Shabazz Napier | The Boneyard

Shabazz Napier

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We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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Shabazz takes about 3 or 4 quick shots/game before teams set up. I don't see anything wrong with this because it has some benefits for UConn. The opposing guards can't pack the paint and the guards covering Shabazz have to think twice about going for offensive rebounds.

Shabazz reminds me a lot of AJ in his pg play. He is both adept at shooting from the perimeter and has very good passing skills.

KW did not have great assist numbers or A/TO numbers. Of course it could be argued his team was young and he was forced to do the things he did. And I'm thrilled he did what he did. But the downside was he didn't develop the TEAM to be part of the offense.

Shabazz is left with that task and I think he is doing a fantastic job. He is working with one junior, four other sophomores, and three freshman. The junior is struggling, and the roles that the sophomores are being asked to play are different from last season. For instance when Shabazz came in last season, Kemba played off the ball and sets were designed to get Kemba free. This season that role goes to Jeremy. Kemba was much better at losing his player and getting open last season than Jeremy is able to do this season. As a result Shabazz is forced to handle the ball longer this season than last.

Last season Tyler was not part of the offense. This season he is. That requires adjustment. Last season, AO, RS and CO were minimal factors in the offensive sets. So far I haven't seen anything from AO or RS that stands out and says JC should be designing plays for these two guys. Remember folks, JC is the guy running the show, and Shabazz is executing what JC develops during practices. AD on the other hand has promise in scoring, albeit in a very limited capacity at this juncture. So they are working him into schemes. This requires development not only with the pg, but the other players setting up AD.

In conclusion, based on SN being only a sophomore, having his freshman year be a supportive pg with the primary emphasis to get the ball to a graduated player, I'm very happy with Shabazz's play and give him an A-.
Aug 26, 2011
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Imagine how much hate Shabazz would be getting if he DIDN'T improve his field goal percentage .10 points, his 3 point shooting over .09 points, double his assists per game while increasing his assist to TO ratio...

Edit. I agree with your analysis. My remark is directed at the majority of the board.
Aug 24, 2011
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I get the impression that a lot of fans expect each player to be performing at the March level during the months of November and December. Its tough enough for that to happen with upperclassmen, never mind a team that's dominated by sophs and froshs.

From a basic Xs & Os perspective, a player coming down and jacking up a deep 3 right away is not usually sound college basketball. But as long as Bazz continues to show he can knock down a good percentage of those, I don't think his coach has a problem with that, nor do I. Say he hits 2 out of 4 of those. That's 6 points out of 4 trips down the floor, plus forces the D to pick him up sooner, possibly creating driving opportunities during other trips down the floor. Say instead the team runs sets during those 4 possessions and gets 3 2s out of it. That's also 6 points. How I see it, as long as he's hitting some of those early deep 3s, and he's not throwing 'em up at an alarming rate, or going 0-5 or missing them at critical points in the game, I'm fine with it. If that changes, then I'm sure his coach will real him in.

I can recall at least 2 big time late 3s he hit during close games this season that either evened up the score or took the lead. I'd rather see that, than them running one of those sets where they get off a late desperation shot. Once they improve their half-court efficiency, then those types of early shots won't be as needed. But so far this year, their half-court execution has had some horrible stretches.

I think a lot of fans are showing impatience with this team and its players. A few have started off slowing and have not picked up where they left off last March. It can be frustrating at times. But if anything, what we just witnessed last season, should instill a little more patience, realizing that we have talented players and a coach who knows how to get the most out of them when it counts the most.
Aug 25, 2011
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I get the impression that a lot of fans expect each player to be performing at the March level during the months of November and December. Its tough enough for that to happen with upperclassmen, never mind a team that's dominated by sophs and froshs.

Very good point, this needs to be its own topic, bumped every day. Its obvious we are young, you can see it during games. It will get worse the 1st few BE games. Can't teach how to adjust to the BE, especially when you have the biggest target on your back. Last year the frosh looked frozen and intimidated early on.
Aug 26, 2011
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Good posts in this thread, pretty much everything that I would have said has been said already. I would take Shabazz on my team over a guy like Kendall Marshall. He's not on that same level passing wise, but he's a much better scorer and a better defender.

Also might I add, they just beat an undefeated and ranked Harvard team by 14 points while shooting 47% from the field against a very good defense. This team is really good, and they are only going to get better. As fans, we're nitpicking at this point. There are things that the team needs to do better, of course, but they are a lot closer to putting it all together than they were just a couple weeks ago.
Aug 27, 2011
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I'll be the first to admit that I'm nitpicking about Bazz's play.

I am actually very pleasantly surprised by his increased shooting percentage and his ability to get his own shot. I also think that he is the most important player for this team to get another NC. I guess that is why i have very high expectations for him.

As I said in the other thread, sure he is probably our 2nd or 3rd best scoring option. But he is also probably our 1st or 2nd best play maker. He can create for others which I think will help this team in the long run. I'd like to see him develop that feel for the game more where he learns to facilitate for others more and knows when his team needs him to become a scorer. I have to remind myself that he is only a sophomore but I honestly believe he has the ability and basketball IQ to be the best PG in the country.
Aug 27, 2011
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This was stickied on the news thread, it deserves to be read:

Napier adding touch to his passes

"That's chemistry, right there," Drummond said. "Shabazz really hates to score. He'd rather get assists. "You always have to be ready, because Shabazz will look you off, but you know he still sees you."


Aug 24, 2011
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This was stickied on the news thread, it deserves to be read:

Napier adding touch to his passes

"That's chemistry, right there," Drummond said. "Shabazz really hates to score. He'd rather get assists. "You always have to be ready, because Shabazz will look you off, but you know he still sees you."

Another nice story by Dom Amore. Shabazz figuring it out.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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He is showing some good stuff. Hope the Huskies develop like Amore.
Aug 28, 2011
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As the season progresses I am confident that Bazz will learn quite a bit from the "Boat". The thing I love about Boat is the fact he is vocal and fearless. These are 2 character traits that should be contagious on the team. It is a work in progress and Bazz will be fine and learn quite a bit. His Sophomore season should turn out to be very solid. UConn needs both Bazz and Boat to be fearless and confident. Boat is obviously at that point already. :D

2 talking/confident and fearless husky guards (like the ones below) could make the difference...

Yes, if the huskies develop like the very talented Amore we can only expect the best! We can also be very likeable (isn't that what makes a successful person ?)! :D haha


7th Earl of Sidcup
Sep 3, 2011
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This was stickied on the news thread, it deserves to be read:

Napier adding touch to his passes

"That's chemistry, right there," Drummond said. "Shabazz really hates to score. He'd rather get assists. "You always have to be ready, because Shabazz will look you off, but you know he still sees you."
This article has to make you feel good about SN leading this team. He's clearly thinking day and night about how to make his teammates better, and you couldn't ask for more from a point guard.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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I watched the Harvard game a second time and in the first seven possessions Shabazz shot the ball once. In the six other plays the team was setting up a play and you can observe Shabazz looking to see which options to pass to. Of course he's dribbling the entire time because UConn's half court sets are about getting the first option, JL, or the second option, one of the bigs, free. So the only way I can see claims about Shabazz dribbling too much are from people who are not aware of UConn's sets or people who are critical of JC's half court sets.
Aug 26, 2011
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As the season progresses I am confident that Bazz will learn quite a bit from the "Boat". The thing I love about Boat is the fact he is vocal and fearless. These are 2 character traits that should be contagious on the team. It is a work in progress and Bazz will be fine and learn quite a bit. His Sophomore season should turn out to be very solid. UConn needs both Bazz and Boat to be fearless and confident. Boat is obviously at that point already. :D

2 talking/confident and fearless husky guards (like the ones below) could make the difference...

Yes, if the huskies develop like the very talented Amore we can only expect the best! We can also be very likeable (isn't that what makes a successful person ?)! :D haha

I'm not sure what makes you think Shabazz needs to learn anything from Boat. While I agree Ryan has that Chicago-city brashness and shows no fear in the few games he's played thus far, I'm not sure what was different about Bazz last year or this? He played alongside the best guard in the country last year and when he came in he showed no fear and did a pretty good job I thought so I doubt he'll need to learn from anyone. I love the vocal leadership Boat naturally brings to the table but you can't make everyone what you want them to be. For now I'm hoping Boat continues to learn from the guy with the ring so our Huskies can be the best they can be!
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