Rutgers AD hopes paper goes bankrupt | Page 3 | The Boneyard

Rutgers AD hopes paper goes bankrupt

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Aug 9, 2012
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The difference is that the historically mediocre B1G teams are in areas that are not fertile recruiting grounds for football, whereas we are. With money and the right hire, which is a big if I know, it's quite simple to see how we can ascend in football whereas some schools will maybe have a good year every five years or so.

I mean this time last year we had an amazing recruiting class before it fell apart, and that was with Kyle Flood. Imagine what we could do with someone who has name value.
Feb 22, 2014
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Come on, Ldandy. I hate Rutgers as much as the next man, so its hard for me to defend them, but let's not pretend the Big 10 is this incredible athletic power. Its a good conference with some top end teams, but they aren't the best in much of anything. Rutgers will not be any more of a punching bag in the Big 10 than they were in the Big East or the AAC. They will have a mediocre to bad football program, a bad basketball program, but guess what? Last I looked Illinois, Northwestern, Indiana were all in the Big and none of them are exactly lighting it up in football and/or basketball. The last big team to win a National Championship was Michigan State in 2000. Before that you have to go all the way back to 1989. Its been 7 years since they last won a Mens hockey title, Their only womens basketball title was Purdue in 1999 (note UConn has won 8 since then). The Rutgers women have been to more final fours than any Big 10 program but Purdue, but Rutgers has been there in this Century. Even in football, the last Big 10 national Champ was in 2002. Seriously, I wouldn't worry about Rutgers. they aren't very good and they will rarely be anything but cannon fodder for the top programs, but they'll fit right in with Indiana, Illinois, Purdue and the rest of the lower and mid tier Big 10 programs. They aren't going to help the conference power rankings in any sport. On the other hand, they aren't they won't hurt it more than say Indiana football or Purdue basketball has of late. Maybe they'll even be better than some. Now, I hope this is the last time I ever say anything positive about the Ruts.

I don't disagree that B1G Football has been down as of late, especially in bowl matchups against The SEC. That said it appears to be on the rebound with Meyer and Franklin now recruiting strong in the East. That said under the current NCAA System no conference will challenge the SEC for year to year superiority in football.

Mens Basketball has not won a National Title in over a decade, this is true, but overall the conference has been quite strong nationally for a long time. It consistently places multiple teams in the NCAA Tournament including regular FF appearances from various conference members. While certainly not as prestigious, we have also had multiple NIT Champs over the last decade plus as well. One or two key additions would likely put the conference on top in a major way.

Women's Basketball, while supported fairly well in the B1G, is much further down the ladder interest wise than at a school like UCONN which has experienced such incredible success. Rutgers has been pretty good here, so they should help out. Obviously a UCONN addition would raise the overall profile tremendously.

Hockey just finished its 1st season as a recognized conference sport and had finalists in both Men's and Women's but unfortunately no titles. Seven years feels like a long time, but with Minny, Wisky, and UM making up the top group, it is only a matter of time before someone breaks through and takes a title in Men's again. Wisky and Minny have won women's titles OOC in recent years.

My arguement was not whether or not The B1G has been the best in football or basketball over the last decade plus. It has not been. It was whether or not Rutgers entire Athletic Dept is ready to compete across the board in all sports. If you research the conference you will see that it consistently places multiple teams in national tournaments every year across a wide range of events. It regularly wins multiple national titles every year as well as getting to national semis and finals in others. If it is not the best overall it is pretty darn close.

At this point Rutgers is likely top tier women's basketball, mid tier in some sports like football, baseball, and maybe soccer or wrestling, and bottom tier in the majority of the rest. The B1G like the PAC and ACC takes all sports seriously. Olympic sports are not going to punch anybody's ticket to a P5 Conference, that is almost entirely due to market size/cable subscriptions available. That said those in the conference will see less promotion of their non revenue sports on TV if they do not invest in making them at least reasonably competitive.
Aug 9, 2012
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We'd be the level right below top in baseball right now. That's mainly because the B1G is pretty bad at baseball. IU is really, really good, and NEB right now is alright, and then it's us.

Just got done with a darn good year in gymnastics, and our wrestling is pretty good though I can never figure out what makes your school good in wrestling......wins by the team or having highly ranked wrestlers. No idea.

So some sports are coming along.
Aug 29, 2011
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My point, really, is tha tRutgers isn't very good, their athletic department is embarrassing, but their perfomance is no worse than any of the bottom tier Big 10 members. Think of it as adding another Indiana without the Bobby Knight title but with the Bobby Knight foibles.
Nov 20, 2011
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My point, really, is tha tRutgers isn't very good, their athletic department is embarrassing, but their perfomance is no worse than any of the bottom tier Big 10 members. Think of it as adding another Indiana without the Bobby Knight title but with the Bobby Knight foibles.

And you know this absolutely?
Feb 22, 2014
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We'd be the level right below top in baseball right now. That's mainly because the B1G is pretty bad at baseball. IU is really, really good, and NEB right now is alright, and then it's us.

Just got done with a darn good year in gymnastics, and our wrestling is pretty good though I can never figure out what makes your school good in wrestling.wins by the team or having highly ranked wrestlers. No idea.

So some sports are coming along.

Baseball is improving in the B1G, as facilities improvements have gone on at many institutions. Medlar Field @ Lubrano Park is a beautiful facility to visit, and combined with a new manager hopefully things are trending upwards. Climate conducive for year round baseball will always be an achilles heel of a program like PSU.

Wrestling is a different animal altogether. Hopefully you guys can develop your program as you jump up in competition. Keeping more top NJ Guys home is job 1. PSU is incredibly fortunate. We have the top coach sitting on top of a goldmine of talent and fan support. PA is a wrestling obsessed state, so I don't see a change in success coming anytime soon. Good Luck.
Aug 9, 2012
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I think we just had an AA in wrestling. As for baseball we've always been pretty good in it (for all the talk on how we suck at sports we've won multiple Big East regular and post season championships). Right now by RPI we'd be third in the conference.
May 23, 2013
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I am not criticizing Rutgers. I have always congratulated them on their good fortune. Every I said you basically have confirmed. The Director's cup standings are meaningless in CR. I also stated that RU has a larger population to choose from for support. I don't know what percentage are RU fans, but I suggest that a higher percent of CT residents are UConn fans, though the absolute numbers would be less as the population is much lower than NJ. This was not a snipe at RU.
Sorry buddy i guess it wasn't but with all the negativity from outsiders i guess i over responded but much was from the gut,,,no proof ..just what i see and feel...for some reason RU seems to be more palatable(maybe population?) to outsider blogs though UConn seems to have earned it more the respect is soo slow in coming...maybe FB IS that important and PP really set u back perceptionwise!!! I'm sorry I should have restrained from commenting but stimpys got me paranoid and pizzed.
May 23, 2013
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I don't see too many on this board outside of the typical ND Troll, or ACC Apologist that are rubbing salt in UCONN's Wounds. IMO most of the Rutgers Fans outside of 1 or 2 internet tough guys, are respectful of UCONN and supportive of a B1G Candidacy for The Huskies. I think the majority realize that they won the conference lottery and did so not by virtue of their results on the playing field but because of fortuitous geography.
most of the teams in the B1G can say the same thing(won lottery)...and they DON"T EVEN HAVE the geography RU has either .....just lucky they have OSU,Mich and PSU. Later Neb the rest is filler IMO no better or worse than RU cause face it the B1G aint the SEC performance wise and have embaressed the BCS in FB esp. I have a modicum of respect for Iowa and Wisky but thats where it end's after the big 3 or 4.Sometimes you make sense but sometimes you sound like a B1G stimpyCuse!! Please quit teaching and just join in and learn here. I don't mean to bicker but you're arrogant!
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May 23, 2013
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Stimpy rubs a lot of people the wrong way, but you will find that The Director's Cup and the overall athletic department success that it reflects is taken VERY seriously in The B1G as well. Outside of football and basketball you will find great interest in Wrestling, Hockey, Women's Volleyball, Soccer, Lacrosse, Gymnastics,and Baseball, among others. We have an entire network of programming to fill, and selling ads and chasing ratings is easier when you are selling multiple good products. RU is behind the 8 ball in a major way, and it will take more than B1G Money to solve your problems. You need to get your base more involved across the board for you all to succeed.
If you were a cavalier fan what else can he say? Its like the Swiss preferering Luge over boxing..Has there ever been a Swiss fighter?
May 23, 2013
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Oh I don't expect quick success in any sport for Rutgers in the B1G. That is what scares me a little bit. If your teams come out of the gate and get cub stomped across the board, will your supporters become disillusioned? If supporters don't say "Hey we need to really dig in here and support our entire AD like never before, including pouring our own money into the AD" you could be in for long term trouble. If your casual fan base views it as a hopeless situation long term, and looses interest it could reflect poorly on Delany, The B1G, and obviously yourselves. You must find away to keep your casual fans engaged even if the first few years are bumpy for you.

While I think a lot of what is said about PSU on both Scout and especially Rivals RU Boards is disgusting to say the least, I'm still rooting for you guys to have success outside of our games. I'm glad to have more Eastern Schools on board, and hope that UCONN joins in the future as well. I'll be more than pleased if you find a way to upset UM or OSU this year although they may be a little too tall of a task for this season. Put a muzzle on Julie and get Flood and co. the Hell out of Piscataway, and you will give yourselves a better shot at long term success.
Disgusting? Scout and RU boards? Tell that to the kid that was in the shower getting abused!!
Feb 22, 2014
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Disgusting? Scout and RU boards? Tell that to the kid that was in the shower getting abused!!

Disgusting? You bet. When people make light of child abuse on your board, that's disgusting. When posters classify an entire alumni base, 99.999% of which had zero prior knowledge of any wrong doing, as pedphile enablers, that's disgusting. When a large portion of your fan base wished for the destruction of our school, teams, and local community, because our demise might assist your rise as a program, that's disgusting. It's Pitt level bitterness.

Now with PSU killing it in NJ recruiting again, certain fans are ramping up the Ped State rhetoric. RU "Fans" are condemning any parent that allows their kid to go to PSU, and labeling 16-17 year old kids as traitors for leaving the state of NJ. That's disgusting. I've been above board on RU as I like the addition, but some of your fans are living in mighty big glass houses. Apologies to our hosts for posting this on your board.
Nov 20, 2011
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As much as it pains me to say this...let the Penn State faithful move on from this. The past few years have been painful enough for them. I'm not saying to forget, but this could've gone on anywhere. Allow them to move on and heal.
Feb 22, 2014
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As much as it pains me to say this...let the Penn State faithful move on from this. The past few years have been painful enough for them. I'm not saying to forget, but this could've gone on anywhere. Allow them to move on and heal.

Good man.
Aug 27, 2011
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As much as it pains me to say this...let the Penn State faithful move on from this. The past few years have been painful enough for them. I'm not saying to forget, but this could've gone on anywhere. Allow them to move on and heal.
Nah. It takes a special kind of cult-like atmosphere for something that horrible to have reached that level.
May 23, 2013
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Good man.
If what happened there didn't require the DP....what does? And to put FB above common sense and decency and actually lift the lightweight penalty imposed by the toothless NCAA infractions committee and you have the audacity to call RU's AD a trainwreck yet defend the indefensible? I guess some think certain schools are above it all and only "easy" targets are fair game!?! And PSU was always an ally to RU and was always pushing to get RU into the B1G...I like the school,.. I just abhor the cult that think it was them who were persecuted! But I'm sure the state of NJ and RU appreciates that it has you're stamp of approval as a B1G add. Did'nt JH come from the L'ville AD and didn't they just have an unprecedented run of success there?
May 23, 2013
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Disgusting? You bet. When people make light of child abuse on your board, that's disgusting. When posters classify an entire alumni base, 99.999% of which had zero prior knowledge of any wrong doing, as pedphile enablers, that's disgusting. When a large portion of your fan base wished for the destruction of our school, teams, and local community, because our demise might assist your rise as a program, that's disgusting. It's Pitt level bitterness.

Now with PSU killing it in NJ recruiting again, certain fans are ramping up the Ped State rhetoric. RU "Fans" are condemning any parent that allows their kid to go to PSU, and labeling 16-17 year old kids as traitors for leaving the state of NJ. That's disgusting. I've been above board on RU as I like the addition, but some of your fans are living in mighty big glass houses. Apologies to our hosts for posting this on your board.
You should see how the kids on RU's team from Pennsylvania were treated by the PSU faithful for choosing RU over them!! Kudo's to 4*OL Chris Muller and 4*OT J Denman and 4 or 5 3* types like TB Peoples who will start or get major minutes next yr and many other Pennsy talent like DT Seb Joseph and the Arcidiacono brothers not to mention starting TE and future NFL candidate K.Kroft for standing up to it and the others running OOS into Urban Meyers hand's causing PSU to have to raid NJ, Md and Va to make up for it. How's Minnesota's last 5 recruiting classes gone? Outrecruiting PSU,MSU,OSU,Iowa,Indiana,NW,Wisc,Neb, or for that matter RU? Maybe Purdue?BTW this is the only board you'll find me participating on so play nice here. Pitt will be fine though I have bigger issues with their new conference than I do with Pitt who have some fine and not condescending visitors who participate here!! Leave it to PSU fans to come to a neutral board to belittle a decent bunch of non- cultist's decent bunch as a whole(Pitt fans).
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Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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As much as it pains me to say this...let the Penn State faithful move on from this. The past few years have been painful enough for them. I'm not saying to forget, but this could've gone on anywhere. Allow them to move on and heal.

I agree - people are taking way too much glee in taking something awful and attributing it to people who had nothing to do with it just because they're a sports' rival.

It's just twisted.
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