Basketball today... (a bit of a rant)
Over my lifetime we all have watched the game of basketball change in many ways. But, in the late 80’s to early 90’s (to me) - it went through a time of evolution I’m not very fond of. I lost a little bit of interest when (again, to me) something began to change for the worse. It began with the Boston Celtics and the Detroit Pistons... many called it Bill Lambeer or ‘bully ball’. Imo, the pistons knew they couldn’t beat the Celtics on just skill - so the great equalizer was introduced -> excessively physical play and intimidation. It really was a way of leveling a play field - when a team had less talent or skill. I mean comparing Larry Bird’s and Kevin McKale’s skills to that of and Ricky Mahorn and Bill Lambeer’s skills are laughable. Now, and again in imo, we are seeing that ugly technique of play creep into women’s college basketball. A bunch of 18-22 year old girls thrashing around on the court - at the direction of an older person. A coach, mentor or teacher of the game - supposedly. They are instructed - that effort (or whatever) will be measured in physicality of some sort. ‘Toughness’ - another term that may be distorted and misunderstood by an 18 year old. Ricky Moore exhibited a ‘toughness’ - without being a hack. (his footwork was what made him such a good defender) Show me a BU or SC player that exhibits that type of play (toughness). Basically - they all hack. I saw 2 girls use ‘vertical defense’ - as coached - on that play. I saw a girl, team and public complain - and they all have a platform to whine about it - to create some kind of ‘social angst’. Has this what society has become when you can’t create the desired outcome - due to lack of skill. From a basketball standpoint (my opinion) - this is why the ‘no call’ was correct - no matter what side I’m on. It was ‘vertical - no movement - no slapping defense’. The girls defended properly. They were well coached in that moment of the game. Props to Geno and staff.
Another ‘peanut gallery’ basketball observation is... a player that plays a lot and handles the ball a lot (especially toward the end of the game) should shoot free throws (a needed skill to play this game) at a higher % than 67%. (We’ve seen so many do this - it should be important). Mourning, Gordon, etc... So... there may be more to this than just ‘pressure’. Albert Mouring won many a game for UCONN with this skill.
I apologize for the rant - but this stuff (imo) ain’t good for our society. Again, I think Geno is aware of things similar - but he also knows well trained talent can still get it done - even with the evolution. Enter and CD... awesome shooters. Shooting well - can still overcome physical abuse. Another skilled 6’5” player with some skills and intelligence to address critical components of making a great team. Going forward... with Geno’s coaching and the pieces he is building... this could be another long stint of ‘UCONN is bad for wcbb’. Still the most telling statement I’ve heard from him is...”I’m going to put the best players I can get around her.” Uh.... yup.