Pindell | Page 2 | The Boneyard


Oct 12, 2018
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It’s hard to evaluate his pro future because the defenses he faces are just so terrible. He’s obviously an unbelievable athlete and was unreal today, but difficult to judge his pro possibilities because he plays such bad defenses.
Aug 28, 2011
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Pindell is a warrior. The fact that we even score points in any given game is mostly because of him. He's just so fast and shifty in the open field. If our defense could tackle anyone this year, I would have loved to have seen what he could do in closer, more tense games. His ability to improvise on the run and make several dudes tackle air has been so fun to watch this year. Will be sorely missed next year.

My only wish for this year is that Pindell could magically go back to Edsall's first tenure. Can you imagine read run options with Pindell going one way, Donald Brown/Jordan Todman/Andre Dixon going the other in back of NFL OL/TE?? Sorry guys, getting all misty eyed now.

Would be a poor mans version of Rich Rods WVU teams. I have also had those same thought imagining if Pindell was on the 07-10 Uconn teams.Its such a damn shame his senior year is being wasted.
Aug 28, 2011
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He gets a training camp invite and plays QB in the CFL.
Sep 30, 2011
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That was one of the disagreements last season between Lashlee and Edsall. Randy benched Pindell after a rough first game but Rhett preferred him over BS. Fair to say Rhett
was correct.

Rhett was wrong. BS was in the top 12 in QBR had less picks and more TDs than Pindell does through the same amount of games. That HC game was a disaster and BS saved the day.


Well then, your eyes wen't available for the Holy Cross game last year. A game against a 1-AA school that we would have most certainly lost if Pindell stayed in the game.

He's great now, and I wish him the very best. But don't mistake 2018 for 2017. It doesn't make any sense...

Do you really think his 4.4 speed has changed since last season. We should have let him play through his first game jitters. Of course, people who said Chief was wrong about Boyle are still in denial he’s in the NFL on an elite team making a half million dollars per year.
Oct 30, 2017
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He will get drafted as an athlete.
He definitely is a great athlete and will play after college but most likely not as a QB. Even the announcer said, “He is an athlete dressed up as a quarterback.” With that being said, why isn’t Edsall preparing any of the other QB’s for next season? Washington already showed us what he brings to the table.

Let Pindell start the next two games and if it’s a blowout keep him in at RB or slot (with his talent he can play anywhere). Give Krajewski and Bisack some reps and see what they have to offer. You never know, they might surprise us. I don’t know how you can rebuild a team if you don’t give your players game experience.
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Exit 4

This space for rent
Feb 3, 2012
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Three possible explanations on the QB issue:

i) Pulling Pindell when he is moving the ball is not a good story on the JUCO recruiting front. We have a lot of recruiting obstacles, lets not make "come to UConn to get benched when you deserve to be on the field" be one of them. The JUCO recruiting scene will take notice. Those kids only have only two years.
ii) Krajewski is not ready. Doesn't mean he wont be ready next year. There is a leaning curve. Pindell took time too.
iii) Strategically it might be to our advantage in the offseason to have the QB position for 2019 a mystery. It might make it easier to pull in a big target transfer.

I'm kinda of reaching on iii, but I don't think its out of the realm, especially if you dont see anything in practice to suggest the other QBs will light it up just yet in live action.
Aug 26, 2011
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Three possible explanations on the QB issue:

i) Pulling Pindell when he is moving the ball is not a good story on the JUCO recruiting front. We have a lot of recruiting obstacles, lets not make "come to UConn to get benched when you deserve to be on the field" be one of them. The JUCO recruiting scene will take notice. Those kids only have only two years.
ii) Krajewski is not ready. Doesn't mean he wont be ready next year. There is a leaning curve. Pindell took time too.
iii) Strategically it might be to our advantage in the offseason to have the QB position for 2019 a mystery. It might make it easier to pull in a big target transfer.

I'm kinda of reaching on iii, but I don't think its out of the realm, especially if you dont see anything in practice to suggest the other QBs will light it up just yet in live action.

There was something pre-game w/ Bob Joyce and OC Dunn about the progress Krajewski is making. I was distracted and only caught part of it. Think @UConnDan97 referenced it somewhere (maybe Game Chat?).
Oct 30, 2017
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I can see where your’e coming from but:

i. I’m not suggesting to bench Pindell. Keep him on the field to help the team. He is getting beat to death out there. If anything it would at least give him a little rest.

ii. Everything I have seen about Bisack and Krajewski have been very positive both on and off the field that should not prevent them from playing. If Randy’s intent is to keep bringing in JUCO quarterbacks then who in their right mind is going to want to be recruited knowing there will be a JUCO player for two years in front of you.

iii. You are spot on. Thanks for your insight and hoping Edsall knows what he’s doing. Go Huskies!
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Aug 28, 2011
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Pindell is prototype NFL CB. 6-0, 200, 4.4. He is way behind the curve from a development stand point but someone will be tempted to stash him on their practice squad. Darius Butler was a high school option QB that was converted to CB at UConn. It's not as common on the NFL (converting running college QBs) but it has been done.
Jan 3, 2014
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Do you really think his 4.4 speed has changed since last season. We should have let him play through his first game jitters. Of course, people who said Chief was wrong about Boyle are still in denial he’s in the NFL on an elite team making a half million dollars per year.

What you say today, in hindsight, is different than what you said a year ago on 9/1/17 after the HC game, when you quoted a post with which you agreed ...

BS earned the start. Better field presence, better reads and generally on target. Missed a wide open big one deep, but made some really key throws.
Agreed he played better and earned it.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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There was something pre-game w/ Bob Joyce and OC Dunn about the progress Krajewski is making. I was distracted and only caught part of it. Think @UConnDan97 referenced it somewhere (maybe Game Chat?).

Dunn said the game moves a little too fast for him still. He was referring to decision making, probably check-downs and reading the defense. He made it sound like Krajewski is a "next year thing", and is likely why we saw Washington during the year instead...
Oct 12, 2013
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Pindell could be a great slot guy/kick and punt returner in the NFL. Imagine him in space. Quick feet, precise movement, great balance and speed. We don't know if he can catch, but his skill set is so good that someone will want to invest in him and work on that.
In the same vein, I think Buss will get more than a look too. What I like about him is his quickness and balance. He is also stronger and has as body that could handle the NFL.
Aug 27, 2011
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What you say today, in hindsight, is different than what you said a year ago on 9/1/17 after the HC game, when you quoted a post with which you agreed ...
Things change with time. Pindel 2018 was much better than Pindel 2017 in the HC game. BS was the best choice. Again, Pindel is not a great RPO QB. He’s a great RO, average PO and below average pocket read passer. All that being said, he is far and away the best player we have.

Dream Jobbed 2.0

“Most definitely”
May 3, 2016
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If Pindell can catch the ball, CFL WR? PR? KR? Skat back? In the last 2 games, maybe Krajewski gets a shot to toss Pindell a pass. ;)
With former QBs at receiver and TE I’m disappointed we only tried once (and failed) to get Pindell the ball out of the slot.


What you say today, in hindsight, is different than what you said a year ago on 9/1/17 after the HC game, when you quoted a post with which you agreed ...

Not a smart post by you. A coach has the opportunity to see a kid in practice and gauge his talent. It’s his job to put the best guy on the field. Whatever I said about game #1 last season was about that game, not about the entire 2017 season.
Sure without BS we would have lost that first game but with Pindell we would ha e had a better year. As the season went on BS became a fullback rather than a QB and the rest is history.


Occasionally Constructive
Aug 7, 2014
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Not a smart post by you. A coach has the opportunity to see a kid in practice and gauge his talent. It’s his job to put the best guy on the field. Whatever I said about game #1 last season was about that game, not about the entire 2017 season.
Sure without BS we would have lost that first game but with Pindell we would ha e had a better year. As the season went on BS became a fullback rather than a QB and the rest is history.

No, not a smart post by you. You got caught in a lie, and doubled down as you always do.
Sep 1, 2011
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If that was the argument, Rhett wasn't correct. I know because I was there. Bryant saved Pindell. Shirreffs deserved better than he got at uconn, with all the changes he had to go through. Pindell having a great year this year doesn't mean he was the better QB last year...
Bryant clearly had a better command of the offense last year than Pindell. My guess is Bryant also has large hands. Lol
Sep 11, 2011
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I’m thinking that this year’s blocking schemes/techniques was designed knowing Pindell would be QB. I think that Krajewski has a chance to beat out Washington and if so the offense will designed around his arm. I think the OL is talented enough to be good pass protectors by next year.

With a different HC, probably, but I don't see RE letting a RS freshman QB throw more than 12-15 times per game. He will stubbornly try to grind it out on the ground against 8 in the box week after week after week, almost like turtleball. Of course this will fail miserably........

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