Pres. Herbst Playing Hostess... | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Pres. Herbst Playing Hostess...

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Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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FWIW, I have no problem with reporters getting story ideas from the Boneyard. There's a whole lot of information here and some of it is actually useful.

I don't either. In this age of technology and information sharing, it's easier for fans to find the stories than it is for reporters. We have more vested interest because we are diehard fans/alumni/donors and are equipped with he time and know-how to find what matters most to us. Chances are good that if something matters to the Boneyard, like CR clearly does, then it also matters to the rest of UConn Nation who don't come on this site.

Besides, reporters have more access to these officials and leaders than we do. So, they could feasibly get story ideas here and then try to attach quotes to them (similar to Jacobs discussion with Manuel).
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Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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Jeff Jacobs talked to Warde Manuel:

The billion-dollar question. For the love of God and state when is UConn going to get into the ACC, the Big Ten or the Big 12?

Manuel: "As far as realignment, we're going to be Connecticut. We've shown in the past, shown this year and will show in the future we can have success across the board. Great academic institution. With New York, our state, Boston, you've got 11 million television households. It's a strong place. We will continue to be great at what we do. If that [realignment] conversation wants to happen, it will. If not, we'll continue to represent the American in a very strong fashion."

Jeff Jacobs: The State Of State U. Sports

I am digging the fact that we are finally starting to talk about UConn in terms of potential market reach into an entire region, not just the small state of Connecticut. New York, Connecticut and Boston = 11 million TV households. There isn't a readily available school out there that can bring that kind of market potential. UConn fans don't just live in podunk Storrs. They live and work in NYC, Boston, and the entire state of Connecticut. We have 240,000 alumni (Oklahoma State has 230,000 by comparison). And most of that alumni base lives in the most densely populated region in the entire country.
Aug 26, 2011
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Jeff Jacobs talked to Warde Manuel:

The billion-dollar question. For the love of God and state when is UConn going to get into the ACC, the Big Ten or the Big 12?

Manuel: "As far as realignment, we're going to be Connecticut. We've shown in the past, shown this year and will show in the future we can have success across the board. Great academic institution. With New York, our state, Boston, you've got 11 million television households. It's a strong place. We will continue to be great at what we do. If that [realignment] conversation wants to happen, it will. If not, we'll continue to represent the American in a very strong fashion."

Jeff Jacobs: The State Of State U. Sports
Translation: We're waiting for the Big Ten invite.
Aug 27, 2011
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About the XL Center:

"We are caught in the second of the two-year legislative calendar. At best [in 2016] we probably could get a budgetary adjustment related to the XL Center but not so much tied to a future XL. A year from now when we start a new legislative session we'd expect to get, if we're successful, to get the commitment to go hard on the full build over a period of years."
The info Freimuth provided about the XL Center project was extremely interesting. It shows how complicated it is going to be dealing with Northland. The slam-dunk timetables that where flying around on the hockey board aren't so slam dunk anymore. Which is fine...because it means they are going to do this the right way...and they have the baseball stadium not too far away as the perfect example of how not to run a project.


Done with U-con athletics
Oct 7, 2012
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The info Freimuth provided about the XL Center project was extremely interesting. It shows how complicated it is going to be dealing with Northland. The slam-dunk timetables that where flying around on the hockey board aren't so slam dunk anymore. Which is fine...because it means they are going to do this the right way...and they have the baseball stadium not too far away as the perfect example of how not to run a project.

Larry Gottesdiener turned out to be a HUGE fraud, didn't he? He used the hearts of vulnerable Whaler fans to acquire all of that prized real estate in and around the XL Center to hold the state hostage for projects like this. It seems like renovating the XL is the cheaper and preferred way to go by many politicians, but also the most difficult thanks to Gottesdiener. Part of me would love the state to tell him to F off and build an entirely new arena over by the baseball stadium or the Rent. They'd probably prefer to keep the arena in Hartford to avoid becoming a tumbleweed town. But let Gottesdiener inherit an empty XL Center and assume the costs of deciding whether or not to demo the building to build more apartments or leave it as is and continue to pay taxes, insurance, etc on the land.
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NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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We are very high on their list. From the way things look, probably #2 behind UVA.
So Butch say we got a Big 12 invite. Would president Butch take it or wait for the B1G?
Aug 26, 2011
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So Butch say we got a Big 12 invite. Would president Butch take it or wait for the B1G?
Take Big 12 invite until we get the Big Ten invite.


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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Do you expect us to be having this same conversation next Dec. 30? Will you still be here?

Manuel: "I don't know. I can tell you I'm very happy here. While all the rumors and speculation are out there, it's just that at this point. If I'm here next Dec. 30, I'm going to be a happy person, as happy as I am now. I don't put too much worry about the future. I focus on doing a great job as best I can and making people in Connecticut happy with what we're doing. That's what's most important to me."

I read that as his saying that he's leaving, if offered the Michigan job. Not surprising, but I would have expected him to say the standard "I can tell you Jeff, in honesty, that I am not planning to leave the University of Connecticut." or something similar.

New facilities. First, where are you on a new campus hockey arena? A few of your projects seem to have stalled.

Manuel: "We're going to look at what it takes to renovate Freitas [Ice Forum] and bring it up to Hockey East standards. I wouldn't say any projects have stalled. They are sort of in their natural phase of being developed. What's the cost? What are we going to do? By April, we should have a good sense of what it will take to renovate Freitas.

Did I miss something? I thought the plan was build a new facility rather than just renovating Freitas.
Aug 26, 2011
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Did I miss something? I thought the plan was build a new facility rather than just renovating Freitas.
Rumors, some university documents, and some media reports suggested (1) building a new facility, and (2) ongoing campus building and site location analysis. After reportedly encountering some local yokal or salamander lover objections to one proposed location (Rt 195-South Eagleville Rd/Rt 275 intersection south of E.O. Smith), possible changes in campus land for other reasons, etc., the latest news suggests UCONN's considering the Freitas Ice Forum location.

Renovation? Well, they'd probably keep the existing Zamboni, and maybe build off of or enhance Freitas' current foundation sand/gravel, water pipes, filtration, and ice compressor. Beyond that, the existing Freitas isn't a heckuva lot more than a tin can with a roof and a few bleachers.


We are not amused.
May 5, 2015
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Something I forgot to mention a while back at MSG. I saw Herbst rolling into the game and going through security like a normal ticket holder. She was by herself with no one else around. It was super weird. I told her she was an awesome president and that a she was too important to be coming in through the front door. Then I realized I was a little drunk and said go Huskies.

Sir, you are the epitome of a UConn fan! The only way that story gets better is if you buy her breakfast in the morning.
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