Small-brained Philly writer at it again with bad bad UConn | The Boneyard

Small-brained Philly writer at it again with bad bad UConn

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Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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Around this time of year in years when UConn is good you can always count on Philly Daily News hack writer John Smallwood to post his usual carp about "Dominating UConn team is bad for women's basketball and taking all interest out of the game and the Huskies have already been anointed for the crown." And yes, HuskyNan has again exposed the evildoer in the daily links, so we know that the troglodytes have ended their hibernation season and will be emerging to once more launch a series of diatribes against UConn and calling for that end-all and be-all to the world's ills -- PARITY. Yes, the parity parties have begun.

While UConn fans celebrate another hard-won visit to the FF in a game that challenged the Huskies to did deep, writers like Smallwood are ignoring everything and have already disposed of the other three #1 seeds in their attempt to belittle everything about the WCBB and the UConn accomplishments. Sure they're flamers who just want to build up their Comments tally, and Smallwood's piece is racking them up this morning. But again you have a writer trying to hide an anti-women's-sports and anti-excellence creed behind the usual call for some unsupported and undefined praise of parity. UConn's victory is predetermined, so nothing is interesting.

Sure, Smallwood became a joke years ago so his descriptions of WCBB as "boring" and "unappealing" have about as much substance as a stand-up routine by a North Korean accountant, but the fact that he and a standard cadre of trogs spill the same bile very year is a disturbing sign of the state of sports journalism at the local levels around the country. If I was an Irish fan, or a Gamec-ock fan, or a Terp fan, I would be even more incensed about these articles than I am as a Husky fan. As the devoted group of writers like Voepel, Hays, Smith, Fagan, and a big group of Northeast-NY writers are working their hardest to demonstrate how "exciting" and "appealing" the battle for the NC is, the termites are always out there telling the fans not to watch because everything is wrapped up in an ugly package.

Still a long long way to go before WCBB starts getting the respect it deserves and the efforts of all the players are highlighted as one of the best stories that is faithfully delivered to the nation in the spring year after year.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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He is still writing? He became so boring and uninspired I stopped reading his slop years ago.


You Talkin’ To Me?
Aug 26, 2011
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Around this time of year in years when UConn is good you can always count on Philly Daily News hack writer John Smallwood
Who? Never heard of him.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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I think it is a little unfair to call John Smallwood a "hack" because of the his stance on one particular issue. I disagree with his stance in this case as I have disagreed with Voepel, Hays, Smith, & Fagan on other specific issues. Smallwood is and has been a good writer.


Andlig Ledare
Aug 24, 2011
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I think it is a little unfair to call John Smallwood a "hack" because of the his stance on one particular issue. I disagree with his stance in this case as I have disagreed with Voepel, Hays, Smith, & Fagan on other specific issues. Smallwood is and has been a good writer.

No, Smallwood has never been a good writer. I live in PA and he is more loathed than almost any writer I know. He practices the lesser art of controversy.


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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I think it is a little unfair to call John Smallwood a "hack" because of the his stance on one particular issue. I disagree with his stance in this case as I have disagreed with Voepel, Hays, Smith, & Fagan on other specific issues. Smallwood is and has been a good writer.
Totally agree.

And the essence of a writer's beliefs on an issue that he has peddled year after year when UConn is good do sum up the person pretty well.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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No, Smallwood has never been a good writer. I live in PA and he is more loathed than almost any writer I know. He practices the lesser art of controversy.
I live in Philly also. To each his own. Plenty of sport writer in the city. Isn't that the point?


Aug 30, 2011
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One has to wonder if his downplay of UConn and WCBB in general would be so vile if the dominant team was Philly based.?.........Say maybe a Temple or Villanova. Maybe he has NOTHING else to say or write about other than to try to tear down someone else's joy.

If Philly fans booed Santa Claus years ago because they were in a foul mood , I can imagine what they would do to a beat writer who poo-pooed a dominant winner for the city.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Maybe he has NOTHING else to say or write about other than to try to tear down someone else's joy.
If Philly fans booed Santa Claus years ago because they were in a foul mood.
John has little else to do this time of year because the Eagles are in the off season. Don't get it twisted, we booed that Santa because he was a horrible Santa not because we were in a bad mood.
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Sep 12, 2011
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I live in Philly also. To each his own. Plenty of sport writer in the city. Isn't that the point?
Where's the brotherly love from this guy? Does he not know where Luigi the UCONN mastermind and Olympic coach is from.
He should embrace the fact we got a guy from Philly driving the woman's basketball world silly. ;)


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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Don't blame Geno and UCONN Smallwood. Start with programs that won't fully support wbb.

Next, AD's need to get on their coaches to up their game. Dayton proved last night it can be done. Listen to Jabir's post game conference and how he talks about creating a culture of winning. Or how when he was at Providence and had Carla Berube as an assistant coach. He constantly picked her brain on how UCONN did things and why.

Get on coaches who don't develop their players.

But I guess Smallwood doesn't want to really research the problem. Easier to blame the beacon.


Et In Hoc Signo Vinces
Nov 13, 2013
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It's just the influence of Fox News, Newsmax, and others on American journalism. Make up whatever you want to, as long as it gets viewers, or in this age clicks. In the post-journ era, it doesn't matter what others say about you, because character no longer exists. What matters is that people are talking about you and noticing you at all. The more often, "the more better." The fifty-cent term for this is narcissism. This also explains something about people using social media who overstate their passions and ideas, then have to beat a retreat when they get more notice than they bargained for. I began working in a radio newsroom at the tender age of 17. I surely didn't know much at that age, but I learned from some good pros. The values they taught me were very different from what I see today. And yes, I could be wrong. That was also one of those "different" values.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Where's the brotherly love from this guy? Does he not know where Luigi the UCONN mastermind and Olympic coach is from.
He should embrace the fact we got a guy from Philly driving the woman's basketball world silly. ;)
Brotherly love is not universal love. If the basis of John's love was the coach being from Philly then John could love ND or South Carolina or UCONN. Dawn, Geno & Muffet are all from philly. I think he distains all WCBB not just UCONN. That doesn't make him "small brained or a hack" IMO.
Aug 15, 2014
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Smallmind or whatever his name is really misses the point of how important a program like UCONN is to thousands of girls/young women that aspire to be somebody. They have set the bar high( along with Tenn before them) for model behavior and outcomes that inspire. He only needs to look in his backyard at a 13 year old, Mone Davis, who at her young age wants to not only go to college but to improve herself so that she can be good enough to make the cut at the best program. Some writers just can't see the big picture.


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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Actually he didn't blame Geno or UCONN. Mostly just said it was boring.
For sure. These guys never demean UConn's quality or really anything much about how UConn plays the game except that the Huskies win too much, so therefore everything about the sport has to be boring. They have no interest in the women's game, so the canard of UConn dominance allows them their opening to dump on the sport. If UConn wasn't at the top, they would just choose the "women are slow and can't dunk" as their patch of smear.

When a team like the Spurs and then the Heat start dominating NBA action for a few years does it make for an excuse to call the sport boring and unappealing? Nah, but there's always some excuse for the trogs to hate WCBB.


Slap me 10
Aug 27, 2011
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Brotherly love is not universal love. If the basis of John's love was the coach being from Philly then John could love ND or South Carolina or UCONN. Dawn, Geno & Muffet are all from philly. I think he distains all WCBB not just UCONN. That doesn't make him "small brained or a hack" IMO.
So? Lots of fans disdain WCBB, even some Husky fans who outside of UConn just moan about how bad the play of the other teams are. Fine, we all have our sports we dislike, and I dislike NASCAR because I see it as a boring waste with a lot of fans who are waiting for the ambulances to come screeching out. I'll admit some of the flips can be pretty amazing, but I'd rather watch gymnastics for that stuff.

What makes you small minded and a hack is the excuses you come up with to write your spew when you feel you need to proclaim your disdain about a sport again and again. Burying WCBB by saying that the top team in it is really good is a sad statement about Smallwood's small mind. Would he have said the same thing about cycling when Armstrong was dominating the action, and before the proof of other aspects of Armstrong's conduct were revealed? Would he say the USA Olympic basketball teams should stay home rather than putting on "boring" shows? It's the reasons that a person gives for their dislikes that are the mark of whether they are small-brained or not, and even being from Philly can't excuse how lame this guy is.


Twisted, but still lovable.
Aug 27, 2011
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It's just the influence of Fox News, Newsmax, and others on American journalism. Make up whatever you want to, as long as it gets viewers, or in this age clicks. In the post-journ era, it doesn't matter what others say about you, because character no longer exists. What matters is that people are talking about you and noticing you at all. The more often, "the more better." The fifty-cent term for this is narcissism. This also explains something about people using social media who overstate their passions and ideas, then have to beat a retreat when they get more notice than they bargained for. I began working in a radio newsroom at the tender age of 17. I surely didn't know much at that age, but I learned from some good pros. The values they taught me were very different from what I see today. And yes, I could be wrong. That was also one of those "different" values.
To be fair, you can add CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC..........all the outlets have their own agenda.


Optimus Prime
Aug 26, 2011
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The writer writes like he enjoys being average and ordinary. At least that's the way I interpret it. Geno aspires to do something great and never lets up. We need more people in this world like Geno. He continually aspires to be better and make his teams better by making his players and the people he comes in contact with better. He doesn't want to be average and ordinary. He's a competitor, at the highest level, and he's a winner. He knows how to win, and what it takes to win. This writer from what he writes has no idea on what it takes to win . If he did he would compliment and give recognition to what Geno has accomplished and built and where he is taking WCBB. At some point WCBB will be at a level where more average fans watch. Geno is building it and other coaches are picking up on it. There are two types of people in the world. Those who think they can and those who think they can't and theyre both right.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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So? Lots of fans disdain WCBB, even some Husky fans who outside of UConn just moan about how bad the play of the other teams are. Fine, we all have our sports we dislike, and I dislike NASCAR because I see it as a boring waste with a lot of fans who are waiting for the ambulances to come screeching out. I'll admit some of the flips can be pretty amazing, but I'd rather watch gymnastics for that stuff.

What makes you small minded and a hack is the excuses you come up with to write your spew when you feel you need to proclaim your disdain about a sport again and again. Burying WCBB by saying that the top team in it is really good is a sad statement about Smallwood's small mind. Would he have said the same thing about cycling when Armstrong was dominating the action, and before the proof of other aspects of Armstrong's conduct were revealed? Would he say the USA Olympic basketball teams should stay home rather than putting on "boring" shows? It's the reasons that a person gives for their dislikes that are the mark of whether they are small-brained or not, and even being from Philly can't excuse how lame this guy is.

Lazy journalism as in investigate before you form an opinion and small minded as in (bias or prejudice) as in forming an opinion without considering facts or even other people feelings are valid criticism of John attitude towards WCBB IMO.
Hack –as when a journalist or professional person twist a set a facts with the intent of causing harm & small brained- as in lacking the mental ability to comprehend, articulate or reason are not valid criticism of John attitude towards WCBB IMO.
Was this “even being from Philly can't excuse how lame this guy is” a slam at Philly, people from Philly or John?
Sep 9, 2011
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Around this time of year in years when UConn is good you can always count on Philly Daily News hack writer John Smallwood to post his usual carp about "Dominating UConn team is bad for women's basketball and taking all interest out of the game and the Huskies have already been anointed for the crown." And yes, HuskyNan has again exposed the evildoer in the daily links, so we know that the troglodytes have ended their hibernation season and will be emerging to once more launch a series of diatribes against UConn and calling for that end-all and be-all to the world's ills -- PARITY. Yes, the parity parties have begun.

While UConn fans celebrate another hard-won visit to the FF in a game that challenged the Huskies to did deep, writers like Smallwood are ignoring everything and have already disposed of the other three #1 seeds in their attempt to belittle everything about the WCBB and the UConn accomplishments. Sure they're flamers who just want to build up their Comments tally, and Smallwood's piece is racking them up this morning. But again you have a writer trying to hide an anti-women's-sports and anti-excellence creed behind the usual call for some unsupported and undefined praise of parity. UConn's victory is predetermined, so nothing is interesting.

Sure, Smallwood became a joke years ago so his descriptions of WCBB as "boring" and "unappealing" have about as much substance as a stand-up routine by a North Korean accountant, but the fact that he and a standard cadre of trogs spill the same bile very year is a disturbing sign of the state of sports journalism at the local levels around the country. If I was an Irish fan, or a Gamec-ock fan, or a Terp fan, I would be even more incensed about these articles than I am as a Husky fan. As the devoted group of writers like Voepel, Hays, Smith, Fagan, and a big group of Northeast-NY writers are working their hardest to demonstrate how "exciting" and "appealing" the battle for the NC is, the termites are always out there telling the fans not to watch because everything is wrapped up in an ugly package.

Still a long long way to go before WCBB starts getting the respect it deserves and the efforts of all the players are highlighted as one of the best stories that is faithfully delivered to the nation in the spring year after year.
Love that line about "as much substance as a stand-routine by a North Korean accountant". Seriously creative! So much truth to people's issues with EXCELLENCE. Instead of let's help everyone get great, it's lets make everyone mediocre. What a battle cry!


Aug 26, 2011
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It's just the influence of Fox News, Newsmax, and others on American journalism. Make up whatever you want to, as long as it gets viewers, or in this age clicks. In the post-journ era, it doesn't matter what others say about you, because character no longer exists. What matters is that people are talking about you and noticing you at all. The more often, "the more better." The fifty-cent term for this is narcissism. This also explains something about people using social media who overstate their passions and ideas, then have to beat a retreat when they get more notice than they bargained for. I began working in a radio newsroom at the tender age of 17. I surely didn't know much at that age, but I learned from some good pros. The values they taught me were very different from what I see today. And yes, I could be wrong. That was also one of those "different" values.

Interesting you should only mention the above news media - What about ABC's Brian "I was there" Williams, NBC's, manipulation of sound bites and scientific testing for their own agenda, etc.. Perhaps you have an agenda also ?
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