I'm not sure that this situation can be equated to buyers and sellers. If someone is looking to improve his employment position is he begging the companies he is looking at to hire him? Perhaps but it seldom is viewed this way. I've literally received thousands of resume's over the years from people who were gainfully employed but did want it known that they would consider changing jobs if the right position opened up. Until tonight I never thought of these people (well, in all honesty, those who had quality backgrounds) as beggars. There is absolutely nothing wrong with letting others know that you have quite a bit to offer if the opportunity arrives where they would be looking to add someone. Most people who operate in higher circles use this almost exclusively as a means to find better opportunities/bring in high quality, senior employees. I do fully understand however that you are unaware of this.
This biggest issue with your posts on this subject is that you still view the fact that the BE will not receive the mega-contract that you and Marinatto were convinced was imminent as a personal assault. It was not and that you were wrong in your prognostications is something that you need to get over. It appears however that your purpose has been to have a moment, similar to Eugene Levy's character in the movie Splash, after he soaked Darryl Hannah's character, exposing her as a mermaid, boasting to the world 'I was right!'. I imagine that another similarity you have with that character is when Tom Hanks said to him 'I didn't like you when I first met you' Levy replied 'nobody likes me when they first meet me!'. I is likely that you've said those exact words many times in your life.
Go ahead, make believe that things are great when the entire world knows things are looking quite difficult. That is a winning strategy.