Worked there for 18 months or so...good memories!Beat me to it. BTW, the Dairy Bar is the one eternal truth in Storrs. Was great in the 17thcentury when I attended and remains so. I lived in the Towers for 4 years in the mid-60s, the Dairy Bar blessedly was a very short walk.
C'mon down to SC.... I'll show you boonies. We have places that don't have cable tv! Imagine.....
Oh, I see you never been to Storrs. The streets are paved in hardwood and there are basketball hoops every 10 feet. Students are given laptops and basketballs as part of enrollment and bounce the balls while going to class. We also win a lot of basketball championships.
<<Heck.... SC has places that still have outhouses in the backyard.............>>
<<<Come to think of it.. so does NC>>>
Let's not get personal about this.
In Silver City, Nevada... my outhouse is between the wood shed and the rabbit hutch.
Late in the afternoon, with the door open.. y'all can watch the sun set over the Sierra Nevada as you conduct business.
She's a beauty... a 1936 courtesy of President Roooos-e-velt and the WPA boys. I could never get my last wife to use her even when, many times, I explained the calm & peaceful comfort one gets withOUT all that noisy rushing-of-water agitation those wall-mounted water closets create.
[We really DON'T say "y'all" in Nevada... I just wanted to make all-y'all feel at home]
Silver City is 30 miles and a hundred years outside of Reno... on the Comstock Silver Lode south of Virginia City...
I thought Caroline and Stefanie were room mates (I thought I heard Stef say that losing Caroline as a rommate was one of the reasons she was going to miss Caroline next year) and if that is so why would they not decorate the door for the both of them.
I thought Caroline and Stefanie were room mates (I thought I heard Stef say that losing Caroline as a rommate was one of the reasons she was going to miss Caroline next year) and if that is so why would they not decorate the door for the both of them.
No, never been to Storrs.... only have passed through your state on the way to Boston..... via 84. Would love to visit a few cities one day... Danbury, Waterbury, Hartford, New Haven and Bridgeport top my list. No offense to the good members of the Boneyard... but I'd rather not ever step foot in Storrs.I have my reasons
Flashback to Caroline's HS days:
Flashback to Caroline's HS days:
There is zero need to go to Waterbury and Bridgeport.. I'd highly recommend against visiting there. lol, you are honestly the only person I have ever heard say Waterbury and Bridgeport are at the top of your list for cities to visit.
depends on what you're looking for... every town/city in America has something historic about them