Report: Big 12 Would Take Cincinnati/UConn Before Others | The Boneyard

Report: Big 12 Would Take Cincinnati/UConn Before Others

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Former Owner of the Pizza Thread
Aug 27, 2012
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Get into Big12, then when the Big10/ACC offer comes pay the buyout. We're in there like a dirty shirt.
Sep 30, 2014
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If UConn and Cincy get into the B-12 after all of this....Boren will be going full-bore for a conference network. Then the end game becomes going after Clemson and FSU when they call Stafford on a ACC Network.

I even read an article recently that suggested that given the weakened state of Longhorn Athletics, they'd potentially be more likely to concede the Longhorn Network for the sake of a Big XII Network. According to the article, there's a handful of schools that still want expansion (along with the conference network), regardless of the recent vote which allowed them a 10-team championship game.
Aug 27, 2011
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I even read an article recently that suggested that given the weakened state of Longhorn Athletics, they'd potentially be more likely to concede the Longhorn Network for the sake of a Big XII Network. According to the article, there's a handful of schools that still want expansion (along with the conference network), regardless of the recent vote which allowed them a 10-team championship game.
The vote allows them to now discuss expansion without it being "forced" on them. It will be interesting to see what happens at the B-12 meetings in a few weeks. To see if Boren actually put's the rest of them on notice with his comments...."fix things or OU is out of here".


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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If UConn and Cincy get into the B-12 after all of this....Boren will be going full-bore for a conference network. Then the end game becomes going after Clemson and FSU when they call Stafford on a ACC Network.

This is an excellent point that I think a lot of B12 fans miss when they hear UConn to the B12. I don't think there is a more important piece to add than UConn for their long term future. We deliver 11.4M TVs and our ratings, comparative with our AAC competition, reflects that. There isn't an available school that would help out their B12 Network cause more than UConn. Once a network is in the place, that all but guarantees that the money earmarked for an ACCN will be used up and gone. That means ACC schools will search for new homes. Can they lure Clemson and/or FSU? Maybe, but probably not - I think those two are perfect additions for the SEC even if it doubles down markets. But you can bring Louisville in (where else are they going to go?), Pitt to re-establish the Backyard Brawl, and maybe 2 others (possibly basketball additions for winter content or dare I say offer a sweetheart deal to Notre Dame) and all of a sudden, the conference is absolutely better than the PAC and would compete with the B1G in most seasons in the major sports.
Aug 27, 2011
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This is an excellent point that I think a lot of B12 fans miss when they hear UConn to the B12. I don't think there is a more important piece to add than UConn for their long term future. We deliver 11.4M TVs and our ratings, comparative with our AAC competition, reflects that. There isn't an available school that would help out their B12 Network cause more than UConn. Once a network is in the place, that all but guarantees that the money earmarked for an ACCN will be used up and gone. That means ACC schools will search for new homes. Can they lure Clemson and/or FSU? Maybe, but probably not - I think those two are perfect additions for the SEC even if it doubles down markets. But you can bring Louisville in (where else are they going to go?), Pitt to re-establish the Backyard Brawl, and maybe 2 others (possibly basketball additions for winter content or dare I say offer a sweetheart deal to Notre Dame) and all of a sudden, the conference is absolutely better than the PAC and would compete with the B1G in most seasons in the major sports.
It will be interesting to see if the ACC GOR is actually tied to a ACC Network starting up.
I wouldn't hold your breath on South Carolina supporting Clemson to the SEC....those 2 fan bases pretty much hate each other.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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It will be interesting to see if the ACC GOR is actually tied to a ACC Network starting up.
I wouldn't hold your breath on South Carolina supporting Clemson to the SEC....those 2 fan bases pretty much hate each other.

From everything I've read, I think an ACC Network plays a HUGE part of their GOR. I think there are even quotes attached to people from FSU confirming this, although I won't be able to find them quickly. If the B12 launches a network first, it will be interesting what starts coming out of the ACC. I think FSU plays the OU role in that conference and I'm 100% positive that they will be as vocal as OU is right now if they see the B12 launch first.

Unlike the B12, I think more than half of the ACC schools will be able to find landing spots should it dissolve. Some don't meet the metrics of the B1G (AAU) or SEC and would be perfect additions to the B12, with an established network, thanks to UConn.
Aug 27, 2011
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From everything I've read, I think an ACC Network plays a HUGE part of their GOR. I think there are even quotes attached to people from FSU confirming this, although I won't be able to find them quickly. If the B12 launches a network first, it will be interesting what starts coming out of the ACC. I think FSU plays the OU role in that conference and I'm 100% positive that they will be as vocal as OU is right now if they see the B12 launch first.

Unlike the B12, I think more than half of the ACC schools will be able to find landing spots should it dissolve. Some don't meet the metrics of the B1G (AAU) or SEC and would be perfect additions to the B12, with an established network, thanks to UConn.
This will pretty much stop a ACC Network in it's track @Dooley.....
And I'm sure the Pinstripe Bowl would LOVE to re-associate itself with the B-12 if a B-12 Network goes up and gets on in the NYC DMA due to UConn. Pipe dream I know but would be just another domino to fall...


King Shizzle DCCLXXXVII of the Cesspool
Oct 19, 2015
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I really believe that if us and Cincinnati get picked (gaining a foothold in the east), FSU and Clemson will join eventually when they realize that a one-loss ACC champ will struggle to get into the playoff. Both years of the CFP, the ACC champ was undefeated. Honestly, I believe that FSU would not have gotten in with one-loss, and Clemson possibly would have been bumped out with a loss to UNC.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I don't see Texas playing nice but a B-12 network is possible, but only if UT agrees (and ESPN would jump at this) to roll the LHN into a conference owned B-12 network.

There are very few things I would like to see more than the b-12 inviting UConn and Cincy to their conference (especially with a network, but I don't see expansion without the network). This would be even more of an accomplishment if it led to FSU and Clemson bolting the ACC for the B-12.

The only scenario I would prefer to the above would be if the B-12 network leads to expansion by that conference adding FSU and Clemson, leading Va Tech and NC St to joing the SEC (to give that conference a presence in all southern states) and UVA and UConn completing the B1G's presence from DC to Boston.
Nov 19, 2014
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UCONN will go to the B1G or ACC before they go to the Big 12. Then again, Big 12 leadership is pretty inept, so we'll see what happens.
Aug 28, 2011
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I don't see Texas playing nice but a B-12 network is possible, but only if UT agrees (and ESPN would jump at this) to roll the LHN into a conference owned B-12 network.

There are very few things I would like to see more than the b-12 inviting UConn and Cincy to their conference (especially with a network, but I don't see expansion without the network). This would be even more of an accomplishment if it led to FSU and Clemson bolting the ACC for the B-12.

The only scenario I would prefer to the above would be if the B-12 network leads to expansion by that conference adding FSU and Clemson, leading Va Tech and NC St to joing the SEC (to give that conference a presence in all southern states) and UVA and UConn completing the B1G's presence from DC to Boston.

Yes. If the big 12 creates a network, then it is very likely to lead to good things for UConn. Either UConn gets in the big 12 or the big 12 raids the acc and causes several dominos to fall that gets UConn an invite to the big 10.
Aug 26, 2011
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UCONN will go to the B1G or ACC before they go to the Big 12. Then again, Big 12 leadership is pretty inept, so we'll see what happens.
That doesn't seem to be an option anytime soon. The Big 12 could be, as they are the most likely to expand in the near future. I would love to be in the big12.
Aug 26, 2011
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I wonder how long the general public is going to support, with their discretionary spending, this level of collegiate sports and all the money it takes to field and transport teams. I can see the day when this all starts to unravel. UConn traveling to Oklahoma, Kansas & Texas for almost all their away games? And.... drawing 20, maybe 30,000 for 6 home games. How long is that going to be sustainable?
Aug 30, 2011
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I wonder how long the general public is going to support, with their discretionary spending, this level of collegiate sports and all the money it takes to field and transport teams. I can see the day when this all starts to unravel. UConn traveling to Oklahoma, Kansas & Texas for almost all their away games? And.... drawing 20, maybe 30,000 for 6 home games. How long is that going to be sustainable?

Why would we only draw 20-30,000 playing in the Big 12?

The travel wouldn't be any worse than it is now. You take what you can get.
Aug 26, 2011
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Why would the draw be only 20-30K?
  • For starters UConn barely got to 6-6 this season in the "American". What do you think their record is going to be when they have to play TCU, Baylor, Oklahoma, Texas, WVU, Oklahoma St, Iowa St and Cinci?
  • How many Texas fans are traveling up to E. Hartford to watch a blowout? Oklahoma fans? It isn't like UConn is in NYC where their fans can take in a show or sight see while up here for a weekend.
Besides, I really hate to throw water on this pipe dream but UConn isn't going to the Big12. Houston and Cinci maybe. Possibly an ACC school or two or any combination of 2 out of those four. The way I figure it UConn will get invited into the ACC the next time one of their schools bolts for greener pastures. That's the most realistic scenario and that all depends on what a new AAC TV deal would look like and how much the ACC unravels in the next few years. What happens if the B1G & SEC both decide to poach the ACC in an attempt to make it P-4 instead of P-5, making four 16 team super conferences and really trying to slam the door shut on all others? Do all the Northeast schools form a new conference in an attempt to increase fannies in seats and cut traveling expenses?
Aug 27, 2011
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Why would the draw be only 20-30K?
  • For starters UConn barely got to 6-6 this season in the "American". What do you think their record is going to be when they have to play TCU, Baylor, Oklahoma, Texas, WVU, Oklahoma St, Iowa St and Cinci?
  • How many Texas fans are traveling up to E. Hartford to watch a blowout? Oklahoma fans? It isn't like UConn is in NYC where their fans can take in a show or sight see while up here for a weekend.
Besides, I really hate to throw water on this pipe dream but UConn isn't going to the Big12. Houston and Cinci maybe. Possibly an ACC school or two or any combination of 2 out of those four. The way I figure it UConn will get invited into the ACC the next time one of their schools bolts for greener pastures. That's the most realistic scenario and that all depends on what a new AAC TV deal would look like and how much the ACC unravels in the next few years. What happens if the B1G & SEC both decide to poach the ACC in an attempt to make it P-4 instead of P-5, making four 16 team super conferences and really trying to slam the door shut on all others? Do all the Northeast schools form a new conference in an attempt to increase fannies in seats and cut traveling expenses?
Unless the ACC GOR is tied to the development of an ACC Network don't hold your breath until 2025 about anybody leaving the ACC.
Aug 30, 2011
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Why would the draw be only 20-30K?
  • For starters UConn barely got to 6-6 this season in the "American". What do you think their record is going to be when they have to play TCU, Baylor, Oklahoma, Texas, WVU, Oklahoma St, Iowa St and Cinci?
  • How many Texas fans are traveling up to E. Hartford to watch a blowout? Oklahoma fans? It isn't like UConn is in NYC where their fans can take in a show or sight see while up here for a weekend.
Besides, I really hate to throw water on this pipe dream but UConn isn't going to the Big12. Houston and Cinci maybe. Possibly an ACC school or two or any combination of 2 out of those four. The way I figure it UConn will get invited into the ACC the next time one of their schools bolts for greener pastures. That's the most realistic scenario and that all depends on what a new AAC TV deal would look like and how much the ACC unravels in the next few years. What happens if the B1G & SEC both decide to poach the ACC in an attempt to make it P-4 instead of P-5, making four 16 team super conferences and really trying to slam the door shut on all others? Do all the Northeast schools form a new conference in an attempt to increase fannies in seats and cut traveling expenses?

We already have consistently done better attendance than that when we've played WVU and Cincy, and we drew better than that for Iowa State and Baylor when they came here too. Oklahoma and Texas would sell out the current Rent, and an expanded version, every time we played them, so how much they travel isn't really an issue, but yes, they would travel here.

We went 6-6 in year 2 of a coaching change with a very young team that is clearly trending up. Getting in the Big 12 would be a big boost to recruiting and resources so to act like last years team is what we can expect every year going forward makes no sense.

We very well might not get into the Big 12, but right now it's more realistic than going anywhere else.
Sep 30, 2014
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The same people b!+ching about the potential prospects of joining the Big 12 are the same people who'll be wondering why UConn still isn't in a P5 conference 5-10 years from now if this somehow fell through or gets passed up for "better options."
Aug 27, 2011
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The same people b!+ching about the potential prospects of joining the Big 12 are the same people who'll be wondering why UConn still isn't in a P5 conference 5-10 years from now if this somehow fell through or gets passed up for "better options."
It's like they think that throwing a deck chair off the Titanic will be shedding enough weight to prevent it from sinking......their motto is "yeah if the B-12 calls tell them thanks but no thanks..we are going to weight for the ACC or B1G to call..they fit us better". When you are in the water and a life raft get in.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Why would the draw be only 20-30K?
  • For starters UConn barely got to 6-6 this season in the "American". What do you think their record is going to be when they have to play TCU, Baylor, Oklahoma, Texas, WVU, Oklahoma St, Iowa St and Cinci?
  • How many Texas fans are traveling up to E. Hartford to watch a blowout? Oklahoma fans? It isn't like UConn is in NYC where their fans can take in a show or sight see while up here for a weekend.
Besides, I really hate to throw water on this pipe dream but UConn isn't going to the Big12. Houston and Cinci maybe. Possibly an ACC school or two or any combination of 2 out of those four. The way I figure it UConn will get invited into the ACC the next time one of their schools bolts for greener pastures. That's the most realistic scenario and that all depends on what a new AAC TV deal would look like and how much the ACC unravels in the next few years. What happens if the B1G & SEC both decide to poach the ACC in an attempt to make it P-4 instead of P-5, making four 16 team super conferences and really trying to slam the door shut on all others? Do all the Northeast schools form a new conference in an attempt to increase fannies in seats and cut traveling expenses?
I used to think UConn had almost zero chance of getting invited. But it's clear from reports that at least Oklahoma and WVU favor expansion and favor UConn. Yes, the B12 is the least stable of the P5 conferences. But it's a LOT of money on the table that would at least fund the athletics program and decrease the subsidy. If the long-term goal is to get in the ACC or B1G at some point, UConn would be better served in that time in the B12.
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