Thanks for the explanation. It's Raoul's list and s/he can define it however s/he wants. Unless a recruit announces a list of finalists she won't make Raoul's list.
I stopped paying attention to Raoul years ago after s/he took to Twitter to make fun of a young recruit who identified her list of finalists and included a school that had yet to make an offer. The young recruit, a teenager, was Aubrey Griffin and the school she included on her list of finalists was UConn. Aubrey was ruthlessly mocked by Raoul, an adult, for doing that. I'd include the tweets but they've since been deleted. UConn's offer to Aubrey and her subsequent commitment to UConn were never mentioned by Raoul, btw.
Apologies for the digression. I'm not a fan. The person behind the account posted on the Boneyard (with that handle) years ago.