Why do Americans care about British royalty? And why do the British even have royalty?
As someone who spent some time in the UK
My buddy in Birmingham had the best answer
“ You have Disneyworld as a tourist attraction
The Royals bring in millions if not billions in tourist “ Go to Buckingham Palace or any Royal site. Mobbed with tourists A wedding challenges the World Cup in viewership. The Romance of Princes and princesses is a never ending theme.
It’s real life make believe.
American’s are more fascinated by Royalty than mostly any other country especially women.
I never understood why the man who married the Queen didn't become King. I guess it's to keep the royal lineage through the bloodline.
The title King carries with it an authority not his to avoid confusion over who is reigning.
Yet a Kings wife is called Queen
As a Queen could be either a monarch or wife of a King . Or even mother of a monarch .
So you can have a King and Queen
But not a Queen and King
This is probably done to avoid usurping authority by consorts who were frequently foreign.