Do yourself a favor and stay above that dude. Make your points, defend them if you feel the need. But why don't you avoid the derogatory statements you level towards those who disagree with you? Passion isn't a bad thing when it's channeled.
At some point in time you have to realize that repeating things ad nauseam only causes people to stop listening at best, or attacking you at worst.
These forums are filled with posters who need to win debates. Threads go on and on and I seldom notice us changing our positions. Others join in the sides feel validated and the debates continue. I sincerely can't figure out why we so vigorously continue arguing when there is no evidence there will be any resolution to the argument. What makes matters worse, is we argue over issues we have no control over.
And yes you were in your rights to call me out. I reverted to baseness. I can do it with the best of you.