Rutgers officially out | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Rutgers officially out

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Aug 28, 2012
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when you do your final count, please make sure you get me, my son, and two guests. WOW, I think we about doubled your count.
Aug 26, 2011
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So your' re saying we are not in a new conference because we only fill the stadium to 87% capacity after 3 straight losing seasons concluding with a 3-9 season. I bet many schools would love to have that kind of attendance!
87% of a 40K, not 60...not 80...and definitely not a 100K seat stadium, is not a lot of people supporting UConn football. You got 30+K students attending UConn in any given year, how many of them are showing up? It isn't just that UConn isn't selling out it's own place, it's that UConn fans don't travel in huge numbers and hey, quite frankly there just isn't as many as say Maryland or Penn St. Now, why Rutgers got invited to the B1G or Louisville to the ACC.... that just baffles me. But until UConn football goes on some tremendous era of winning big games and lights that fire of curiosity so that folks come out to see them no matter where they are playing, just like Penn St. or ND or Oregon and Boise St recently, I don't think they'll ever get invited to a power 5 conference. Now I could be wrong, the ACC could lose a few to the SEC or another to the B1G and the Huskies would be the last kid picked. They could get in like that and if it happens soon I suspect that's the only way it happens. I'm not trying to condemn the program or the fans, there just simply isn't enough fans that will actually go to (especially away) games.
Aug 27, 2011
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87% of a 40K, not 60...not 80...and definitely not a 100K seat stadium, is not a lot of people supporting UConn football. You got 30+K students attending UConn in any given year, how many of them are showing up? It isn't just that UConn isn't selling out it's own place, it's that UConn fans don't travel in huge numbers and hey, quite frankly there just isn't as many as say Maryland or Penn St. Now, why Rutgers got invited to the B1G or Louisville to the ACC.... that just baffles me. But until UConn football goes on some tremendous era of winning big games and lights that fire of curiosity so that folks come out to see them no matter where they are playing, just like Penn St. or ND or Oregon and Boise St recently, I don't think they'll ever get invited to a power 5 conference. Now I could be wrong, the ACC could lose a few to the SEC or another to the B1G and the Huskies would be the last kid picked. They could get in like that and if it happens soon I suspect that's the only way it happens. I'm not trying to condemn the program or the fans, there just simply isn't enough fans that will actually go to (especially away) games.

You are Rich are so painfully wrong on this it hurts my head.

Yes, the B1G took RU and Maryland because of their winning traditions, packed home games, and huge traveling fanbases. Rutgers had so many fans at the Rent last November I was seeing red for a week.
Aug 26, 2011
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You are Rich are so painfully wrong on this it hurts my head.

Yes, the B1G took RU and Maryland because of their winning traditions, packed home games, and huge traveling fanbases. Rutgers had so many fans at the Rent last November I was seeing red for a week.
What part of
"Now, why Rutgers got invited to the B1G or Louisville to the ACC.... that just baffles me." didn't you understand?
Aug 26, 2011
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Merit on both sides ... I think.

We really haven't marketed and sold that Rentschler seating as well as it should have been (I blame Hathaway). But, geez, 35,000+ averages and most years we had good season ticket sales. I believe we could have a solid emotional Diaco and really build towards a better place. Hoop too. But ... winning and spirit and connectedness in the fanbase has to be a consistent thing. We draw well for our history; we can be a far better brand.
Aug 27, 2011
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Glad you were there Hank. I'll leave it here until I come back in a few weeks and irritate you more. I constantly hear the problem is Academics Susan Warde Hathaway GDl PP Recruiting, Big Donors. The fact is we are going nowhere unless the place fills up. The trend started long ago and I really hope that Diaco can do something to invigorate the fan base. Would we have filled every seat for MI if not for their fans? The fact is that SY, Lville RU and MD made and we did not so we have stop whining and blaming everything else, and go to games.. They get more we get less - bottom line. And Hank and I can't be the only guys left there at end of the game no matter how cold. . Jimmy I'm exactly correct on this. If we had 38K every game we would have had the invite. long ago, notwithstanding the PP GDL mess.
Aug 27, 2011
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So was I. High five?


2 golf tournaments...
Jun 9, 2012
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You are Rich are so painfully wrong on this it hurts my head.

Yes, the B1G took RU and Maryland because of their winning traditions, packed home games, and huge traveling fanbases. Rutgers had so many fans at the Rent last November I was seeing red for a week.

Hmm, geez, all those fans packing the Maryland game when our team went down... I didn't realize it was costume day and many were dressed as seats! I was there. In ND and in MI, the crowd at the game thinned out after the half... I was there. I didn't make Birmingham, did the USC fans leave early? I am sure someone knows, but it won't matter to those that p1ss and moan.

Jimmy, you won't win. The 25K turned to 20K. You can fight the good fight but pretty soon the rant will be that the only fan was a players mom.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Always have to remind you what the real problem is. Everybody likes to dance around it, but it is the issue for any move to another conference. We don't draw and we have to change it. At the end of the Memphis game I could literally count the fans left. Same for he RU game. Most of you guys either did not show or had been long gone so pleae don't lecture me on my act. We need to fill it every week and people can't leave early.

Aug 27, 2011
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If we had 38K every game we would have had the invite. long ago, notwithstanding the PP GDL mess.

Maybe you can get in the time machine with Freescooter - you can convince more people to come to the games. He can make sure Warde doesn't go to the beach.

I can see it now: Miami/FSU/Clemson capitulate because "damn - how can you leave out a school that puts 38K in the seats!!"
Aug 27, 2011
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Hmm, geez, all those fans packing the Maryland game when our team went down... I didn't realize it was costume day and many were dressed as seats! I was there. In ND and in MI, the crowd at the game thinned out after the half... I was there. I didn't make Birmingham, did the USC fans leave early? I am sure someone knows, but it won't matter to those that p1ss and moan.

Jimmy, you won't win. The 25K turned to 20K. You can fight the good fight but pretty soon the rant will be that the only fan was a players mom.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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RU had 17,000 people in the stands (but they announce attendance by tickets sold) for their game against USF to gain bowl eligibility. Louisville was getting 20,000s crowds at the end of the Kragthorpe era. BC can't fill their stadium. Pitt plays in front of 45,000 yellow seats every home game. Syracuse can't get anyone inside of their climate-controlled dome for football games. Attendance has been steadily declining around the country for years, thanks to HDTVs and readily available content on the thousands of channels and websites. Sure, UCONN needs to improve attendance. The first step in doing that was dumping the old regime and getting a fresh start. Diaco and staff's positive energy is contagious and I think the fanbase has been energized. By the time games start, I think many fans will give the team a chance. If they like what they see on the field and have a good time, they will come back. It's that simple.
Aug 27, 2011
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OK you guys win. We do not have a long term attendance problem and miraculously we will fill the stadium and the ACC and Big1G will be at our door step. And everybody will stay till the end of the game.

Last edited:
Aug 26, 2011
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rich1122 said:
OK you guys win. We do not have a long term attendance problem and miraculously we will fill the stadium and the ACC and Big1G will be at our door step. And everybody will stay till the end of the game.

You know that there is a way to discuss the issues that surround this program without sounding like a total /troll, right?

ditching the hyperbole would be a good start.
Aug 27, 2011
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OK you guys win. We do not have a long term attendance problem and miraculously we will fill the stadium and the ACC and Big1G will be at our door step. And everybody will stay till the end of the game.


Aren't you moving down south? You gonna fly up for every home game with your #1 Fan foam finger waving at the end of every game?
Aug 26, 2011
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OK you guys win. We do not have a long term attendance problem and miraculously we will fill the stadium and the ACC and Big1G will be at our door step. And everybody will stay till the end of the game.

Because you can't post a picture like that from RU, BC, SU, Pitt, etc. you know the teams that moved to other conferences already. Right, they are always full start to finish. Your so full sheet.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Sweet! I like to post pics too! When do you expect to see Miami, Fruit, BC, Rutty, Louisville, Pitt and Maryland to join the AAC?


Aug 5, 2013
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I didn't make Birmingham, did the USC fans leave early? I am sure someone knows, but it won't matter to those that p1ss and moan.

Assuming that your question wasn't rhetorical, yes. They left early, for two reasons. One, it was cold (colder in Birmingham than in Hartford that day), and they showed up in sweatshirts and without gloves.

Two, Andre Dixon tore them up like his name was General Sherman, and their brigades of SUVs (they really did travel very well) hit the road and headed for home.


Sitting on this Barstool talking like a damn fool
Nov 16, 2012
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If it's all about attendance then why did BYU get left out of a P5? They averaged over 61K for this past year. Does UCONN need to increase attendance. Obviously yes. Is that why we didn't get chosen, no way. You're either naive or being disingenuous to think that any league's primary concern is stadium attendace. Does stadium attendance increase TV contracts? That's what the P5 conferences are concerned with, securing the largest TV contract they can. It's about what can a market do for the league. NJ, it's population, plethora of top quality HS recruits and proximity to NY made it an attractive target. Ditto MD.
I was at the Memphis game, but can't remember how long I stayed. They were winning big and I was freezing, so my guess is somewhere late in the 4th quarter.
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