Saniya et al. at 119-1 and counting | The Boneyard

Saniya et al. at 119-1 and counting

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Gus Mahler

Popular Composer
Mar 31, 2015
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By my calculations Saniya Chong has now played on UConn teams over three-plus years that have won 119 out of 120 games, for a winning percentage of 99.17%. Not bad. I know of no other player in the annals of college basketball, men’s or women’s, who has ever accrued such a record.*

Of course it is fragile and probably won’t last much longer. But if this year’s team could manage to lose no more than three games, her loss total would equal Maya’s class and she could say she beat her chum Stewie’s class by one on the loss side. And, she is still in the running for winning four championships herself.

Yes, I am quite aware that the same points hold for Tierney Lawlor. Tierney is wonderful and is a great asset to the UConn program. Her escapades on the bench alone are worth the price of admission. She is, however, a former walk-on who was gifted with a scholarship for her contributions to the team. That was a tremendous gesture by Geno and I fully support it.

I focus on Saniya though because she earned a scholarship offer by virtue of her advanced play in high school and her apparent potential, and because she accepted that offer in good faith with all the attendant pressures, obligations, and responsibilities. Among others these include the pressures a scholarship athlete faces normally, plus the pressure of being the only member of a class that followed immediately an historically great class, plus the pressure of playing behind several multi-year All-Americans. She has successfully negotiated these pressures so far and is now as a senior a valued member of the current team. For these reasons I feel Saniya has much more ownership of the record. Of course they will share it, no matter what it ends up being, but it is Saniya who has by far the most skin in the game.

In any event, it’s a pretty darn spiff record with a little bit of upside remaining. I wonder what it will be in the end.

*Larry Farmer of UCLA went 89-1 in an era when freshmen were ineligible.


RIP, Alex
Aug 26, 2011
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Saniya has gotten to be a part of three NCs to this point, as well as two of the five longest winning streaks in WCBB history. There have been times when Geno has played her pretty far down the bench, but I think this season will be an exception. She probably doesn't make it on the HoH Wall, but she damn sure will deserve a raucous ovation on Senior Day. She salvaged what was largely a disastrous 2013 recruiting class for Geno and has done it in style. She may not have been on par with the class of one we got in 2009, but we got more than we did from 1999, with all due respect to KJ.
Dec 18, 2015
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Saniya has gotten to be a part of three NCs to this point, as well as two of the five longest winning streaks in WCBB history. There have been times when Geno has played her pretty far down the bench, but I think this season will be an exception. She probably doesn't make it on the HoH Wall, but she damn sure will deserve a raucous ovation on Senior Day. She salvaged what was largely a disastrous 2013 recruiting class for Geno and has done it in style. She may not have been on par with the class of one we got in 2009, but we got more than we did from 1999, with all due respect to KJ.

Kelly Faris, I presume?
Aug 26, 2011
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The coaching staff sacrificed that to win championships.
Wow. I'm the first to admit that UConn is not right for everyone and everyone is not right for UConn. But your statement that the "coaching staff sacrificed" Saniya's confidence to win championships is puzzling. I agree that UConn didn't coddle Saniya and maybe it was not the best playing atmosphere for her. I don't know. But I don't think that made her a coach's "sacrifice". It perhaps means that she could not/did not (so far) produce up to some people's expectations here.

Maybe Geno and company should say at the next practice "For all of you who came to UConn to win championships ... well that isn't the goal any more. For all the fans who enjoy seeing us win championships ... save your dollars and TV viewing time. We are no longer going to play the players who work hardest in practice. We are no longer going to reward the players who show confidence and decisiveness. We are not going to play the players who produce. For all you players who thrive here in addition to winning ... well that will change too."

If that happened UConn would be like many other teams who don't push their players to maximize their talents. I admit that atmosphere isn't the best for everyone. But to say that Geno, CD and company sacrifice players or people is ... well, it's just bizarre.
Jan 5, 2016
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Saniya played a key role in that single loss: providing essential offensive fire power (2nd leading scorer to Stewie, IIRC), but letting down on defense. When Kia (in her 2nd game as a freshman) fouled out and Saniya came in again, Stanford rallied (though certainly not all Saniya's fault, by any means--Kiah's unfortunate shot was the single moment). And UConn wouldn't have come as close as they did without her.

But it doesn't sit comfortably with me that many seem to think that her inconsistent play is at least partially due to coaching decisions that hurt her "self-confidence" (I agree with JudgeSCR above). That strikes me as pop psychology several times removed from any real information. We really have no way of assessing what causes Saniya to be such a precise and effective player some moments and not at other times.

Geno's greatest trait, consistently reaffirmed by his former players, is his (at times brutal) honesty. You come to UConn, you get told the truth as Coach sees it. The team is comfortable that everyone gets treated the same (well, 'cept for "Precious" but the exception proves the rule). Even Stewie gets benched. If Geno starts overcompensating for what he would be guessing as one player's supposed fragility, then everyone begins to question how he treats each of them and why.

We already had a thread on whether or when Crystal begins to start. Some believe (and they know a lot more than I) that Geno always honors seniors by keeping them as starters and just subbing quickly. But does (say) Saniya gain more confidence because she's starting but is the first to be subbed for by a superstar freshman? Or does she gain more confidence by reconciling that she is now the sixth man and is sent in for a specific purpose? And is it really "a lack of confidence" that accounts for her inconsistent play?* I have absolutely no idea. But neither does anyone else, including Saniya, unless or until it happens.

*And is it worrisome that we sometimes attribute to Saniya and Kia psychological reasons for inconsistent play? Is that gender bias? Do we attribute to male basketball players who play inconsistently the same "lack of confidence"? Just asking; I really don't know.
Apr 10, 2015
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Saniya has gotten to be a part of three NCs to this point, as well as two of the five longest winning streaks in WCBB history. There have been times when Geno has played her pretty far down the bench, but I think this season will be an exception. She probably doesn't make it on the HoH Wall, but she damn sure will deserve a raucous ovation on Senior Day. She salvaged what was largely a disastrous 2013 recruiting class for Geno and has done it in style. She may not have been on par with the class of one we got in 2009, but we got more than we did from 1999, with all due respect to KJ.

KJ, Ms Johnson, was one of my favorites--she was a very good point guard who also was an exceptional 3 point shooter. We spoke to her in the stands at Gampel --all alone--the team 50 feet away. Easy to talk to--. I was not pleased with her transfer-my heart still has a warm place for her.
Apr 10, 2015
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Saniya played a key role in that single loss: providing essential offensive fire power (2nd leading scorer to Stewie, IIRC), but letting down on defense. When Kia (in her 2nd game as a freshman) fouled out and Saniya came in again, Stanford rallied (though certainly not all Saniya's fault, by any means--Kiah's unfortunate shot was the single moment). And UConn wouldn't have come as close as they did without her.

But it doesn't sit comfortably with me that many seem to think that her inconsistent play is at least partially due to coaching decisions that hurt her "self-confidence" (I agree with JudgeSCR above). That strikes me as pop psychology several times removed from any real information. We really have no way of assessing what causes Saniya to be such a precise and effective player some moments and not at other times.

Geno's greatest trait, consistently reaffirmed by his former players, is his (at times brutal) honesty. You come to UConn, you get told the truth as Coach sees it. The team is comfortable that everyone gets treated the same (well, 'cept for "Precious" but the exception proves the rule). Even Stewie gets benched. If Geno starts overcompensating for what he would be guessing as one player's supposed fragility, then everyone begins to question how he treats each of them and why.

We already had a thread on whether or when Crystal begins to start. Some believe (and they know a lot more than I) that Geno always honors seniors by keeping them as starters and just subbing quickly. But does (say) Saniya gain more confidence because she's starting but is the first to be subbed for by a superstar freshman? Or does she gain more confidence by reconciling that she is now the sixth man and is sent in for a specific purpose? And is it really "a lack of confidence" that accounts for her inconsistent play?* I have absolutely no idea. But neither does anyone else, including Saniya, unless or until it happens.

*And is it worrisome that we sometimes attribute to Saniya and Kia psychological reasons for inconsistent play? Is that gender bias? Do we attribute to male basketball players who play inconsistently the same "lack of confidence"? Just asking; I really don't know.

Pretty heady stuff!!
In defense (pun intended) of Saniya in the Stanford game---everyone on the Uconn team failed to defend.
You are right about Crystal--as UCMiami said in another thread--Starting for Dangerfield may not be as important as minutes. I can knock Geno for lots of things--but not for taking his time to heap 1000 pound loads of responsibility on this frail 5/5 back. She has the potential-loads of it, but experience in Div 1 is coming.
Saniya is a smart (Meaning intelligent) person. She knows Crystals level of play and potential and can see what maybe coming. Knowing whats coming still is hard on the ego. I don't see any more inconsistent play from Chong than anyone else on this team--that is a team issue.
Inconsistent play---If by now most UC WBB fans--at least for the playing of the game --are not gender blind, I'd be surprised. I think us OLD males are very protective of our women, could be called a bias--but all bias's are not offensive. To defend the indefensible (maybe) --the lack of confidence wording came from Geno--not just for Saniya but others. He has spoken in the past of the importance of confidence in playing the game. I'm not sure that isn't true regardless of gender.
Aug 27, 2011
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*And is it worrisome that we sometimes attribute to Saniya and Kia psychological reasons for inconsistent play? Is that gender bias? Do we attribute to male basketball players who play inconsistently the same "lack of confidence"? Just asking; I really don't know.

I wouldn't attribute this to gender bias at all. After a career of managing literally hundreds of people I have witnessed lack of confidence limiting people's performance and not only in sports.
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Apr 10, 2015
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The coaching staff sacrificed that to win championships.
I'm sure you didn't intend Sacrifice to come out as strong as it appears.
When kids decide to play College BB, for good or for bad, they sign up to play (if talent and ability shall allow), be replaced by more talented more confident players, to sit on the end of the bench should the coach staff not see the result from them they want.
Chong was NOT sacrificed--a judgement call was made by Geno--he gave her credit (maybe too much) and touted her practice and defense. All that proved successful in her performance against Stanford. The teams defense was terrible in that game--was her defense alone why she didn't play much after that/?? Only Geno and Chong know.
Feb 5, 2014
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I think some of Saniya's difficulties on the court lead to the "lack of confidence" idea. When she has issues on the offensive end, it seems she is not decisive about her moves - as in the two travels in the LSU game. I seem to recall her saying something about coming to UConn to be part of the team and not wanting to go somewhere to be "the one". An interesting mindset for UConn. She is kind of the polar opposite of Kia: When Chong is having trouble she gets tentative. When Nurse has trouble she tends to get bullish!
Still, I think she is playing better this year and is working hard on defense (I think she has to work harder as she doesn't seem to have a feel for defense like some have). I hope that the more minutes she gets this year will help her get into a groove. She is a valuable part of the team and I hope she can contribute in the minutes she gets.


Sky Soldier
Aug 24, 2011
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I believe it's against the law to practice psychiatry without a license. Saniya always plays her heart out, starting or sub, sometimes brilliantly, sometimes not. She is an asset and she has earned her three NC rings. :)


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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We all want to find reasons/excuses why someone does not perform up to expectations. Saniya Chong appears to be a wonderful, hard working, intelligent young lady and a genuine TEAM player. After watching her game for 3+ years, I believe that it is not a matter of confidence or coaching, but talent.

Like every other player on the Huskies, Saniya was a star against other high school players and a prolific scorer in the process. As has been mentioned, she was Uconn's only recruit from the class of 2013. She was the 75th rated player by Hoopgurlz as a 4-star guard.

Hoopgurlz evaluation of Saniya reads as follows: "Slender framed guard. More comfortable with the ball than off the ball. Can score the basketball. Jumper a little unorthodox but she's an effective scorer in space. Will have to get stronger to absorb contact in traffic."

I personally am delighted that Saniya came back to Uconn for her senior season rather than seeking more playing time somewhere else. I expect that she will continue to contribute to this team's success both on and off the court, but it would be nice if we all temper our expectations for her with a realistic assesment of her ability.
Sep 9, 2015
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Saniya played a key role in that single loss: providing essential offensive fire power (2nd leading scorer to Stewie, IIRC), but letting down on defense. When Kia (in her 2nd game as a freshman) fouled out and Saniya came in again, Stanford rallied (though certainly not all Saniya's fault, by any means--Kiah's unfortunate shot was the single moment). And UConn wouldn't have come as close as they did without her.

But it doesn't sit comfortably with me that many seem to think that her inconsistent play is at least partially due to coaching decisions that hurt her "self-confidence" (I agree with JudgeSCR above). That strikes me as pop psychology several times removed from any real information. We really have no way of assessing what causes Saniya to be such a precise and effective player some moments and not at other times.

Geno's greatest trait, consistently reaffirmed by his former players, is his (at times brutal) honesty. You come to UConn, you get told the truth as Coach sees it. The team is comfortable that everyone gets treated the same (well, 'cept for "Precious" but the exception proves the rule). Even Stewie gets benched. If Geno starts overcompensating for what he would be guessing as one player's supposed fragility, then everyone begins to question how he treats each of them and why.

We already had a thread on whether or when Crystal begins to start. Some believe (and they know a lot more than I) that Geno always honors seniors by keeping them as starters and just subbing quickly. But does (say) Saniya gain more confidence because she's starting but is the first to be subbed for by a superstar freshman? Or does she gain more confidence by reconciling that she is now the sixth man and is sent in for a specific purpose? And is it really "a lack of confidence" that accounts for her inconsistent play?* I have absolutely no idea. But neither does anyone else, including Saniya, unless or until it happens.

*And is it worrisome that we sometimes attribute to Saniya and Kia psychological reasons for inconsistent play? Is that gender bias? Do we attribute to male basketball players who play inconsistently the same "lack of confidence"? Just asking; I really don't know.

It might be noted, for all the hand-wringing, that KIA NURSE has NEVER started a game that UConn has lost . . .
Nov 18, 2013
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Pretty heady stuff!!
In defense (pun intended) of Saniya in the Stanford game---everyone on the Uconn team failed to defend.
You are right about Crystal--as UCMiami said in another thread--Starting for Dangerfield may not be as important as minutes. I can knock Geno for lots of things--but not for taking his time to heap 1000 pound loads of responsibility on this frail 5/5 back. She has the potential-loads of it, but experience in Div 1 is coming.
Saniya is a smart (Meaning intelligent) person. She knows Crystals level of play and potential and can see what maybe coming. Knowing whats coming still is hard on the ego. I don't see any more inconsistent play from Chong than anyone else on this team--that is a team issue.
Inconsistent play---If by now most UC WBB fans--at least for the playing of the game --are not gender blind, I'd be surprised. I think us OLD males are very protective of our women, could be called a bias--but all bias's are not offensive. To defend the indefensible (maybe) --the lack of confidence wording came from Geno--not just for Saniya but others. He has spoken in the past of the importance of confidence in playing the game. I'm not sure that isn't true regardless of gender.

I was thinking about it and thought that the reason they lost that game was that the Stanford guards were getting a lot of easy layups to stay in the game. Amber Orrange made a critical shot at the end of the game to ice it, if I'm not mistaken.

Hindsight is 20/20- so maybe they should've started one of the greatest shot blockers I've ever seen (Kiah) and kept her and Stewie in the middle with the team playing zone.

Crazy that people take the game so seriously since it's the last game the team lost almost 2 years ago.


Sky Soldier
Aug 24, 2011
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I was thinking about it and thought that the reason they lost that game was that the Stanford guards were getting a lot of easy layups to stay in the game.
Crazy that people take the game so seriously since it's the last game the team lost almost 2 years ago.

Painful moments, like grudges, have eternal life on the Boneyard.:rolleyes:

Many here still have vivid and bitter memories of Jessica Foley making that buzzer-beater for Duke. The last sighting of the silver uniforms.:mad:


Et In Hoc Signo Vinces
Nov 13, 2013
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You come to UConn, you get told the truth as Coach sees it. The team is comfortable that everyone gets treated the same (well, 'cept for "Precious" but the exception proves the rule). Even Stewie gets bench.

Brother Bags, this part of your otherwise clear post leaves me pate scratching. Could you explain the post a bit. That would be precious.
Jan 13, 2014
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Painful moments, like grudges, have eternal life on the Boneyard.:rolleyes:

Many here still have vivid and bitter memories of Jessica Foley making that buzzer-beater for Duke. The last sighting of the silver uniforms.:mad:
I certainly have that vivid memory (thanks for the reminder :mad: :mad:). Guess I have a permanent "fan vendetta" - as far as I'm concerned we can't beat Duke often enough or bad enough, til the end of time....
Jan 5, 2016
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Brother Bags, this part of your otherwise clear post leaves me pate scratching. Could you explain the post a bit. That would be precious.
Swin Cash could do no wrong in Geno's eyes, no matter how she played or practiced, so her teammates lovingly called her "precious."
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