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Player frustration

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Feb 22, 2014
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Those poor kids must be frustrated that the University can't bring in a top notch coach and staff. It's always some leftover or in Diaco's case a wannabe. The university has never been able to land a "name" head coach who can up the talent level. They deserve better.

No offense but wake up. You are creating a reality in your mind that simply doesn't exist. Uconn is coming off 6 years of truly horrible football. Two of those seasons, 14 & 16, may be the worst coached seasons I can recall by a HC tied with Chris Ash at RU this year. What top notch coaches and staffs were lining up to come here? Especially when you consider the uncertainty caused by the quick hook at the position, the low paying status of G5 Jobs, and the need to essentially rebuild the program after the whammy Disastro did on it. Benedict absolutely had to have someone who had run a team before, considering what a flake Bob was. Coaching in the NE and doing so under difficult circumstances were likely also viewed as positives. Here's your candidate pool. Edsall, Schiano, and Golden. Better the devil they knew I guess.


Diehard since '65
Sep 12, 2012
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Those poor kids must be frustrated that the University can't bring in a top notch coach and staff. It's always some leftover or in Diaco's case a wannabe. The university has never been able to land a "name" head coach who can up the talent level. They deserve better.
I haven't seen, heard or read anything but the contrary
Is this a lets throw it against the wall and see what sticks post?


Leader of the Band
Aug 27, 2011
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Those poor kids must be frustrated that the University can't bring in a top notch coach and staff. It's always some leftover or in Diaco's case a wannabe. The university has never been able to land a "name" head coach who can up the talent level. They deserve better.

This is pure BS!!!!!!!!
Feb 22, 2014
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And still the university has not given the players a head coach and staff capable of bringing them to the next level. Louisville did. Pitt did. BC did. Syracuse did. WVU did. Even Rutgers did. Houston just about did and probably will. But not good ole UConn. Lets hire the guy that bailed because we can't come up with the cash for anything better.

Louisville: They did the exact same thing Uconn just did. They went back to the well. Petrino is a very good offensive mind, but he has the morals of an 80's televangelist and the benefit of an AD that would admit a werewolf into the school if it could sign an X on its LOI.

Pitt: Bwhahahahahahahahahahahahaha. They have got things wrong so many times(7 or 8 head coaches in 2 years at one point) that eventually they should hit. That said pump the brakes on Narddawg. For all of his brash talk and constant whining this defensive genius has had one of the absolute worst defenses in football. I guess winning 8 games at Pitt, with the majority of success due to the departing OC is next level for sPitt.

BC: They have not been good since the days of O'Brian and Jags. Addazio is treading water and likely bought himself a little more time by spanking that smiling wingnut at UMD.

Cuse: Wake me when they accomplish something. They look like a MAC School in every way. Lots of offense with zero defense. They try to beat bad teams 49-38, and lose to better ones by the same margin. They would fit in perfectly battling Toledo and Ohio on a Tuesday Night.

WVU: How the hell did Dana Holgerson bring The Neers to the next level? He has them competitive and beating the schools he should beat, but when they play an OU or someone like that they are over matched. RR had that program operating at its highest level. Holgy ain't bad, but RR had things humming in Morgantown.

RU: LOL what? Ash is clueless. Sure Flood was horrendous and left him a mess, but he took that mess and set it on fire. They have a MUCH harder road to walk than Uconn who hired a known commodity. That flaming turd has to play UM, OSU, PSU, and MSU every season. Edsall has to find a way to beat UCF, Temple, ECU and Cincinnati. That is entirely feasible.

Houston: TBD. They have done a great job of identifying the next up and comer at HC for over a decade. I'm not as bullish on Applewhite as I was with some of the others that passed through the program. That said recruiting athletes to UH isn't rocket science when you are located in a football crazy metropolis.
Last edited:
Aug 26, 2011
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Stop feeding the troll. Also, I hope @Fishy puts this clown on a short leash. He is somehow connected to PP and it's been obvious for years.

It's one thing to share your feelings and move on but it's another when all your intentions are is to bad mouth RE in every thread.

Just stop already. Your shtick is old and we can see right through it.
Aug 26, 2011
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Need a fullback.
Although not a fan of this pick, for sure FHCRE knows how to develop and use a FB and that a tall lanky TE trying to pile drive block for a RB just will not work.
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