Players that need to step up | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Players that need to step up


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Not Evina. She’s been holding them together.
:eek:Not really. Evina has had a few very non-productive games this season some of which was before Paige got hurt .
USF 31 Minutes & 4 points
Seton Hall 30 Minutes & 5 points
ND 22 Minutes & 3 Points
Louisville 38 Minutes & 6 points
I fully realize that scoring is not the only measure of productivity but you can't spend that many minutes on the floor and score that few points because it puts such a burden on the rest of the team.
Evina deep ball has also fallen off drastically after shooting 60% from deep for the first few games she is now around at 30%. That would equal a career low for Evina including her two season at TN.
Evina definitely needs to step up.
Sep 12, 2011
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No attack @CocoHusky and the request of a response. I don't know who the good fellow / bloke ;) is on the podcast but like most he has absolutely no recognition of the opponent. I read comment after comment in thread upon thread, does anyone yet realize the game as Geno begged for in the past is coming to fruition?

We have lost three games to three quality opponents and obviously this has many UConn followers shell shocked. I would think the talking heads and writers would have a more open point of view. Other teams have gotten better talent wise and also defending what UConn does on offense, it is obvious in every game.
As a amateur coach one of my favorite saying's was, "I hate giving credit when it's due". Sometimes it's just the right thing to do.
Not much of that here though it's all our seniors fault .... With the injuries and mentioned above could not be further from the truth.
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Apr 1, 2013
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It’s a cliché “They need to step up.” After every loss one can always say certain players need to step up.

Jeff Waltz spelled it out when he said that now UCONN doesn’t have the perimeter shooting so he said that he can just pack in the defense and help against the UCONN post players. Waltz specifically mentioned no Paige or Azzi. This shooting issue is the same thing Geno said all of last year. Can’t ignore what they say, right? It was a problem all last year without Paige and right now it still is, so it's not going to magically change in a week or etc without your superstar. After DT left the team struggled a lot a real lot the next year and the following two after that still didn't make the FF either. A whole year and the 04-05 still only was a S16 team that got beat up pretty good. So now we are to expect a few weeks and everything be okay even though this shooting is the same recurring issue from last year that Geno harped on? We can't ignore what super coaches are saying.

So until they get consistent outside shooting look for the post play to get bottled up vs the good teams (just as Waltz mentioned) in the near term for the foreseeable future. That’s why as I’ve said after the last 2 losses – This team needs Azzi Fudd (as long as Azzi can get open.). Need a player that can consistently open up the lane just by her presence.
**Also more players allow Evina and CWill some rest so they won't have to play 40 even if they are struggling.

Patience is key to see what they might evolve to become later in the year. As for now, expect some erratic play and wait for additional troops to join the fray. The addition of adding Azzi/Nika should also do wonders for 4th quarter issues (as long as they can shoot of course).
Aug 8, 2013
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Someone else already said this but the problem we are facing is not likely to be solved by the seniors, at least not in the sense that they are suddenly going to “step up” and become AAs. It’s pretty clear that what we have seen for three years is simply their level of play. They may fluctuate a little but they are not able to save us because they are not capable of saving us! About all we can hope for is for them to finish out the season towards he top of their ability level. If they can do that (a tall order) and we get healthy, we still have some hope for a good finish.
Mar 18, 2021
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On Azzi’s injury.
I believe it was described as some sort of a ‘pre fracture’ situation.
I don’t know what the rehabilitation for that is.
But I do know the early action could lead to a full fledged fracture, then on to a complete break.
What can be done other than rest and lack of stress on the area?
Pushing the envelope, taping it up and getting out there ain’t gonna work and would be hugely counterproductive.
I truly believe she and Paige are out for the duration.
No, I’m not a Dr., just based on extensive athletic experience.
Jan 29, 2021
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The bench is an excellent teacher and motivator ~ John Wooden :cool:
With several of our top players being in another offensive position from where they normally play and a lack of a penetrating point guard it isn't surprising to see the current result. The patch for this is near at hand! These are well schooled players, keen observers of the game and have learned a lot in their sick time. Conditioning is the wild card here. Talent and brains we have!
Apr 19, 2018
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I think this is a very fair assessment. CW, AE And Liv all need to step up. I would also add Evina to the list.

Your thoughts?

Did u really repost the video I posted in the other thread?
Nov 14, 2021
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I think this is a very fair assessment. CW, AE And Liv all need to step up. I would also add Evina to the list.

Your thoughts?

Edwards, was one tough young lady under the boards and SOMETHING changed with her. Her concentration when shooting is missing. I fear, what we see from ONO is what we will get, I hope I'm wrong. But, her thin frame, her penchant to shoot from 12 ft, she too lacks concentration. My ancient coach told us to concentrate on the rim, forget everything around you when you are shooting--close in or further out. Good advice..Post player will be hit--accept that, but concentrate on the object wanted--scoring using THAT basket. Dorka, is coming along more playing time (within reason) will create more/better chemistry. As WALZ (louisville) said--Uconn needs more scorers--I say Uconn scorers need to score more.
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Nov 14, 2021
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With several of our top players being in another offensive position from where they normally play and a lack of a penetrating point guard it isn't surprising to see the current result. The patch for this is near at hand! These are well schooled players, keen observers of the game and have learned a lot in their sick time. Conditioning is the wild card here. Talent and brains we have!
I like your POSITIVE approach!. Geno, et al, have historically had the best conditioned players in WCBB, especially at NC time. It is darn near impossible to demand conditioning of 8 'injured" players. The best we can hope for, without causing further injuries, is they are fit to play 20 minutes at a time. Effective use of all 12 players seems to be the most we can hope for, at this moment in time.
Aug 26, 2011
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Not surprising on the BY, but no mention of the highly paid coaching staff stepping up. It's a difficult situation, with injuries, players playing out of position, no bench, confidence levels, covid, etc. I just don't see how you lay all the blame on the players, especially the seniors. How about the adults in the room. Are you all saying that the coaches have done everything that they can do? I guess you are.
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Nov 14, 2021
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The bench is an excellent teacher and motivator ~ John Wooden :cool:
Carnac, I respect YOUR opinions. This is John Wooden's, and like all humans that ever walked this planet, his OPINION was only right 50 percent of the time. It may be a great place for punishment, i.e. the Bench. It may motivate one being punished for an infraction, I accept that. But being a teacher of Basketball or Motivator to play better or diffferenly (motivation covers all aspects of the game and the person) sitting only teaches sitting. I believe teaching in practice is the real teacher. Motivation to play basketball, should be the game itself. If the game isn't enough then you have the wrong kids on your team. (I suppose, that was John's teacher). No insult, nothing negative towards you here--just a difference, and person belief. Myy analytical training kicking in--and again human and not always correct
Nov 14, 2021
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Not surprising on the BY, but no mention of the highly paid coaching staff stepping up. It's a difficult situation, with injuries, players playing out of position, no bench, confidence levels, covid, etc. I just don't see how you lay all the blame on the players, especially the seniors. How about the adults in the room. Are you all saying that the coaches have done everything that they can do? I guess you are.
In coaching like teaching--money is great to show appreciation but Money doesn't buy perfection nor can it repair broken players or lift the spirits of a depressed team that lost their leader and then lost games. Money, paid to the coaches who once were the lowest paid coaches that created national champions with out that Money. It is a rebuilding process, like rebuilding a house--first you begin with rebuilding the foundation. That foundation for this team was Paige. Will another step up? You don't create that, the next scoring leading must step up.
May 3, 2019
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Carnac, I respect YOUR opinions. This is John Wooden's, and like all humans that ever walked this planet, his OPINION was only right 50 percent of the time. It may be a great place for punishment, i.e. the Bench. It may motivate one being punished for an infraction, I accept that. But being a teacher of Basketball or Motivator to play better or diffferenly (motivation covers all aspects of the game and the person) sitting only teaches sitting. I believe teaching in practice is the real teacher. Motivation to play basketball, should be the game itself. If the game isn't enough then you have the wrong kids on your team. (I suppose, that was John's teacher). No insult, nothing negative towards you here--just a difference, and person belief. Myy analytical training kicking in--and again human and not always correct
I can see both perspectives on Wooden's quote of the bench being a great teacher and motivator. It can be if teaching is indeed what your intent is and the bench is not used solely as a punitive measure, but rather a learning measure--learn from your mistake and here's an opportunity to reflect and grow from it. This was Wooden's style, but I do not necessarily feel that this is Geno's style... When Geno yanks you, you're in his doghouse and it is not a moment of reflection and a growth opportunity... In fact, Geno's pulling of players appears to have a negative affect. Not that his expectations of them are unwarranted, but the perhaps intended teachable moment of Geno yanking a player seems to be lost in his abject frustration and does not come across as constructive as was with Wooden. Different coaches, different philosophies.


Fair and Balanced
Nov 28, 2016
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One thing I have not seen mentioned about CW is that she does not seem to have change of pace moves . Everything seems one speed on the dribble drive. Paige is all about change of pace while Evina has alot of guile and angle changes to her game. I will be pillaged but I think this is also an issue with Nika.
Aug 26, 2011
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In coaching like teaching--money is great to show appreciation but Money doesn't buy perfection nor can it repair broken players or lift the spirits of a depressed team that lost their leader and then lost games. Money, paid to the coaches who once were the lowest paid coaches that created national champions with out that Money. It is a rebuilding process, like rebuilding a house--first you begin with rebuilding the foundation. That foundation for this team was Paige. Will another step up? You don't create that, the next scoring leading must step up.
Forget about the money. Cut the drama.These are not broken or depressed players. Without this so-called "foundation" they played very well against a very good Louisville team. They're not going to move further forward with the hope of one scorer stepping up. There is no player like that on this team. Gotta be a team effort, there's plenty of talent on this team, and the coaches must figure out how to continue the progress they began to show against Louisville. The real broken and depressed can be found here, among the BYers.


1,000,001 BY points
Jan 24, 2015
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Not surprising on the BY, but no mention of the highly paid coaching staff stepping up. It's a difficult situation, with injuries, players playing out of position, no bench, confidence levels, covid, etc. I just don't see how you lay all the blame on the players, especially the seniors. How about the adults in the room. Are you all saying that the coaches have done everything that they can do? I guess you are.
That's not accurate. I'm not sure what the "highly paid" part has to do with anything-the staff has earned every bit of pay IMO. In case you missed it there have been several BY threads/posts from the very first game stating that this team does not appear to be as prepared as past UCONN teams. There was even a post indicating that Morgan is no working out and will be gone by the end of the season.


surf's up
Nov 9, 2018
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any criticism for the team is illogical at this point, becuz we are not whole.
having said that, it is also obvious that the senior three are who they are, and have been.
cw blows hot and cold.
liv is a '4,' capable of boards, blocks, and passing.
evina can score a bit, board a bit, pass a bit, and do cohesive things for the team when a steady hand is needed. that's her true skill -the ability to not lose her mind when under pressure. very helpful at times, but not all times.
cheez and crackers yall, have sum patience. we got the horses, when healthy.
nice to see that dorka is finally getting some respect. that was quick.
caroline will speed our transition to the future.
Aug 26, 2011
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That's not accurate. I'm not sure what the "highly paid" part has to do with anything-the staff has earned every bit of pay IMO. In case you missed it there have been several BY threads/posts from the very first game stating that this team does not appear to be as prepared as past UCONN teams. There was even a post indicating that Morgan is no working out and will be gone by the end of the season.
Actually, I probably should have left out the part about the money. Not inaccurate as far as this thread is concerned. Did you see something I didn't see about the coaches stepping up, also? Regarding other threads about the coaches: for every post questioning the coaching, there are many more defending the coaches, usually starting with " 11 Titles", blah,blah,blah. That's all history. This team is obviously struggling, for a variety of reasons, and that is where top coaches come to the rescue. I thought they played quite well against the #2 team in the country, so maybe it's beginning to happen.
Apr 23, 2019
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I don't think we can expect the seniors to step up as in showing major improvement from last year, but we can expect them to at least be as good as last year, and so far they haven't even done that. Nobody that played last year is having a better season overall than last year expect for Paige. Some like Aaliyah have been a shell of what they produced last year.

It is hard to believe that a team returning everyone except Anna, and if anything upgrading her in the transfer portal with Dorka, the highest ranked incoming freshmen (Azzi) and two other very highly ranked recruits, could be worse than the year before, but that is exactly what has happened.

Yes the injuries explain much of the last few games, but the team performed worse than last year when reasonably healthy as well. Things can and hopefully do turn around, but so far this team has under-performed expectations more than any uconn team I can remember. We badly need to see major signs of progress to restore confidence anywhere close to preseason expectations.
Jan 29, 2021
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One thing I have not seen mentioned about CW is that she does not seem to have change of pace moves . Everything seems one speed on the dribble drive. Paige is all about change of pace while Evina has alot of guile and angle changes to her game. I will be pillaged but I think this is also an issue with Nika.
Excellent observation. The best guards have hesitation dribbles/moves not one speed fits all. Some of this is ingrained, hard to teach??? We seem very predictable in our half court offense, grind to a halt with the only player movement being CD. With our starting experience you might think we could show several different offensive sets rather than a dump-in to our center to start the offense. CD seems to be the only guard other than Beckers to quickly move down-court, similar to Jackson of the men's team. Perhaps with our starters playing long minutes that up-tempo isn't possible.
Jan 7, 2020
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It’s a cliché “They need to step up.” After every loss one can always say certain players need to step up.

Jeff Waltz spelled it out when he said that now UCONN doesn’t have the perimeter shooting so he said that he can just pack in the defense and help against the UCONN post players. Waltz specifically mentioned no Paige or Azzi. This shooting issue is the same thing Geno said all of last year. Can’t ignore what they say, right? It was a problem all last year without Paige and right now it still is, so it's not going to magically change in a week or etc without your superstar. After DT left the team struggled a lot a real lot the next year and the following two after that still didn't make the FF either. A whole year and the 04-05 still only was a S16 team that got beat up pretty good. So now we are to expect a few weeks and everything be okay even though this shooting is the same recurring issue from last year that Geno harped on? We can't ignore what super coaches are saying.

So until they get consistent outside shooting look for the post play to get bottled up vs the good teams (just as Waltz mentioned) in the near term for the foreseeable future. That’s why as I’ve said after the last 2 losses – This team needs Azzi Fudd (as long as Azzi can get open.). Need a player that can consistently open up the lane just by her presence.
**Also more players allow Evina and CWill some rest so they won't have to play 40 even if they are struggling.

Patience is key to see what they might evolve to become later in the year. As for now, expect some erratic play and wait for additional troops to join the fray. The addition of adding Azzi/Nika should also do wonders for 4th quarter issues (as long as they can shoot of course).
I agree. I think the obvious factor in Evina's inconsistency, and to lesser extent CW's ,is the fatigue factor. Waltz pressed Evina the whole game. As a point guard, that was designed to take Evina out of the game offensively and it did. Even MJ had regular rest periods in even the biggest of games with maybe the "flu" game as the only noteworthy exception.

The return of Azzi and Nika allow rest, shooting by Azzi and point defense by Nika. I thought that Azzi was less mobile even in the U-19 Games and It looks like her ankle/foot was also a problem on defense. If she is healed she will help instantly. There still needs to be regular rest and substitutions though and Aubrey would definitely help there if she can get healthy. Geno hasn't done that in the past partially due to lack of depth which he has again right now due to injuries. If we get our depth back, we have to play 9 players. It's just not going to work otherwise.
Jul 26, 2021
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biggest concern is the step back the sophomores aside Paige obviously have taken. Muhl I don't trust her offense in any situation, Edwards just look totally lost out there.

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