In response to the Diaco channeling Belichek thread I have a few things to say. First, for those hoping for a turnaround in yr 2 are a little unrealistic. Unfortunately what you guys don't seem to understand is that UConn doesn't sit in a hotbed for HS football, and that UConn doesn't have the history in football to make a turnaround in yr 2 realistic (improvement, yes - would say a 5 win season next yr would be great). What are you expecting next yr with a bunch of freshman - and a bunch of kids that should have been redshirted but have been thrown in the Fire earlier than normal due to the horrendous situation?
Also, people are giving him crap for not being able to stop the read option - think about it, if it were that easy to stop no team would run the read option cus all you would have to do is plan for it a wk in advance and assign a linebacker to stop it (when you get to the pros the read option is rather innefective but the college level is a different story - and no I'm not saying Army is a good football team). Also, look what happened to Michigan State this wkd and they have one of the best defenses in the country and one of the, if not the best defensive coordinator in college.
Lastly, with regards to him calling the team still bad but not as bad - I don't have a problem with it and to a degree respect it. As a society we have become a bunch of "wusses" with everyone too concerned about being politically correct and nice and no one willing to 'call a spade a spade' which is what he is doing. I think what's promoted him to make that comment and correctly so is that we will play well against a Boise St, ECU and UCF (the tougher teams we have played) and play horrendous against bad teams (we are not playing how we should be playing against bad teams-and the coaching isn't changing much from game to game to put it solely on the coaches). I also believe that when he says we are a bad team right now but not as bad-he is saying they have a lot of work to do and that he is including the coaches as part of the team. As a head coach I don't believe he's found his effective way of getting the message across to players - everyone has a different way of getting their message across, some encourage (Ollie) and some yell and scream (Calhoun) - I think he tried the Ollie route and it hasn't worked so now he's going the Calhoun route.
Also, people are giving him crap for not being able to stop the read option - think about it, if it were that easy to stop no team would run the read option cus all you would have to do is plan for it a wk in advance and assign a linebacker to stop it (when you get to the pros the read option is rather innefective but the college level is a different story - and no I'm not saying Army is a good football team). Also, look what happened to Michigan State this wkd and they have one of the best defenses in the country and one of the, if not the best defensive coordinator in college.
Lastly, with regards to him calling the team still bad but not as bad - I don't have a problem with it and to a degree respect it. As a society we have become a bunch of "wusses" with everyone too concerned about being politically correct and nice and no one willing to 'call a spade a spade' which is what he is doing. I think what's promoted him to make that comment and correctly so is that we will play well against a Boise St, ECU and UCF (the tougher teams we have played) and play horrendous against bad teams (we are not playing how we should be playing against bad teams-and the coaching isn't changing much from game to game to put it solely on the coaches). I also believe that when he says we are a bad team right now but not as bad-he is saying they have a lot of work to do and that he is including the coaches as part of the team. As a head coach I don't believe he's found his effective way of getting the message across to players - everyone has a different way of getting their message across, some encourage (Ollie) and some yell and scream (Calhoun) - I think he tried the Ollie route and it hasn't worked so now he's going the Calhoun route.