It was reported he hired a social media consultant to help him disconnect from the Raiders. I’m guessing that was not Bill Belichick
Here's the way some conspiracy ideas go.
Drew Rosenhaus and Antonio Brown are at Browns house sipping adult drinks before the Steelers trade, "Look Antonio", Rosenhaus says, "the Steelers aren't going to trade you for a first and second rounder for you". Rosenhaus sits down with Belichick and says, "Bill, what if it doesn't work out in Oakland for my guy, would you be interested?". Belichick says, "Yeah, but only on a one year deal structured really tight, that's basically week to week.". Rosenhaus then goes back to Brown after Oakland trades for him and says, "Okay, you can get 10 mil guaranteed from the Pats, but you'll have to be a good soldier. If you're willing to do that then we have to get you out of Oakland.". Then there's helmetgate, then he blasts the team on social media including teammates about the fines, then he doesn't show up to get the fines which could void the contract. Then he tries to fight the GM using a slur against him. Then he illegally records a conversation with the coach. Then he hires a social media firm. All this while Brown is thinking, yeah, I can sign with the Pats and still ultimately get my 30 mil
AND win a Super Bowl. With all the endorsement money that will bring. Yeah, I have the 30 mil in hand. All I have to do is show up on Monday night, for one game. But I'd rather roll the dice, because I'm excrement and it's all about me.
To my way of thinking, this turd doesn't last a season with the Pats, and I hope it's as painful as a full body toothache for all involved.