Shuffle the deck to spark the Offense | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Shuffle the deck to spark the Offense

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Aug 28, 2011
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It's because the players came out flat.
That's not a good sign... The "it's not how you start it's how you finish" mindset with the bend but don't break defense with the conservative playcalling in a close game late (after you started out slow in the first half)... Does this sound good to anyone? Please somebody... looking for a rebuttal here...
Nov 1, 2012
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UCONNFB has a point. The coaches need to shake things up. I just got this email from a friend who shared the following:

I didn't realize how "long term' this early scoring debacle has gone on:

Last 7 games Uconn started:

0-27 Temple

0-7 Marshall

0-7 Maine

0-21 Navy

0-10 Virginia

0-14 Syracuse

0-28 Houston


0-114 last 7 games

That is simply inexcusable


Uconn's 30 games under Diaco:

The offense has generated 24 points just 1 time, with the exceptions being high turnover games by their opponent, 3 incidents of scoring 31.37, and 40 points but opponent had at least 4 turnovers in each of those games.

I would agree you have to shake things up. For Pete's sake, let Thor play quarterback and just let him run the ball. At 6'9" 320 He can just fall forward and gain 3 yards!

"Shake things up"? Have an open mind to new ideas? Try something out of the ordinary?
Blasphemyy! How dare you suggest or support such an idea. You risk being excommunicated by the Hierarchy of the BoneYard. They may even call you "Dumb" or "Stupid". But that's easy for someone simple minded fool who hides behind a made up name on a site like this. Guarantee your last dollar that none of these "web site tough guys" would ever say any of these things to your face.
So let critics who lack any ability to offer a creative solution, hide themselves and let their name calling foolish posts reinforce their positions as the "Know it Alls" who really are the "Know nothings".
Intelligent people always welcome a dialogue which includes all perspectives.
Aug 29, 2015
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"Shake things up"? Have an open mind to new ideas? Try something out of the ordinary?
Blasphemyy! How dare you suggest or support such an idea. You risk being excommunicated by the Hierarchy of the BoneYard. They may even call you "Dumb" or "Stupid". But that's easy for someone simple minded fool who hides behind a made up name on a site like this. Guarantee your last dollar that none of these "web site tough guys" would ever say any of these things to your face.
So let critics who lack any ability to offer a creative solution, hide themselves and let their name calling foolish posts reinforce their positions as the "Know it Alls" who really are the "Know nothings".
Intelligent people always welcome a dialogue which includes all perspectives.

tl;dr: "No one thinks my idea is a good one and I'm still upset about it."
Nov 1, 2012
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tl;dr: "No one thinks my idea is a good one and I'm still upset about it."
As usual you don't (can't) address the points made in the post you're responding to. You're way too predictable. And not entertaining or thought provoking. If you watched the game vs Cinn you should have seen some obvious points to support the original post in this thread.
Aug 29, 2015
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As usual you don't (can't) address the points made in the post you're responding to. You're way too predictable. And not entertaining or thought provoking. If you watched the game vs Cinn you should have seen some obvious points to support the original post in this thread.
I didn't realize Tyler Davis lined up at QB yesterday. I did see us throw a lot of short passes out of the shotgun which is eerily similar to what I said I was hoping for.
Aug 26, 2011
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I didn't realize Tyler Davis lined up at QB yesterday. I did see us throw a lot of short passes out of the shotgun which is eerily similar to what I said I was hoping for.

You're blind... it was the two passes to TB that he foreshadowed.
Oct 28, 2014
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When i saw this got bumped i was thinking there would be a reference to even split of run-pass on 1st down.
Nov 1, 2012
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I didn't realize Tyler Davis lined up at QB yesterday. I did see us throw a lot of short passes out of the shotgun which is eerily similar to what I said I was hoping for.
What you and your liked minded Chum don't see (or don't care to see) was an "athletic Sherriffs" making plays with his scrambling abilities , getting key first downs when he pulled the ball down and ran for it. He is a gutsy player and needs to be on the field. To be clear, I support him as a player. What was also clear yesterday and in previous games is that he is not an accurate passer. He missed open receivers a lot yesterday. Got bailed out by a couple of PI calls. Not doubting the penalties, they were good calls. If the Cinn CB played his technique correctly these would have been incomplete passes. Also saw several receivers running open that Sherriffs never looked to or threw to. You have a limited number of chances to succeed and score in any game. Yesterday the Coaches did a good job of putting players in a position to succeed. UConn won and that's great; but they should have had more points.
Aug 26, 2011
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What you and your liked minded Chum don't see (or don't care to see) was an "athletic Sherriffs" making plays with his scrambling abilities , getting key first downs when he pulled the ball down and ran for it. He is a gutsy player and needs to be on the field. To be clear, I support him as a player. What was also clear yesterday and in previous games is that he is not an accurate passer. He missed open receivers a lot yesterday. Got bailed out by a couple of PI calls. Not doubting the penalties, they were good calls. If the Cinn CB played his technique correctly these would have been incomplete passes. Also saw several receivers running open that Sherriffs never looked to or threw to. You have a limited number of chances to succeed and score in any game. Yesterday the Coaches did a good job of putting players in a position to succeed. UConn won and that's great; but they should have had more points.

Look - arguing w/ you is like arguing w/ Chief. There in no argument on my behalf w/ the majority of what you just wrote above - but that in no way, shape or form substantiates the intent of your OP about "Shuffling the Deck to Spark the Offense":
Consider this; Sheriffs moves to "H Back" where he can utilize his running ability either by taking a hand off or catching a short pass and getting YAC. Insert Andersen, Tyler Davis or Donovan Williams as QB.

If BS continues to develop and makes good decisions there are more wins down the road this year.
Nov 1, 2012
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Look - arguing w/ you is like arguing w/ Chief. There in no argument on my behalf w/ the majority of what you just wrote above - but that in no way, shape or form substantiates the intent of your OP about "Shuffling the Deck to Spark the Offense":

If BS continues to develop and makes good decisions there are more wins down the road this year.
I don't know this "Chief" you refer to. Knew some USN Chiefs and Master Chiefs who were pretty miserable souls. Maybe it was their funny uniforms? Would you agree that a more competent , capable QB who sees the field better and throws a more accurate pass would produce better results? How do we know without seeing them play in live game action that none of the other QB's (including T Davis) can not do that?
I know you will stress again that Davis is on a different program of diet and weight training to become the next All American TE. (I only hope he gets there). He looked good yesterday holding for FG's and PAT's. Remind me, how many passes did he catch vs Cinn? Zero catches doesn't indicate he's producing as a TE.
Let Davis and Anderson get some time as QB (not garbage time) and let's see what they can do. If they fail I will be the first to say then that Shirreffs is the man at QB for rest of season.
Aug 26, 2011
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Let Davis and Anderson get some time as QB (not garbage time) and let's see what they can do. If they fail I will be the first to say then that Shirreffs is the man at QB for rest of season.
It seems you're down to Anderson (and Bisak (RS F) and Williams (FR)). Davis has said he has no plans to return to quarterback - "I think I'm going to stick with tight end," Davis said. "Coach Diaco and myself and all the coaches really like my progress that I've been making. That's definitely for the future, too."

By reports Williams is getting more and more reps w/ the ones and twos so that says a lot to me as well but absent a rash of serious injuries it would be extremely shortsighted to burn his (DWs) redshirt halfway through the season. Just have to hope that BS (and O-staff) continue to build confidence and efficient/effective game plans week over week.
Remind me, how many passes did he catch vs Cinn? Zero catches doesn't indicate he's producing as a TE.

Zero catches in a singular game doesn't indicate Davis is NOT producing as a TE. There was one TE reception (Meyer) in the Cincinnati game. Davis has more receptions than Bloom and Myers combined at this point in the season.
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