Shuffle the deck to spark the Offense | The Boneyard

Shuffle the deck to spark the Offense

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Nov 1, 2012
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Consider this; Sheriffs moves to "H Back" where he can utilize his running ability either by taking a hand off or catching a short pass and getting YAC. Insert Andersen, Tyler Davis or Donovan Williams as QB. No change to RB's (Newsome and Johnson). A QB with mobility and an H Back who can make positive offensive the opponents Defense more to game plan for. Noel Thomas is terrific but there are other WR's running routes on pass plays, right? Throw it to other receivers. What % of passes this year have been thrown to Thomas vs Rest of the team?
Mar 20, 2015
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Agreed, just remove him, I don't follow where he has any running ability

You have clearly never played nor coached football if you think putting Shirreffs at H-Back is a sensible idea.
Nov 1, 2012
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You have clearly never played nor coached football if you think putting Shirreffs at H-Back is a sensible idea.
Ok Lombardi, when opposing D Coordinators prepare for UCONN who do they have concerns about? Sorry to break the news to you but it ain't much after Noel Thomas. So putting Sheriffs in a position where he can make some athletic plays and giving the defense something else to think about is a bad thing? Davis is an athletic guy, play him as QB. Then guess what, the defense now has to play it more honest and UCONN has more opportunities to move the ball.
If your point is that Sheriffs is too small to play traditional H Back, that's probably true. Wouldn't have him lead blocking for running plays. He wouldn't be on the field for every play. Like many posters all you seem to be able to do is criticize others, that's easy. Whats your plan to improve the offense? That takes some thought and I know, that makes your head hurt.
Nov 1, 2012
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Agreed, just remove him, I don't follow where he has any running ability
Hummmmm....who was leading rusher against Navy? That's right the RBs took the day off that game right?
Mar 20, 2015
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Umm, Ron Johnson was, 33 yards vs. BS 32 yards

Lamar Jackson is a great dual threat QB, BS is a 0 threat QB. I think he plays hard, just would like to see someone else and if that can improve the offense, which is terrible

Hummmmm....who was leading rusher against Navy? That's right the RBs took the day off that game right?
Nov 1, 2012
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Agreed, just remove him, I don't follow where he has any running ability
Five games total rushing yards: Newsome 224, Johnson 147, Shireffs 199. That 199 includes yards lost when sacked so if Shireffs has no running ability what that say about the rest of the offense?
Aug 26, 2011
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I think I'm going to have a concussion with all this face palming

fail facepalm.jpg
Nov 1, 2012
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Umm, Ron Johnson was, 33 yards vs. BS 32 yards

Lamar Jackson is a great dual threat QB, BS is a 0 threat QB. I think he plays hard, just would like to see someone else and if that can improve the offense, which is terrible
How many yards did Shireffs lose on sacks in that game? Don't include those and he's the leading rusher.
Aug 29, 2015
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Ok Lombardi, when opposing D Coordinators prepare for UCONN who do they have concerns about? Sorry to break the news to you but it ain't much after Noel Thomas. So putting Sheriffs in a position where he can make some athletic plays and giving the defense something else to think about is a bad thing? Davis is an athletic guy, play him as QB. Then guess what, the defense now has to play it more honest and UCONN has more opportunities to move the ball.
If your point is that Sheriffs is too small to play traditional H Back, that's probably true. Wouldn't have him lead blocking for running plays. He wouldn't be on the field for every play. Like many posters all you seem to be able to do is criticize others, that's easy. Whats your plan to improve the offense? That takes some thought and I know, that makes your head hurt.

You are really, really dumb. Quite possibly the dumbest poster I have seen on this board and that is saying a lot.

1. The staff has already moved Davis from QB because he couldn't beat out Shirreffs or Anderson. So the kid has been on a weight training program for the H/F-Back position, hasn't been working as a QB for a year now, and your brilliant idea is to change all of that and just name him the starting QB now. That's freaking brilliant, you're a genius. Why aren't you a division 1 football coach?
2. Shirreffs is not as athletically gifted as any of our TE's, so you want him to take playing time away from them, who are barely seeing any action as is?
3. I've given my thoughts on the offense countless times, it doesn't mean I'm going to start a stupid uninformed uneducated thread with whatever stupid thought pops into my head because I'm not a moron. By your logic, let's play Newsome at QB because "he's an athletic guy." Or Noel Thomas. He's an athletic guy, let's give him a shot at QB! Because everyone know the only thing you really need to play QB is athleticism.
Aug 29, 2015
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How many yards did Shireffs lose on sacks in that game? Don't include those and he's the leading rusher.

Equating rushing yards from scrambles with true running ability from the backfield. That's rich. Go home, you don't know what you're talking about.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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I worry more about the defensive secondary and the D as a whole because we have the worlds wizard on D as a HC
I will not kill UConn FB because he is just throwing some ideas out there and while I may not agree its a board and that's what folks do - throw out stuff
Self proclaimed football genius who mock, criticize and name call should join some liberal chat - it's more fitting for that style- do you really find it necessary to call someone dumb???
Aug 29, 2015
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I worry more about the defensive secondary and the D as a whole because we have the worlds wizard on D as a HC
I will not kill UConn FB because he is just throwing some ideas out there and while I may not agree its a board and that's what folks do - throw out stuff
Self proclaimed football genius who mock, criticize and name call should join some liberal chat - it's more fitting for that style- do you really find it necessary to call someone dumb???

Nov 1, 2012
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Equating rushing yards from scrambles with true running ability from the backfield. That's rich. Go home, you don't know what you're talking about.
Shireffs rushing yards are all from scrambles? Have you watched any games this year? The Read Option with Shireffs decision to hand off or keep the ball and run is the staple base running play.
Aug 29, 2015
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Shireffs rushing yards are all from scrambles? Have you watched any games this year? The Read Option with Shireffs decision to hand off or keep the ball and run is the staple base running play.

Have you been watching the games? Almost all of his chunk yards are from scrambling or broken plays, not from designed runs.
Oct 28, 2014
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Shireffs rushing yards are all from scrambles? Have you watched any games this year? The Read Option with Shireffs decision to hand off or keep the ball and run is the staple base running play.

The 'base running play' is RJ up the stinking middle. See Navy, Syracuse.
Mar 20, 2015
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That's on 85 total attempts, it's below 3.5 yards/avg, that's awful

Lamar Jackson averages 7.5 ypc by comparison

I just don't get it, so you're saying the NC State coaches were just stupid when they wouldn't play him QB?

Five games total rushing yards: Newsome 224, Johnson 147, Shireffs 199. That 199 includes yards lost when sacked so if Shireffs has no running ability what that say about the rest of the offense?
Aug 26, 2011
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... let's play Newsome at QB because "he's an athletic guy." Or Noel Thomas. He's an athletic guy, let's give him a shot at QB! Because everyone know the only thing you really need to play QB is athleticism.

Wildcat(dog), wildcat(dog), wildcat(dog)...
Nov 1, 2012
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You are really, really dumb. Quite possibly the dumbest poster I have seen on this board and that is saying a lot.

1. The staff has already moved Davis from QB because he couldn't beat out Shirreffs or Anderson. So the kid has been on a weight training program for the H/F-Back position, hasn't been working as a QB for a year now, and your brilliant idea is to change all of that and just name him the starting QB now. That's freaking brilliant, you're a genius. Why aren't you a division 1 football coach?
2. Shirreffs is not as athletically gifted as any of our TE's, so you want him to take playing time away from them, who are barely seeing any action as is?
3. I've given my thoughts on the offense countless times, it doesn't mean I'm going to start a stupid uninformed uneducated thread with whatever stupid thought pops into my head because I'm not a moron. By your logic, let's play Newsome at QB because "he's an athletic guy." Or Noel Thomas. He's an athletic guy, let's give him a shot at QB! Because everyone know the only thing you really need to play QB is athleticism.
Wow, somebody needs a time out. What happened, they ran out of Fruit Loops at Stop & Shop this morning.
Davis is an option at QB. You know what you have now with BS. How long before you switch it up?
Still waiting for our "gifted" TEs to make some plays. Maybe its not all on them but if they don't get open, or plays are not called or executed for them to make a play what good are those "gifts"?
YES, in college football Athleticism is the most important quality for a successful QB. Next time you're watching a game see if you notice something different on the field vs the NFL. Here's a clue, the hash marks are farther apart meaning there is more room to operate on the wide side of the field. That's what athletic QB's exploit.
By the way, do you know what offense Davis ran in HS? I don't think he forgot how to play QB while he was in the weight room.
Oct 28, 2014
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Keep on doing what they're doing cuz that's working so well.

No, keep doing what they were doing in the second half at Navy and, for the most part, at Houston. Houston game plan was good except for overthrows (which got fixed in 2nd half), and in first half, Arkeel up the middle on 3rd and 4 preceded by punting at UH 38.
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