Regarding Nappier | The Boneyard

Regarding Nappier

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Aug 26, 2011
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I wouldn't be too concerened about JC's assesment of Napier's recent play in practice. We all know JC has various ways to motivate players. I'm sure this is one of his many motivational ploys. When JC has his next presser I'm sure Napier will be fine and JC will get off on someone else who might have had a bad practice or two for whatever reasons.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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It could be a motivational ploy unless it isn't. If it is the latter case then there is a cause for concern. This season has the potential to shape up like it did two seasons ago.
Aug 27, 2011
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Napier is good, we all know that. Maybe going up against an exceptional athlete in Boatright in practice has him a bit rattled... but I'm confident that Bazz will be fine, especially with 10 or so games at the start of the schedule to get things worked out.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Napier is good, we all know that. Maybe going up against an exceptional athlete in Boatright in practice has him a bit rattled... but I'm confident that Bazz will be fine, especially with 10 or so games at the start of the schedule to get things worked out.
Seemed to be a bit of tension between Boatright and Shabazz at 1st night, although they still connected well for the dunks.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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Really, one negative report and the sky is falling?
The sky already fell with realignment and apr stories. Personally I'm optimistic about those stories turning out good for UConn. And I'm excited and optimistic about this season. I just don't share the same certainty others have that this years team is a guaranteed final four team. Everything hinges on SN's development in determining how far this team progresses.

The situation isn't that much different from two years ago in which a sophomore pg was asked to take over the controls of a team after a special upper class man graduated. And both pg's, KW (following AJP departure) and SN (following KW's departure) were expected by fans to just come in and fill in the upper class man's shoes. KW was expected to lead the team two years ago, based on the way he played against Missouri in the tournament. People have argued the same thing about Shabazz after last seasons play.

But it is one thing to be the support pg for a star player, and another thing to be the main pg when the star leaves. Adjustments are necessary. Some people can't make the adjustments, or take longer than others.

I have to admit I was deliberately provacitive with my "shaping up to be like two seasons ago" statement. AD is a difference maker. But the pg situation is eerily similar. And the fan's excitement level and expectation level is setting up anger and resentment if those expectations aren't met.
Aug 27, 2011
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Im not going to make any assumptions based on reports from practices before the exhibitions even start. Idk but it seems to me this is nothing new. Ive never heard Calhoun praise the team and say they have no weakness this time of year. I think with the situation this team is in, the best thing is to start playing actual games. Thats how they will grow as a team and everyone will fall into there new roles without Kemba.
Aug 25, 2011
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To keep it in perspective, Bazz has the biggest adjustment of all the players. Plus he's only a 'young' sophomore, starting and leading the team as a captain. He isn't just going to wake up and turn the automatic switch on. He like many others has to work hard.

Its a process that will take some time, he is not Kemba. No need to panic nor read more into it. Its just a kid adjusting to a new role with high expectations placed on him (as Kemba's replacement). Bazz has the instincts, skills and will to do what needs to be done. Also Ollie will personally see that he doesn't fail. We (and Bazz) are okay.

Remember also its only October, I am more comfortable with these types of reports than 'perfection' coming out of our pg position at this point in the season.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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For the record, I refuse to take seriously any thread where the initial poster misspells a payers name and doesn't bother to correct it. I write thos from my cell phone and don't have any idea how to spell misspell.


Mrs. Dribbles
Aug 26, 2011
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To keep it in perspective, Bazz has the biggest adjustment of all the players. Plus he's only a 'young' sophomore, starting and leading the team as a captain. He isn't just going to wake up and turn the automatic switch on. He like many others has to work hard.

Its a process that will take some time, he is not Kemba. No need to panic nor read more into it. Its just a kid adjusting to a new role with high expectations placed on him (as Kemba's replacement). Bazz has the instincts, skills and will to do what needs to be done. Also Ollie will personally see that he doesn't fail. We (and Bazz) are okay.

Remember also its only October, I am more comfortable with these types of reports than 'perfection' coming out of our pg position at this point in the season.

I first met Bazz in Sept of his Frosh year and was immediately impressed with his maturity; couldn't believe I was talking with a 17 or 18 year old and I never met another player that fit that mold. My money is on Bazz to come through.


Aug 24, 2011
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For the record, I refuse to take seriously any thread where the initial poster misspells a payers name and doesn't bother to correct it. I write thos from my cell phone and don't have any idea how to spell misspell.
the problem is that while the OP of any thread can edit the content of their post, there's no way to edit the subject line. once he hit "post" he had no way to correct the misspelling unless he deleted and started again.
Aug 27, 2011
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While OP could have gone back and edited Napier's name correctly, it seems ironic that the guy who points it out has 2 typos in his message. With Shabazz's experience from last year and Boatright's talents I don't think we should be too worried about the PG position this year.

Chin Diesel

Power of Love
Aug 24, 2011
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While OP could have gone back and edited Napier's name correctly, it seems ironic that the guy who points it out has 2 typos in his message. With Shabazz's experience from last year and Boatright's talents I don't think we should be too worried about the PG position this year.

So you caught the sacasm/irony. When you criticize someone and are sloppy in your post you lose credibility.
Aug 27, 2011
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There are going to be many ups and downs this year both on the court and with all the BS we are dealing with off the court. Lets wait for them to play then we can all watch the board melt down after our first loss- why jump the gun?
Aug 24, 2011
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Amazing. They haven't played one minute of hoops a some of you are already worried. Bazz will be fine. I'm sure Bazz and some of the other players will struggle at times. In the end this will be a very good team.
Sep 18, 2011
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No concern hear (taking on the mis-spell aspect of this thred). Not to disempower Bazz or start rumors (I've been fan #1 since the first time I heard about him and I'm saying he lives into his potential), but I know several local plugged in AD's college and HS, and the word is the Boat is huge and highly regarded. Not quite sure what the starting lineup will look like, but the Boat will be playing a starting and staring role according to what I'm hearing (was going with hereing, butt it looks way too wierd).


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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No concern hear (taking on the mis-spell aspect of this thred). Not to disempower Bazz or start rumors (I've been fan #1 since the first time I heard about him and I'm saying he lives into his potential), but I know several local plugged in AD's college and HS, and the word is the Boat is huge and highly regarded. Not quite sure what the starting lineup will look like, but the Boat will be playing a starting and staring role according to what I'm hearing (was going with hereing, butt it looks way too wierd).
Hope what you're hering is not a red herring!:)
Aug 26, 2011
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For the record, I refuse to take seriously any thread where the initial poster misspells a payers name and doesn't bother to correct it. I write thos from my cell phone and don't have any idea how to spell misspell.
Here's the extra "p" that I incorrectly put in my original post. I could tell you where to put that extra "p" chinny, but let's not make a big deal about this. Shortly after that post I needed to tend to storm matters, and just got back on line now.
Aug 24, 2011
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The sky already fell with realignment and apr stories. Personally I'm optimistic about those stories turning out good for UConn. And I'm excited and optimistic about this season. I just don't share the same certainty others have that this years team is a guaranteed final four team. Everything hinges on SN's development in determining how far this team progresses.]

Well, that is the problem. In college hoops, not since the UCLA dynasty has there ever been such a thing as a guaranteed final four team. The tournament is too random and anyone can lose one game out of their first four
Aug 27, 2011
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It "seems" like certain people are already eager to see Napier falter and Boatright supplant him, and I just don't understand that.
Aug 27, 2011
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Two things- First the player that has never stepped on the court is always better-right? Second JC always has to pick on one player in particular and it seems that Bazz is the lucky guy early in the year. The team needs him to be steady and play great D- JC is trying to get him to do what he wants him to do - and messing with the kids head can always be part his plan to turn on the lights.
Aug 26, 2011
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It "seems" like certain people are already eager to see Napier falter and Boatright supplant him, and I just don't understand that.

I thought it was just me who noticed that. Shabazz had just as good a freshman season as Kemba did, if not better, yet people have already anointed Boat as better than him. It started during the summer with one poster saying with Boat as PG that is the much more talented team and he's been pushing a "Boat as starter" agenda since then. I'm very excited to see what kind of career Boat has here but I'm not understanding the slights against what Shabazz has already accomplished and from all the reports over the summer at the skills camps he looked even better, plus DD & Drummond have already spoken about great a PG he is and the best they've ever played with.


We are UConn!! 4>1 But 5>>>>1 is even better!
Aug 24, 2011
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Only one poster who observed Boatright's play in hs stated the POSSIBILITY RB could start over SN, and it wasn't based on a dig against Shabazz, it was based on how good he felt RB could be. And he and everyone else in that thread understood that stardom in hs, doesn't always translate into stardom in college immediately or ever.

In this thread I was the instigator. I plead guilty. I think SN is an excellent player and I'm going to enjoy watching him lead the team this season. Scot-e is correct, why be cautious now. If SN or the team struggles, it won't make any difference to advise people at this time they should temper expectations. They wouldn't listen. So hopefully the team is terrific and plays up to the level of expectations. And if it doesn't we all know what to expect.
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