for the ppl who don't like the bitching and moaning that i and others carry on with, i have to ask-wtf is so good right now that u want to talk about? i mean that in the nicest way possible. uconn is in a meltdown of epic porportions and if u can't see that then god help you. every program in athletics has a problem, even our good ones. thats just insane and shouldn't be tolerated. yet some here want to talk about christmas presents and lolipops. ppl ask me wtf i am smoking here as a funny joke a lot. thats fine all is fun on here, but if i was smoking i wouldn't be so dam angry about everything. your the ppl smoking as u seem happy as about whats going on. we can't even get our brand right on a box of hoodies to sell at bobs. we can't even print our a copy of the last decades geno contract and have him just sign it and change the dam date. we can't beat mid majors in soccer like lindsay lohan can't beat a bad idea. we can't market ourselfs any better then the convenience store down the street from my house with 2 terrorists working it full time. we can't even begin to fiogure out big boy fball or how to actually dig the hole for the pf ahead of time. the list goes on for days. so i ask, there is over 100 negative things crashing down on uconn right now and u want to talk rainbows and championships? thats fine stay positive and talk in only positive threads. but for anyone to wonder why things are so doom and gloom leads me to wonder what your smoking. this place is a huge dumpster fire and so far its been almost a full year and our AD has yet to do 1 thing thats a base hit. seriously, tell me wtf he has done. bleed blue was a failure, i have beaten that to death. i remember last year when ppl here were killing me about a twitter # then we come out with one and its a bs job wiht no thought into it. what a up. scheduleing? ya right. u want to claim hockey upgrade? nice try that was all set before he sat in his seat in march. if u think he walked in here and snapped a finger then i a have beach house in hartford to sell u.
if u can't see why ppl are freaking out, then your blind. and what else is there to talk about? bball? then go to that board, we are in the reloading process with recruits and a great guy in KO, yet even this very important year in our bball history on many levels is getting over taken by the contract issue. its embarassing when certain ppl have been calling for this contract before the season starts and then we are now half way thru and major media heads have basically ripped the schools name to pieces during games about it and still we have nothing. it was supose to be done 2 weeks ago and once again there is a delay. unfucking real. fine then go hang out on the wbball board. they are doing well and thats great. the posters there have no clue whats going on becuase our brandings and marketing at this school is so that they dont know we play other sports or that our actually logo doesn't have a 3rd grade cartoon basketball in the middle of it. they are not worried about genos contract becuase they dont see all the other going on and think wow big problems, they just incocently figure it will get done. lets not talk about the attendance for there games becuase that would look at the ad poorly as result.
the issues are everywhere and its a serious fire, i suspect if u went back the the old scout board u might do well there for the simple fact there aren't any posters so u can keep threeads positive between yourself and the writer who is constantly 2 days late and a recruit star short. enjoy yourself and your rainbows and pots of gold. your school is burning down in the process. drink please!