1. UConn PR isn't JJ's job.
2. In what world is everyone cool with someone possibly discouraging donations to UConn? Specifically, someone who is paid a high salary in a semi-fundraising role? How does that make sense to anyone?
1). It isn't JJ's job. But his article isn't balanced because he's not pointing out all the positives that the players are doing with their charitable endeavors. And that one sided presentation damages the players and JC's reputation. In this forum people are presenting balanced arguments, albeit in multiple posts. I have no problem with people agreeing with JJ. What people may not be realizing is that in their support for JJ, they are inadvertently condemning the players and JC. I don't see any transgression on the part of the players over this issue to join in this bandwagon. The players won't be changing their minds as long as JC holds firm, so joining the JJ bandwagon will only be detrimental to the very thing we are passionate about. We are just piling on the damage. That seems illogical to me!
2.)Not everyone is cool with JC's decision obviously. I can go either way with this discussion because I understand the framework of the various points of view. I would guess that the majority in the Boneyard either cannot understand JC and/or have an unfavorable position regarding his point of view. I would guess that the majority of non passionate fans or non sports fans would be puzzled/and or have a favorable view.
Why the dichotomy? Because most of us have loyalties to that which we are most connected. It is alien for us to think of the kid starving in Zimbobwe to the same degree as someone in our family. We may care about Alzheimers but it becomes personal if someone we are close to develops this affliction. It isn't necessarily that people aren't caring. It just becomes overwhelming for us to think about all the problems in the world, so we become selective.
Why the puzzlement? JC has taken the position that athletes at any school contribute far more to the university than they are compensated. We've debated this point of view, minus JC's position, many times in these forums, with some arguing the players are getting a free ride and that is enough compensation, to those who feel the compensation is inadequate. It comes down to how we value things. There never will be an agreement regarding the value of people.
Nonetheless it is an odd viewpoint on the part of JC to have the guys who have the extra income not offer some of the monies to a cause that would help the players who have are not receiving "adequate compensation" as students. It seems illogical. But is it? Most of us frame things selectively. Hence all the arguments over any issue. Each and every one of us has a different set of factors supporting our opinion and each and every one of us weighs them differently. JC has decided that his athletes have contributed enough and it would be wrong for them, and us, not to acknowledge that. By contributing, or demanding they contribute to the bb program, it would be a statement that their contributions were inadequate.
Edit: Didn't see
@HooperScooper's post before. It appears someone (President Herbst?) has changed JC's stance because that article shows a change of position. I expect big contributions are forthcoming making all these posts redundant.