Shirreffs Guts alone not enough to win | The Boneyard

Shirreffs Guts alone not enough to win

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Nov 1, 2012
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No one can question guts and moxie of Bryant Shirreffs as a QB. As the announcers said during telecast Saturday night his team captain title is well earned. With the talent around him (shaky O Line and only one solid RB) his ability is not enough to defeat the better teams on the schedule. Previous gritty QB's like DJ Hernandez, Zack Frazier and Tyler Lorenzen had more talent around them (quality RB's and better O Line) which allowed them to succeed in a system where they didn't have to win the game themselves.
When the pocket breaks down or opponents blitz like we saw most of the night vs USF, he wasn't able to escape and scramble as he did vs weaker opponents. Is the O Line going to show major improvement in pass protection this season? Need a QB with more athletic skills who can make something positive happen when a play breaks down. And find a way to keep Shirreffs involved and contributing.
Mar 20, 2015
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Flower, Gary Ward, Lamar Jackson all 3 star recruits. Can't UConn grab one of these type of dual threat players?

BS can maybe be converted to a FB like NC State tried to and be a Max DeLorenzo type. He can't be worse than DeLorenzo was.
Aug 26, 2011
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Seriously worried about BS taking many more of those hits. The line and playcalling failed to counter the blitz and he's not quick enough or in some cases too brave to avoid the hit. He deserves an award for toughness but I'd rather see some adjustments made before they have to carry him off the field. Last night was bad.
Aug 27, 2011
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BS also lacks natural QB traits, he just isn't a very good QB skill wise. That is not a shot at his toughness or being a good teammate. He's just not a good QB. The fact that he is still playing says everything about Garrett Anderson and Needing to give Donovan Williams time to develop.
Nov 1, 2012
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Flower, Gary Ward, Lamar Jackson all 3 star recruits. Can't UConn grab one of these type of dual threat players?

BS can maybe be converted to a FB like NC State tried to and be a Max DeLorenzo type. He can't be worse than DeLorenzo was.
Oh buddy, you don't know what you've started. Your "open minded" thinking goes against the Illuminati, The Hierarchy of the Boneyard.
Prepare for their wrath. You'll be told how dumb and stupid your thoughts are. This is how they work to stamp out any new thought process.
If your posts don't fit within the very tight window of their regiment , buddy look out. I admire and respect your opinion. Welcome.
Aug 26, 2011
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First ... screw you anarchists. The conventional wisdom of the Boneyard collectively know you are outliers. We know you are fools.

Back to the NORMAL programming:

Hayden Moore is a far more talented QB than Bryant Shirreffs and pure skillset. Throws a much better ball and has all the arm for the ones he needs to make. As we saw ... you have more of a Leader in Shirreffs. If you give him the ball in the 4th qtr, the kid will pull the 11 guys together and make it a game - then Diaco? Of the set of kids that have played QB since Orlovsky (unfortunately), we have not had true top talent at the Quarterback position nor have we developed a raw kid into far above average. That is both a WTF on recruiting and the lack of capability on Coaching staffs. With guys like Nebrich, Cochran, Endres always in the box of questions.

For this season? Both Greg Ward and Quinton Flowers are phenoms. Incredible to watch and UConn hasn't seen anyone of their speed, talent and flow come near our campus. Can we capture one of these kids? Quite frankly, I don't think any of those three are from CT or the Northeast? Donovan Williams? Who knows.

Shirreffs will win a few more this year. On pure guts.
Aug 26, 2011
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First ... screw you anarchists. The conventional wisdom of the Boneyard collectively know you are outliers. We know you are fools.

Back to the NORMAL programming:

Hayden Moore is a far more talented QB than Bryant Shirreffs and pure skillset. Throws a much better ball and has all the arm for the ones he needs to make. As we saw ... you have more of a Leader in Shirreffs. If you give him the ball in the 4th qtr, the kid will pull the 11 guys together and make it a game - then Diaco? Of the set of kids that have played QB since Orlovsky (unfortunately), we have not had true top talent at the Quarterback position nor have we developed a raw kid into far above average. That is both a what on recruiting and the lack of capability on Coaching staffs. With guys like Nebrich, Cochran, Endres always in the box of questions.

For this season? Both Greg Ward and Quinton Flowers are phenoms. Incredible to watch and UConn hasn't seen anyone of their speed, talent and flow come near our campus. Can we capture one of these kids? Quite frankly, I don't think any of those three are from CT or the Northeast? Donovan Williams? Who knows.

Shirreffs will win a few more this year. On pure guts.
Ill settle for a kid like PJ Walker at Temple. 2 star kid out of Jersey. Problem is at 5'11" he wouldn't fit into the prototype we seem to always be after.
Nov 1, 2012
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Ill settle for a kid like PJ Walker at Temple. 2 star kid out of Jersey. Problem is at 5'11" he wouldn't fit into the prototype we seem to always be after.
What's the common theme.....successful teams have an "Athlete" playing QB who can make plays when the play called in huddle breaks down.
The field is so wide in college football that a non-mobile QB is not a winning proposition.
Aug 26, 2011
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Ill settle for a kid like PJ Walker at Temple. 2 star kid out of Jersey. Problem is at 5'11" he wouldn't fit into the prototype we seem to always be after.

Having watched him some last night ... He is not Ward or Flowers. Above BS ... but I think more erratic and prone to giving that ball up. His last drive last night was ... BRILLIANT. And you have to wonder what the heck UCF was doing on Defense because that was easy.


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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I would guess there is an open competition at quarterback next year. This year our hope lies with shirreffs this season.
Aug 26, 2011
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Having watched him some last night ... He is not Ward or Flowers. Above BS ... but I think more erratic and prone to giving that ball up. His last drive last night was ... BRILLIANT. And you have to wonder what the heck UCF was doing on Defense because that was easy.
Did not see him last night at all, but I've been impressed over the years.
Aug 27, 2011
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Oh buddy, you don't know what you've started. Your "open minded" thinking goes against the Illuminati, The Hierarchy of the Boneyard.
Prepare for their wrath. You'll be told how dumb and stupid your thoughts are. This is how they work to stamp out any new thought process.
If your posts don't fit within the very tight window of their regiment , buddy look out. I admire and respect your opinion. Welcome.

We call you dumb and stupid because you are dumb and stupid.

Oh all we have to do is find the next Lamar Jackson. Why didn't we think of that? What a stupid Diaco is.


Sitting on this Barstool talking like a damn fool
Nov 16, 2012
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The fact that he is still playing says everything about Garrett Anderson and Needing to give Donovan Williams time to develop.
I'm not sure it does. Knowing how stubborn this staff is, there's always a chance that they're incapable of making the change or admitting he's not our best option. Since I've seen nothing from GA or DW I obviously don't know what their deal is. I'm just playing devil's advocate here.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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I'm not sure it does. Knowing how stubborn this staff is, there's always a chance that they're incapable of making the change or admitting he's not our best option. Since I've seen nothing from GA or DW I obviously don't know what their deal is. I'm just playing devil's advocate here.

I think that as daft as we make the staff out to be (and some of it is deserving), they've seen more of GA or DW in practice than the rest of us combined. It's soothing to speculate when QB play has arguably been one of the biggest factors holding us back, but I really don't think they're stupid enough to have seen hours of a better QB than BS and keep him on the bench.
Aug 27, 2011
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BS also lacks natural QB traits, he just isn't a very good QB skill wise. That is not a shot at his toughness or being a good teammate. He's just not a good QB. The fact that he is still playing says everything about Garrett Anderson and Needing to give Donovan Williams time to develop.

Unlike the other imbicile, I respect your opinion. Nobody on the BY would call BS a great or even a good college QB. But he is serviceable and we can win with him. Frankly I'm getting a little tired of the beating he takes here. Reminds me of the vitriol aimed at Whitmer years ago.

He is what he is. His limitations are what they are. He also happens to be the best option we have at the moment.
Mar 20, 2015
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we listed 4-5 players having success and not 4-5 star recruits.

I think one thing not to do is take transfer QBs from lower level P5 schools where the school basically evaluated the player and said you don't have QB skills. Tried that twice already.

We call you dumb and stupid because you are dumb and stupid.

Oh all we have to do is find the next Lamar Jackson. Why didn't we think of that? What a stupid Diaco is.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'm not sure it does. Knowing how stubborn this staff is, there's always a chance that they're incapable of making the change or admitting he's not our best option. Since I've seen nothing from GA or DW I obviously don't know what their deal is. I'm just playing devil's advocate here.

We have seen Garrett Anderson. He is a standard OP for UConn backups. Hope we don't have to lose BS ... GA would be ok.
Aug 26, 2011
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The Boneyard Illuminati...that's hilarious...

...can I join? :eek:

You are already in...

Nov 1, 2012
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We call you dumb and stupid because you are dumb and stupid.

Oh all we have to do is find the next Lamar Jackson. Why didn't we think of that? What a stupid Diaco is.
The Illuminati awakens; as usual with an intelligent , well presented argument backed up by facts. NOT!
Must be killin you to see the number of engaged responses this thread has received. Now go call the "Close minded Gang" and have them all post their dislikes. They're not doing anything today except sitting in their Mom's basement scratching and watching cartoons.
Aug 26, 2011
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The Illuminati awakens; as usual with an intelligent , well presented argument backed up by facts. NOT!
Must be killin you to see the number of engaged responses this thread has received. Now go call the "Close minded Gang" and have them all post their dislikes. They're not doing anything today except sitting in their Mom's basement scratching and watching cartoons.

How many Lamar Jackson's have you found in the last 28 minutes?


Sitting on this Barstool talking like a damn fool
Nov 16, 2012
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...I really don't think they're stupid enough to have seen hours of a better QB than BS and keep him on the bench.
I assume/hope you're right. I was just posing the question. I will say that we've seen plenty of head scratching decisions, like the TO taken at the end of the Navy game, so nothing is out of the realm of possibility.
Given the wide open passes that BS missed yesterday and his happy feet in the pocket, if the other quarterbacks are of lesser quality than him then we are in deep trouble in the upcoming seasons.
You can also make the case that sometimes you make a change for the sake of change, maybe catching lightning in a bottle. The offense isn't clicking as it's currently constituted, so something needs to change. Could be the OC, could be the QB or maybe it's just our philosophy. Something has to change.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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I assume/hope you're right. I was just posing the question. I will say that we've seen plenty of head scratching decisions, like the TO taken at the end of the Navy game, so nothing is out of the realm of possibility.
Given the wide open passes that BS missed yesterday and his happy feet in the pocket, if the other quarterbacks are of lesser quality than him then we are in deep trouble in the upcoming seasons.
You can also make the case that sometimes you make a change for the sake of change, maybe catching lightning in a bottle. The offense isn't clicking as it's currently constituted, so something needs to change. Could be the OC, could be the QB or maybe it's just our philosophy. Something has to change.

Fair, but I think that in-game strategy and clock management are two separate areas from player evaluation. Also, GA will be a senior next year, so next year's QB situation of veteran Shirreffs, Williams with a redshirt year now knowing the playbook, and McAfee coming in with P5 offers/interest at least looks better on paper.
Aug 27, 2011
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The Illuminati awakens; as usual with an intelligent , well presented argument backed up by facts. NOT!
Must be killin you to see the number of engaged responses this thread has received. Now go call the "Close minded Gang" and have them all post their dislikes. They're not doing anything today except sitting in their Mom's basement scratching and watching cartoons.

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