Rutgers bully scandal | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Rutgers bully scandal

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Aug 26, 2011
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I hope no one actually thinks there is a story here. This kid showed up to us out of shape, redshirted and was never mentioned at all despite having our entire secondary injured. It means he couldn't play at the D1 level. So he quits and pulls the "bullying card" (replacing the old race card). Big deal, a coach called you 2 explitives. It's college football, where scholarship athletes live like kings. I've see multiple practices at D1 schools, including UCONN. Kids get their asses chewed out all the time.

Its a story because our home town newspaper tries to create a mountain out of a molehill whenever they can (Star Ledger - partially owned by a Syracuse alum) and ESPN is pissed that the BTN is going to have a bigger footprint in what they thought was an ACC market. Follow the money.

The whole story has holes...

Can't argue that RU still hasn't learned how to handle the spotlight yet though... Own worse enemy.
Aug 26, 2011
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I hope no one actually thinks there is a story here. This kid showed up to us out of shape, redshirted and was never mentioned at all despite having our entire secondary injured. It means he couldn't play at the D1 level. So he quits and pulls the "bullying card" (replacing the old race card). Big deal, a coach called you 2 explitives. It's college football, where scholarship athletes live like kings. I've see multiple practices at D1 schools, including UCONN. Kids get their asses chewed out all the time.

Its a story because our home town newspaper tries to create a mountain out of a molehill whenever they can (Star Ledger - partially owned by a Syracuse alum) and ESPN is pissed that the BTN is going to have a bigger footprint in what they thought was an ACC market. Follow the money.

Yeah, it's OK for a coach to show up at study hall and call a player, in front of his teammates, a p.ussy and a b.itch. Then not have enough balls to tell him why he is not welcome to study film with the rest of his group.

Rutgers is nothing but a dysfunctional athletic program, in deep, deep denial, who just happens to be located in the right place for CR.

I'll enjoy the coming fall out while you tell us why it's all nothing.

duckk Rutgers.
May 23, 2013
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Did they also give you Bannon, Fred Hill Jr, and Mike Rice? Forgot about Hill shouting obscenities at the opposing team at a big east baseball game. If the did, we probably shouldn't use them.
I'm not sure about the other hires but the comment I made I found out about here on the BY.I think Tyler Phommachanh did make some chancy/risky hire's though!I won't comment on sportsarts comment as it seem's tinged with personal animosity and CR is too important to all of us to let our personal feelings as fan's blind us from whats really important!!Getting you guys out of this conference and joining your peers is my primary concern then we can get back to our usual petty grievances between the younger(in most cases) fan's!My point wasn't to belittle anyone here but just make an observation that seemed to escape some commenters.
May 23, 2013
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Yeah, it's OK for a coach to show up at study hall and call a player, in front of his teammates, a p.ussy and a b.itch. Then not have enough balls to tell him why he is not welcome to study film with the rest of his group.

Rutgers is nothing but a dysfunctional athletic program, in deep, deep denial, who just happens to be located in the right place for CR.

I'll enjoy the coming fall out while you tell us why it's all nothing.

duckk Rutgers.
I did'nt realize you had all the facts so I guess we should let you tell us all what really happened ? I thought this was about D1 FB not just Rutgers? Funny whatever happens at RU seem's to be news that no one else would consider newsworthy?Why don't we get back to worrying about JH's sexual preferences?I prefer sports talk myself.
Oct 3, 2012
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The whole story has holes...

Can't argue that RU still hasn't learned how to handle the spotlight yet though... Own worse enemy.

Yeah, it's OK for a coach to show up at study hall and call a player, in front of his teammates, a p.ussy and a b.itch. Then not have enough balls to tell him why he is not welcome to study film with the rest of his group.

Rutgers is nothing but a dysfunctional athletic program, in deep, deep denial, who just happens to be located in the right place for CR.

I'll enjoy the coming fall out while you tell us why it's all nothing.

duckk Rutgers.

Anyone who has played sports at a high level that I've spoken to finds the story to be a joke. But obviously people on a message board know better. The "fallout" would be us firing Flood and hiring a much better coach. I look forward to that fallout as well.
Aug 26, 2011
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I did'nt realize you had all the facts so I guess we should let you tell us all what really happened ? I thought this was about D1 FB not just Rutgers? Funny whatever happens at RU seem's to be news that no one else would consider newsworthy?Why don't we get back to worrying about JH's s e xual preferences?I prefer sports talk myself.

So the incident didn't take place at a study hall? A yes or no answer will suffice.
Aug 26, 2011
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Anyone who has played sports at a high level that I've spoken to finds the story to be a joke. But obviously people on a message board know better. The "fallout" would be us firing Flood and hiring a much better coach. I look forward to that fallout as well.

So they've all told you coaches show up at study hall's and call them p.uss.ies and bi.tches? A yes or no answer will suffice.
May 23, 2013
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So the incident didn't take place at a study hall? A yes or no answer will suffice.
I'll settle for "who cares" if it help's RU in the end ! Unbelieveable what passes for "news" today.
Aug 26, 2011
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I'll settle for "who cares" if it help's RU in the end ! Unbelieveable what passes for "news" today.

Good answer. I rest my case. The mindset of Rutgers athletics continues to spiral downward. Now the fans will accept anything and back their AD and coaches no matter what.

If you think coaches, showing up to study halls to humiliate players is the norm, you are as screwed up as your athletic department.
Jun 5, 2012
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Read the title and thought this was going to be about Rutgers' game against Cincinnati on Saturday. 52-7 before Cincinnati emptied the bench.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Too late. Already been done. Having recruits sing nursery rhymes to build cohesion is now a career-ending offense. Sailor will never promote again and will either be denied re-enlistment or be forced out at his high year tenure.

Never mind that the purpose of singing the nursery rhymes is to get them all sick and tired of singing stupid kid's songs and learn the military cadences. The point being until you put in the time and effort to learn the cadences you can sing nursery rhymes instead.

The recruit division commander who forced his recruits to recite nursery rhymes abused his power and deserved to be punished, the head of Naval Service Training Command told Navy Times.

“The idea is to teach humility and selfless-service without sacrificing self-worth, and if we find that someone is attempting to instill militarization using techniques that don’t conform to those principals, then it’s out of line,” said Rear Adm. Dee Mewbourne in a Sept. 19 interview.

Based on the admissions of the unnamed sailor — a machinist’s mate first class with eight years of service — nursery rhymes were his preferred form of punishment while training recruits at Great Lakes, Ill.

A Navy report states the MM1 admitted to:

■ Ordering a recruit to sing “Itsy Bitsy Spider” while performing what the Navy described as a “Soldier Boy” dance.

■ Ordering two recruits to stand on one foot and wave an arm while reciting “I’m a Little Teapot.”

■ Ordering two recruits to recite “Jack and Jill.”

He also admitted to non-nursery rhyme tactics: He reportedly propped a ruler on a recruit’s ball cap and instructed the recruit not to let it fall. He also woke up two sleeping recruits, one by brushing dog tags across the recruit’s face and another by removing the recruit’s pillow.
Wait. He took his pillow? What kind of a madman is he?
Oct 3, 2012
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So they've all told you coaches show up at study hall's and call them p.uss.ies and bi.tches? A yes or no answer will suffice.

I haven't read everything about this because it's not a story. What you are reading are stories from a scrub player and his idiot parents who are desperate to try to get back at the coaches because their son couldn't hack it at the D1 level. I invite you to donate enough money so you can watch a UCONN practice whenever you wish. You'll change your tune when you see kids getting screamed at 6" from their helmet. Boo hoo he got called a /bitch. They live like kings in college, they can deal with getting yelled at. If you really believe a coach just ran into study hall and started cursing a kid out for no reason then you are the reason why stories like this stay on the front page, it's because you're an idiot who believes anything the media says. Of course I am sure you want this to be true because of your hatred for us...

Continue this discussion, I look forward to...."bullying" you.
Aug 30, 2011
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Not sure if the Rutgers case is one of those times, but, sometimes, a coach calling a player a p* ssy can be a very bad move.

Exactly! The rule is really easy. A male comparing another male's failed attempt to do man stuff by using comparisons to female traits, body parts or other female stereotypes will get a male ass fired, post-haste. So, be a good neanderthal and use less offensive terms to demean those in your charge.
Aug 26, 2011
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I haven't read everything about this because it's not a story. What you are reading are stories from a scrub player and his idiot parents who are desperate to try to get back at the coaches because their son couldn't hack it at the D1 level. I invite you to donate enough money so you can watch a UCONN practice whenever you wish. You'll change your tune when you see kids getting screamed at 6" from their helmet. Boo hoo he got called a /bitch. They live like kings in college, they can deal with getting yelled at. If you really believe a coach just ran into study hall and started cursing a kid out for no reason then you are the reason why stories like this stay on the front page, it's because you're an idiot who believes anything the media says. Of course I am sure you want this to be true because of your hatred for us...

Continue this discussion, I look forward to...."bullying" you.
You picked the wrong person to have this discussion with. Pretty sure art has been to a practice or two. I do find the part about the study hall disturbing IF TRUE.
Aug 26, 2011
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I haven't read everything about this because it's not a story. What you are reading are stories from a scrub player and his idiot parents who are desperate to try to get back at the coaches because their son couldn't hack it at the D1 level. I invite you to donate enough money so you can watch a UCONN practice whenever you wish. You'll change your tune when you see kids getting screamed at 6" from their helmet. Boo hoo he got called a /bitch. They live like kings in college, they can deal with getting yelled at. If you really believe a coach just ran into study hall and started cursing a kid out for no reason then you are the reason why stories like this stay on the front page, it's because you're an idiot who believes anything the media says. Of course I am sure you want this to be true because of your hatred for us...

Continue this discussion, I look forward to...."bullying" you.

"I haven't read everything about this...." Yet you have total command on what took place. Typical....

At practice, which I have been to "a few", as far as I'm concerned, almost anything goes. My point, which you have not addressed, is showing up at a study hall, which it appears there are several player witnesses, and humiliating a player in front of other players and non athletes.

I know you drink the kool aid but try and act like you have a clue. The coach supposedly apologized, so yes it did take place at a study hall (there was no denial by any RU staff on the l0cation)

It also appears that the coaches didn't even have the balls to tell the player he was not going to play and left him out of meetings. Real men there.
Oct 3, 2012
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"I haven't read everything about this...." Yet you have total command on what took place. Typical....

At practice, which I have been to "a few", as far as I'm concerned, almost anything goes. My point, which you have not addressed, is showing up at a study hall, which it appears there are several player witnesses, and humiliating a player in front of other players and non athletes.

I know you drink the kool aid but try and act like you have a clue. The coach supposedly apologized, so yes it did take place at a study hall (there was no denial by any RU staff on the l0cation)

It also appears that the coaches didn't even have the balls to tell the player he was not going to play and left him out of meetings. Real men there.

If it is true that you have been to "a few" practices then maybe you need to get your head out of your ass because some of the things you say show that you have no idea how a football program operates. For starters:

1. I'm not reading all the articles because its not a story. It's not bullying. Are you that stupid? The majority of the country agrees this "story" is a joke. Furthermore I don't "drink the kool aid", I think Flood is in way over his head as a coach, so please, spare me.

2. The coaches didn't have the balls to tell the player he wasn't going to play? Again, you show you have no idea how a D1 football program operates. THEY DON'T HAVE TO TELL HIM. HE SHOULD KNOW WHEN HE GOES OUT TO PRACTICE AND IS WITH THE SCOUT TEAM AND NOT THE TRAVEL TEAM. That means you aren't producing enough to be considered worthy to suit up. Scout players don't meet with the coaches because they need to be meeting with the scout team coaches to know what time of "look" to give at practice. The actual coaches need to be meeting with people who are going to actually play. Make sense? Again, pay attention in practice and notice the difference. Hell, maybe ask to sit in during meetings.

3. Let's take your scenario and let's say what happened in study hall is true. That the coach cussed him out in study hall. That is bullying? Sorry, no. It is getting sick of tired of the kid acting a certain way and letting him know about it. Everyone loses their cool sometimes and the coach apologized afterwards. I've seen/heard coaches blow up outside of the practice field on multiple teams.

You are adamant about this because it happened at Rutgers. A program that owns UCONN in football and has left UCONN in the dust in realignment and that eats away at you, as it should.

You, like many people who comment on this as a horrible thing, haven't a clue as to how a college football program operates. Furthermore, I don't think you even know what bullying actually is.
Aug 27, 2011
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If it is true that you have been to "a few" practices then maybe you need to get your head out of your ass because some of the things you say show that you have no idea how a football program operates. For starters:

1. I'm not reading all the articles because its not a story. It's not bullying. Are you that stupid? The majority of the country agrees this "story" is a joke. Furthermore I don't "drink the kool aid", I think Flood is in way over his head as a coach, so please, spare me.

2. The coaches didn't have the balls to tell the player he wasn't going to play? Again, you show you have no idea how a D1 football program operates. THEY DON'T HAVE TO TELL HIM. HE SHOULD KNOW WHEN HE GOES OUT TO PRACTICE AND IS WITH THE SCOUT TEAM AND NOT THE TRAVEL TEAM. That means you aren't producing enough to be considered worthy to suit up. Scout players don't meet with the coaches because they need to be meeting with the scout team coaches to know what time of "look" to give at practice. The actual coaches need to be meeting with people who are going to actually play. Make sense? Again, pay attention in practice and notice the difference. Hell, maybe ask to sit in during meetings.

3. Let's take your scenario and let's say what happened in study hall is true. That the coach cussed him out in study hall. That is bullying? Sorry, no. It is getting sick of tired of the kid acting a certain way and letting him know about it. Everyone loses their cool sometimes and the coach apologized afterwards. I've seen/heard coaches blow up outside of the practice field on multiple teams.

You are adamant about this because it happened at Rutgers. A program that owns UCONN in football and has left UCONN in the dust in realignment and that eats away at you, as it should.

You, like many people who comment on this as a horrible thing, haven't a clue as to how a college football program operates. Furthermore, I don't think you even know what bullying actually is.

Do you put a lot of effort into sounding incredibly stupid? Or does that just come naturally to you?
Aug 26, 2011
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>>After the meeting, he said Hermann “now believes she had never spoken to the father. And the father and mother (believe) it is in the realm of possibility someone represented himself as the father” and called her office.<<

Yeah that's the ticket. Imposters. Realm of possibility.

"Elvis on line 2"

Should have read it first, but it seem Mr. Soaries has a history of smoothing things out for Rutgers. Lucky for them.
Last edited:
Aug 27, 2011
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Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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Hermann's story sounds completely plausible.

Who here hasn't impersonated the relative of an obscure freshman football player and called an athletic director? I mean, just last week I called Joe Castiglione and pretended to be Ogbonnia Okoronkow's grandma. Oh, we laughed about that.

So, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. (Unless you're Gary Nova, in which case it would probably be intercepted.)
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