, the burning of redshirts, OL, that annoying roar, and the fact that we have no verbals from any OL, sunburn, but the worst thing I took away from the game is the feeling we may never win another game...ever.


Point Center
Aug 27, 2011
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Uconn is one of the 5-10 worst FBS teams right now. I don't know if the 2001 team was this bad.

I agree with Whaler about the crowd. I paid over $100 all in for 2 tickets to that? I should get a medal.
Aug 24, 2011
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Thanks Jerry. Going back to what our expectations for this year should be I was fairly optimistic that our new coach would elevate the fitness level, energy level and skill levels of a team that did win their last three games last year against teams arguably not weaker than today's opponent. That and the absence of GDL mucking up the offense should certainly have made us better than a team that easily could have lost today's home game.

We are worse than I thought. The offensive line is more of a project than I thought. And any competitive advantage I might have expected due to better schemes, adjustments or gameplan has proven to be wishful thinking on my part. Still I don't think having those expectations was unrealistic, or expecting our coaches to share them or show a little more urgency and concern. Yesterday we saw a couple of flashes of talent but nothing really coming together for an offense that desperately needs to dominate some team in some facet of the game. If not Stony Brook then who? When?

Our roster isn't good enough. It doesn't matter that P recruited players who were slightly higher rated than players that Edsall recruited. He did not leave HCBD with the roster that he was left (much less the rosters that Edsall should have been being applauded not for recruiting but for building up, training and developing).

Whether our coaching is good enough remains to be seen, but Urban Meyer would not even win the American with the team HCBD has.
Aug 24, 2011
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Thanks Jerry. Going back to what our expectations for this year should be I was fairly optimistic that our new coach would elevate the fitness level, energy level and skill levels of a team that did win their last three games last year against teams arguably not weaker than today's opponent. That and the absence of GDL mucking up the offense should certainly have made us better than a team that easily could have lost today's home game.

We are worse than I thought. The offensive line is more of a project than I thought. And any competitive advantage I might have expected due to better schemes, adjustments or gameplan has proven to be wishful thinking on my part. Still I don't think having those expectations was unrealistic, or expecting our coaches to share them or show a little more urgency and concern. Yesterday we saw a couple of flashes of talent but nothing really coming together for an offense that desperately needs to dominate some team in some facet of the game. If not Stony Brook then who? When?

Our roster isn't good enough. It doesn't matter that P recruited players who were slightly higher rated than players that Edsall recruited. He did not leave HCBD with the roster that he was left (much less the rosters that Edsall should have been being applauded not for recruiting but for building up, training and developing).

Whether our coaching is good enough remains to be seen, but Urban Meyer would not even win the American with the team HCBD has.
Aug 24, 2011
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Uconn is one of the 5-10 worst FBS teams right now. I don't know if the 2001 team was this bad.

I agree with Whaler about the crowd. I paid over $100 all in for 2 tickets to that? I should get a medal.

The combination of the heat/humidity on top of the level of play in the game (both teams) made that the hardest to watch competitive sporting event that I have ever attended. I would have rather been sitting at a B-level little league game watching 6 walks an inning if it was at least a decent weather day.
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