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rabbit holes and roll cages

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predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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now lets talk about the aau. i know a bit about it but not all. to be honest i dont give a about it(sorry dan97 :p) but i understnad its a great thing for uconn and the state so i am pro getting into it. i just dont feel something liek that and athletics should mesh in any way, but the truth is it does so i want to play the dam game...

another poster here posted at it and he was right on, i forget who but it wasn't upstater. upstate does a nice job also among others on this topic. maybe it was dooley or moore? i forget hopefully u chime in here sorry i forgot who posted it. uconn is within reach on all metrics of the aau but not highly ranked in any metrics. the deal is tho that we fit right now. we also for a smaller state school and smaller state population wise then opthers in the aau/cic, have great % numbers as to the aau fitting uconn stats wise how ever that works i do not know. the deal was with uconn going ot the b10 that the aau would then vote us in and the cic would include uconn. this is where susan made a power move that was huge. she is trying her ass off. she has many aau connections as i have posted about before. she knew that she could get into the aau with the b10 invite but that uconn would be looked at as a fringe add and questionable. so what she did was back up her talk. she created the tech park plan and w/e else that thing has. she also went on a uge teacher/research search with adding faculty and all that . what she was doing was syaing get us in now, and we will over the next 5 years expand so much research wise that we will look like a great add and no one can question it. she basically guaranteed the b10 schools, the aau and cic that adding uconn was the right move as we would be a research monster within a couple years. it was a huge power move by her and one that proves that her haed is in the game longrun. this is why i am so pro susan but not warde.

No need to be sorry. The bottom line is exactly what you alluded to in this post; the B1G has a great many votes in the determination of who becomes "AAU" status. We also know that we fit much of the criteria of joining the AAU. Therefore, if the B1G wants us, AAU is really not that much of an issue, because they will "alleviate" the issue for us...
Dec 15, 2012
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going all strike through just because I can. :).

The 4x16 stuff is BS. An eight team playoff with 4, 5, or 6 AQs makes it totally unncessary.
ND is IN the ACC. Including FB. They just need a few more years to let some alumni/traditions die. Since it makes them officially overlapping conferences, the MD/Rutgers move to the B1G makes UConn more attractive to the B1G than the ACC. So, if for some idiotic reason the 4x16 thingy does happen AND all other sports are even more idiotically forced into the same alignment, pods will be the last refuge of sanity.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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so what she did was back up her talk. she created the tech park plan and w/e else that thing has. she also went on a uge teacher/research search with adding faculty and all that . what she was doing was syaing get us in now, and we will over the next 5 years expand so much research wise that we will look like a great add and no one can question it. she basically guaranteed the b10 schools, the aau and cic that adding uconn was the right move as we would be a research monster within a couple years. it was a huge power move by her and one that proves that her haed is in the game longrun. this is why i am so pro susan but not warde.

No, Susan Herbst did not "create" the tech park.

The idea of a tech park has been in play for thirty years and has been seriously pushed throughout the past decade - there was a feasibility study done back in 2006 or 2007 and the actual park was announced at a press conference at Gampel prior to Herbst taking office. The negotiations for the state aid to secure the initial $170M investment came before her watch as well - that was signed into being in August, 2011. The site, the scale, etc., etc., were all nailed before she came to UConn.

The master plan was unveiled in December and the pictures were pretty and encouraging, but the tech park was a done deal long before that.

I think she's doing a great job in her efforts to raise UConn's academic profile and she's gone a good job over the past year talking up the tech park as well - but it was done before she got here and was not part of any master stroke to impress another athletic conference.

I wait with bated breath to see how this gets spun.


Aug 24, 2011
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No, Susan Herbst did not "create" the tech park.

The idea of a tech park has been in play for thirty years and has been seriously pushed throughout the past decade - there was a feasibility study done back in 2006 or 2007 and the actual park was announced at a press conference at Gampel prior to Herbst taking office. The negotiations for the state aid to secure the initial $170M investment came before her watch as well - that was signed into being in August, 2011. The site, the scale, etc., etc., were all nailed before she came to UConn.

The master plan was unveiled in December and the pictures were pretty and encouraging, but the tech park was a done deal long before that.

I think she's doing a great job in her efforts to raise UConn's academic profile and she's gone a good job over the past year talking up the tech park as well - but it was done before she got here and was not part of any master stroke to impress another athletic conference.

I wait with bated breath to see how this gets spun.

she pushed it along and got it in the media quick for a reason. i was not aware that its benn a couple years of building process for it, just asumed it was all her as i never heard of it before. i thought it was all new but clearly u know more then me on it. as i said earlier i dont know much about the aau research stuff and i think its a stupid combo with athletics but w/e, play the game. how come a diehard like me fan wise never knew about this for years before? this is the type of media stuff that needs to be adressed. not one person in another fanbase knows about this when they talk aau stuff either. poor job by uconn not pumping itself.
Aug 26, 2011
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God Almighty. I think some people could strike a niche by writing novels about conference realignment. Just make sure you use capital letters in the books, at least.


Mar 30, 2012
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HfD, in what ways was UConn not ready to say yes to the B1G or meet their requirements?

And why was this an image problem rather than a substantive problem?

Since we need a partner, isn't it clear that UVa's reluctance was the bigger problem? If they were prepared to go to the B1G wouldn't they have voted against the $50 mn exit fee?


Aug 24, 2011
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HfD, in what ways was UConn not ready to say yes to the B1G or meet their requirements?

And why was this an image problem rather than a substantive problem?

Since we need a partner, isn't it clear that UVa's reluctance was the bigger problem? If they were prepared to go to the B1G wouldn't they have voted against the $50 mn exit fee?

it was the b10 not ready to finally say yes to uconn, maybe i wrote that wrong. uconns image was on fire like i have been screaming for a while. bball contracts, post season ban, fabll season. none of thses things are life threatining matters, but all together they give off the feeling of weak or not big time to the b10. so that made rutgers with md the easy choice for the b10. yes, uva's mess up was a part of the issue but imagine this, if the b10 goes to pull the trigger and ucoonn has its act together then 3 of the 4 are smooth sailing. maybe the b10 decides its still worth it and the uva stuff wont be a huge image issue. who knows but easily possible.

now, i think ppl have been reading this a bit wrong. i don't mean all 4 on the same day, i mean them like within a certain time frame of a week or 2 type deal. md needed to go first for the exit fee. that was the orginal thought. the reason the exit fee by fsu and md was not voted for was becuase the b12 and b10 both made sure atleast 1 target school voted no so that they could make the move at some point if needed. u have to imagine that when that vote happened those 2 looked at each other from across the table and pooped pants.

i orginally read other CR stuff and bought into the not until the md fee is figured out talk. what ive come to realize is that it doesn't matter now. its all just talk. the acc replaced them with lville and actually uped the contract a bit more. the acc has no argument, hell if i was md, i was ask the acc for 5mil as they helped bring value to the acc by leaving, see how they enjoy that in court. another acc school can leave today and settle its payout later than the md one based off time it took the acc on the md one. when it becomes this schools turn they can point to the md fee.

there is another interesting point in this. why on earth would the acc add lville so quickly. it kills them buyout fee wise and they dont need em them quick i mean lville doesn't need to play a bball game next week or anything. this was all espn. u guys all remember my pump and dump on uconn talk. espn is in a war with fox. fox scared them enough that they had to get lville before the b12 did. b12 was never going to get lville for 11 or 12. maybe 15 or 16 but they still can do that. espn got pumped but its also telling that they were willing to let md go to the b10. its telling that espn wants the b10 to now go huge, and then espn will outbid any competition for the tier rights to the b10 come 2017. fox has a opening bid at around 25mil already. your going to see a bloodbath for those. i keep hearing ppl say 40mil becuas eof what the md prez said. thats the bottom line if the fox opening bid is the only one. espn is going to destroy that, think 50mil a year $ for those schools. if nd can be pulled off by JD then think even bigger again and if he does get 2 or 3 of ku/unc/uconn the winter unventory will bump it more with so many huge games.

espn now thinks it can win in a different way. they own part of the b12 rights and im not sure what the sec will do with all its tv stuff but espn will get involved for partial inventory also. they also touch the pac12 a bit. so whats left? get the b10 rights over fox and win the war or atleast draw. then it becomes who has the 5th and 6th best leagues. the 5th could be a watered down acc or b12 vs the mwc. espn has made it clear they are going to always own the acc/partial to the b12 and now they are getting involved with the mwc. espn wins getting its hands on everything for some level of control.

the question are
-does the b12 or acc live as a b4
-does uconn get a b10 invite or end up in the acc

warde finally put out part of the image problem with the ko contract but we have other issues still. he will claim he came out and gave the staff a 3rd year so cross that off. we shall see if thats enough. i think when the b10 only took the first half of the add and not all 4, it woke up teams that eventually go to the b10 and they want to go quicker which means back seat for uconn not to mention the nd factor brining a few more onto the potential list. tough times ahead. we have a shot but its a risk and its one i am 100% ten toes in on.


Elite Premium Poster
Aug 24, 2011
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This isn't really on the topic but it sorta is.

Granted, we've sucked nuts in football over the past two seasons. P has been a slow-speed track wreck since he's been here. That said, we took a s*** ton of flack for our program every time expansion rolls around and yet the teams that leave, for the most part, have sucked much harder and much longer. Syracuse has been a tire fire for a decade and yet there they are.

Even more ironic, we weren't considered good enough to replace a team we beat (Maryland), but a team we beat (Louisville) was. In our lil mini-conference of three, UConn is 2-0, UL and MD are 0-1.

The point being, even if we win, we're still never going to be recognized for it - we've won in the past and it was basically white-washed off of our resume by the media and everyone else.

I just want to see every other conference consumed by fire and locusts.


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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This isn't really on the topic but it sorta is.

Granted, we've sucked nuts in football over the past two seasons. P has been a slow-speed track wreck since he's been here. That said, we took a s*** ton of flack for our program every time expansion rolls around and yet the teams that leave, for the most part, have sucked much harder and much longer. Syracuse has been a tire fire for a decade and yet there they are.

Even more ironic, we weren't considered good enough to replace a team we beat (Maryland), but a team we beat (Louisville) was. In our lil mini-conference of three, UConn is 2-0, UL and MD are 0-1.

The point being, even if we win, we're still never going to be recognized for it - we've won in the past and it was basically white-washed off of our resume by the media and everyone else.

I just want to see every other conference consumed by fire and locusts.

"Never" is a very long time, young man. Keep your chin up and stop crying over spilt milk. Train yourself to be patient. Connecticut's time will come.


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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so the uva and uconn mess:

when the b10 started talking last summer to ruty and md, the rutgers site had a inside source that knew of this. during the fall he alerted the base several times that atleast contact was being had consistently. what wasn't really know was what teams and time frame. the orginal more for the b10 was to take 4 teams and put the private schools 2 isalnds by the time it was done. they wanted to take 2 teams form the B# and 2 from the ACC. uva and uconn were the other 2. when they got ready to make this happen here was the hold up.
ruty-ready to go at any cost
md-had a escrow $ issue
uva-had a pres/bot issue
uconn-had a image issue

the move was actually supose to be done a week earlier than it actually happened. then went to pull the trigger and things were to messy to do so. then the under armor guy put up the $ for md. at the same time uva wasn't getting sorted out and the b10 had no choice but to only take 2 for the moment. uconns image problem was that nothing was getting done so it was a smlal issue the b10 thought but compared to rutgers where they were everything good to go, u can see how we took the back seat. this is why i have been non stop on warde and crew. we needed to clean house and fix our issues which mostly we still havn't and it really scares me as a fan that as a school we can't get this done. i honestly will say this and i dont mean to be the dam devil but i would fight anyone right now in the street for a b10 invite, i would go to jail if uconn could get to the promise land. thats how i feel(please don't take that and flame) and it pains me that we can't get a ing thing done in our athletic department, it really does. susan is doing all she can meanwhile warde is at dunkin.

what the b10 was trying to do was this:
-they wanted nyc/phili/dc with big publics
-they wanted to put cuse on a island
-they thought pitt to the b12 would happen eventually as a result
-they wanted to put duke and wake on a island also by making unc the next target. basically kill off competition slowly while also capuring the markets
-they wanted to build the best bball conf ever and also be top 3 fball wise without taking a project team(like a memphis type basically)

they were going to go to 16 and then let the sec hammer away at who it wants with unc being the battle. the b10's plan was to go after unc and try to force nd as #18. nd isn't that dumb. they know if the 1b0 can go to 18 then they can go to 20. so nd is does see the writing on the wall and is now influencing all this. that is why gtech is a serious matter and so is bc. its becuase nd wants a couple certain schools for road games if they are going to be in this eastern market. do u see now why i am just up in all types of flames daily? we had the ticket and becuase we had a issue and uva was a mess we didn't go. if we were good to go who knows if they pick ruty or uconn. not looking for a argument between the 2....but now the uva thing still seems a bit messy but figured out. but nd is now a player in all this after the b10 basically fired a warning shot and said speak or be ed over. now nd has influence and guess what? that makes it harder for uconn to get back into the yes section of a invite.

think about it.

ruty and md make 14. the b10 needs to build a east division, tosu is ok with it as long as they get 2 things, 1 #nd in the east and #2 michigan as a crossover game if the league is at 18. at 20 they know the division play 9 games so no crossover. dont underrate how much of a team player tosu is being in all this.
thats 20. cuse is not a option, dont kid yourself. there is a reason they tried to run for years to the acc and then finally did. the issue is the b10 may be able to get nd at 18 in which case 19 and 20 need to be extremely powerful moves to happen. a school like uconn does not have that power. the belief is nd wont go before it has to and that 20 is the game, but how would we ever know if they think they would rather be in a 18 team league. a 18 team b10 means 9 in the east division and 8 games. also means 4 ooc games. a 20 team b10 is 3 ooc games ion the grand scheme, see the issue? its unclear if nd wants a 18 or 20 team league. then there is one other factor. the b10 really likes kansas and yes they are a great fit for the conf. what kansas brings is a better layout to the east/west divisions of the conf.

thats 21 teams for 18 or 20 spots, see why i am so uneasy? the last resort as i have said all along is a beat up acc which is a mix of left over acc schools/big east schools/few cusa potentials. but its very hard now to get into the b10. nd wants boston and its a question of if the b10 will look the other way on bc's metrics to add them. i honestly think and i hate to say this but uconn should offer the b10 a deal that until the rent is 60k large, when nd plays @uconn they can play in nyc or fox or fenway. agree to something like that. it may take us 5 years to expand so nd gets a nice deal at first and that allows nd vs uconn to build a footing in boston for the game eventually in ct down the road.

the rent has naming rights that go up in 2018 i believe. i would liek this to be announced yesterday that we are going to sell the rights to the company that puts 30 mil down up front and sign a 15 year deal with them. something like that. take that 30mil and expand to 60k for 2019 and we now have a sponsor for 15 years. companys like sobe imho should be the targets of such a idea for example. this is the type of proactive thing we need to do for the b10 to see we are serious and we can be a better add than bc. i think that would tip nd's scale enough that our bball and other stuff woukld then be ok for nd to have uconn over bc.

if i was ad, i would have had most of this done before we played a ing fball game this fall, i kid not. warde has no vision, no media balls and no ing clue what he is doing.

the list for the b10 has 7 schools on it. fsu and clem tried to get on the list, they couldn't. mizzu was on the list but not worth the add. cuse and pitt and simply not on the list. its 7 schools and 4 to 6 of them will be in the league by either 2015 or 17. bank on that.

Interesting, and better yet, generally plausible, especially 18-20 being the future, at least for the B1G based on its economic model. Nice work.

I have one question: where did you get the part about UVA/Connecticut being 2 of the 4? From the Rutgers board/insider or was that your extrapolation?

FWIW, I believe Dan97 wrote the good aau summary. I had previously argued that the acc exit fee is a red herring. That's just one of the few issues that will determine not whether, but when, the next acc school departs.


Illegitimi Non Carborundum!
Sep 26, 2012
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Question is, would those books be filed under "Fiction and Literature", "Sci-fi & Fantasy", "Mystery", or "Faith & Religion"?

More "Mystery" / "Faith & Religion", than the first two....

Who the hell knows if Connecticut eventually garners the B1G invite, but its certainly beyond plausible. Those who claim its impossible or delusional are merely overplaying the negative, woe is me, loser shtick.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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FWIW, I believe Dan97 wrote the good aau summary.

I can't take credit for that one, I just re-posted it. I believe that Dooley might have been the original poster...
Aug 26, 2011
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best youtube video i have seen in a while. get wierd!

Clearly, you people don't have small kids running around the house.

This thing does what all those cats do (depending on how long you hold the notes):
Aug 26, 2011
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Clearly, you people don't have small kids running around the house.

This thing does what all those cats do (depending on how long you hold the notes):

Youngest son is 14 now... lived through Barney, The Wiggles and TellyTubbies. No thank you!
Aug 27, 2011
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God Almighty. I think some people could strike a niche by writing novels about conference realignment. Just make sure you use capital letters in the books, at least.

Grisham should do one. Or Patterson - he could make HFD into a great character.


Molotov Cocktail of Ugliness
Aug 24, 2011
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Since it's the internet, I try to not assume anybody's race, sometimes you can tell most of the time you can't. So if I'm the director, I'd pick an actor whose speaking style matches the writing style of the person. And the person that comes to mind with Dan's writing for me would have to be Aziz Anasari.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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Since it's the internet, I try to not assume anybody's race, sometimes you can tell most of the time you can't. So if I'm the director, I'd pick an actor whose speaking style matches the writing style of the person. And the person that comes to mind with Dan's writing for me would have to be Aziz Anasari.

That would be freakin' hilarious to hear Aziz Ansari's voice saying stuff like, "LMAO, BC slash Cuse #Bigharder dreamin' without market penetration, they can suck it, monitoring the situation." But of course, without the punctuation... ;)

Here's a taste for those that don't know what Junglehusky's talking about:

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