HOOPS HOPPY: good job, and good call on the outcome of the competition. By tradition (that of taking note of all who come with three points of the winner), despite the overall sub-par forecasting this time around, I have to add a couple of names for recognition.
In addition to MSG and PA HUSK, GMONEY also qualifies This could matter if I ever get to calculating the top guns for the season as a whole (in that regard, have received some very helpful input on how to award points in such a contest).
The other contestant's name I feel moved to add is that of ADESMAR. And this for two reasons: first, if we look at the data in the table presented by HOOPS H, looking at it from a top down perspective as ADE in her inimitable and creative style might be inclined to do , she is closest to the mark. No points given, but worthy of note as this is the second time this season where our group of predictors struggled mightily and, therefore, ADE was able to make some sort of a mark of dubious distinction. The second reason I add that name is to demonstrate once again that I an not a sore loser when it comes to affairs of the heart.
Now we have time to recharge our cognitive batteries for the coming hot NCAA prediction competitions. Stay well.