Penn St death penalty = UConn to Big Ten? | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Penn St death penalty = UConn to Big Ten?

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Aug 26, 2011
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The Big 10 will just split their hundreds of millions 11 ways instead of 12 while Penn State is dormant.
It wouldnt even be 11 would it? When does Nebraska get full distributions?
Aug 26, 2011
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I heard YouCannotBeSeriousXM radio has a special price for boneyarders. When you sign up put in the special code "webepunked".


Funny, now I mostly play guitar
Aug 26, 2011
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Interesting twist, like the fact we're being talked about positively.
Aug 26, 2011
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We all know how Butchy loves ancient history.
Rugby football was supposedly invented by accident. Soccer ball was caught, dude freaked out and ran. Amazing what a supposed mistake can do to the world.
Aug 30, 2011
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I believe the B1G actually keeps a rule on their books that all expansion must be to contiguous states; if not formally on the rule books, it has been the historic practice. (Yes, they could change the rule if they so desired...)

In view of that "rule", I think Missouri and Pittsburgh rank very highly in the event of PSU being booted. If you can still count Pa as B1G territory with PSU in flux, then Maryland and Rutgers enter the picture.

I have read PSU alums and fans complain about being on an island within the B1G; I honestly don't see UConn being added to B1G until, possibly, Rutgers is added first/simultaneously.
Some of these "rules" date back to a time when travel was primarily train and bus.


Texas: Property of UConn Men's Basketball program
Aug 25, 2011
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I believe the B1G actually keeps a rule on their books that all expansion must be to contiguous states; if not formally on the rule books, it has been the historic practice. (Yes, they could change the rule if they so desired...)

During the brief period where Jim Delaney was throwing out sound bites every day and Missouri was pimping themselves to become the conference's twelfth member (which ended up being Nebraska), Delaney stated emphatically that the rumored contiguous state rule never existed.

It really doesn't matter at the moment as the B1G is not about to expand but this will not play a role a role when they do.
Aug 26, 2011
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Exactly right the B1G contiguous state or the SEC not adding schools in from states that members already exist matter as much as the Big-10 having 10 members, the Big-12 having 12 members or the big east being a collection of schools from the eastern side of the country. Any conference will add the team that adds the most to the conference, in most cases add the most to their current TV deal. Would the SEC pass on Texas because they already have Texas A&M or the B1G pass on Texas because they have no schools in states that boarder texas?


Big Apple Big Dog
Sep 5, 2011
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So, the B1G has now lost PSU as a football power for at least the next 5 years. How does that impact their thinking about expansion?. Do they go after ND?


NCAA Men’s Basketball National Champions - Again!
Aug 24, 2011
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So, the B1G has now lost PSU as a football power for at least the next 5 years. How does that impact their thinking about expansion?. Do they go after ND?

Wow! That makes so much sense! ND would be a great fit for the B!G. I wonder why they've never explored that.
Aug 26, 2011
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If we've learned anything through realgnment, ND chooses the conference, not the other way around.


Big Apple Big Dog
Sep 5, 2011
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If we've learned anything through realgnment, ND chooses the conference, not the other way around.
I understand that most believe that to be true. However, I am not aware of any efforts by the B1G to convince ND that 1) they need to be in a conference, and 2) the best conference for ND is the B1G.. Maybe the PSU situation leads to some efforts by the B1G along these lines.


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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I understand that most believe that to be true. However, I am not aware of any efforts by the B1G to convince ND that 1) they need to be in a conference, and 2) the best conference for ND is the B1G.. Maybe the PSU situation leads to some efforts by the B1G along these lines.

For your argument to hold water, you would have to show one of the following things;

1) That Penn State's current situation changes the Big10's feelings about Notre Dame

2) That Penn State's current situation changes Notre Dame's feelings about the Big10.

In my mind, why would the situation change either? It doesn't make any sense. What they will lose in the short term with Penn State, they have already gained with Nebraska. And Penn State will be back again, since it is a Pennsylvania religion (unfortunately, as we have all witnessed). So why would anything change?


Big Apple Big Dog
Sep 5, 2011
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For your argument to hold water, you would have to show one of the following things;

1) That Penn State's current situation changes the Big10's feelings about Notre Dame

2) That Penn State's current situation changes Notre Dame's feelings about the Big10.

In my mind, why would the situation change either? It doesn't make any sense. What they will lose in the short term with Penn State, they have already gained with Nebraska. And Penn State will be back again, since it is a Pennsylvania religion (unfortunately, as we have all witnessed). So why would anything change?
First, I am not arguing the point, just looking for information.. And your comment re. Nebraska is something I had not considered, so thanks for pointing that out, it definitely tends to lessen any pressure on the B1G to look for a PSU replacement, temporary or otherwise.

But I am not at all convinced that PSU will ever come close regaining their former glory, which was so closely tied to Paterno.. So the B1G may feel the need to upgrade their football power, which currently does not really justify the $ it receives. I guess the response to the $ benefit issue I am noting is that B1G alumni and overall popularity justifies the $, but can those factors be maintained indefinitely if the B1G's actual football performance continues to lag?

Can the B1G afford to add PSU to its list of underachieving football programs, at least temporarily, or do they do something about it?


predicting undefeated seasons since 1983
Feb 12, 2012
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First, I am not arguing the point, just looking for information.. And your comment re. Nebraska is something I had not considered, so thanks for pointing that out, it definitely tends to lessen any pressure on the B1G to look for a PSU replacement, temporary or otherwise.

But I am not at all convinced that PSU will ever come close regaining their former glory, which was so closely tied to Paterno.. So the B1G may feel the need to upgrade their football power, which currently does not really justify the $ it receives. I guess the response to the $ benefit issue I am noting is that B1G alumni and overall popularity justifies the $, but can those factors be maintained indefinitely if the B1G's actual football performance continues to lag?

Can the B1G afford to add PSU to its list of underachieving football programs, at least temporarily, or do they do something about it?

I hear ya, but remember that it's all about eyeballs on the Big1o tv network, and Penn State will still supply plenty of them, regardless of whether or not they are a top 25 team. The Big10 will still make their money on that program, and their losses will be OSU / Wisconsin / Mich / Mich St's gains.

Parity is overrated, as the Big East can fully tell you about. You just need one or two programs with great records on top, and then everyone will think you have a great conference.
Aug 26, 2011
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"Parity is overrated, as the Big East can fully tell you about. You just need one or two programs with great records on top, and then everyone will think you have a great conference."

Truer words are rarely spoken...
Aug 26, 2011
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During a teleconference that was shown on B1G network today Delaney replied to a question about expansion. His reply "Our position has not changed. We are not active". Meaning at this time they are not active in conference expansion. They also went on to say that Penn St would still play their conference games and those could still be televised.

Regardless of the aftermath of the Penn St debacle I don't see UConn getting an invite anytime soon unless Notre Dame decides they need in to a conference to have a legit shot at top 4 rankings. UConn might be invited along just to balance out the divisions but I really see that as more of a pipe dream than a realistic opportunity. Lets give Coach P a couple years to get this team respectfully ranked and then worry about jumping to a new league.
Sep 21, 2011
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I would like to correct a recurring boneyard error regarding football.
First of all Rutgers and Princeton first game was probably a soccer game.
The direct roots of football are from rugby not soccer.
The first recorded intercollegete rugby match was between McGill and Harvard.
Football was actually invented when a Yale Student changed the game of Rugby by addding a line of scrimmage and four downs.
That's right football was invented in Connecticut its our sport.

The first National Power was Yale.
When the main sport in Dixie was sister chasing football was well established in Connecticut.

Established so well that 100 years ago they built a stadium to seat 70,000 people.
The seats were not filled by Ivy types only as locales filled the Bowl.
The state of Connecticut imbraced football.

As late as the 50's i remember hitching down rte 34 from the valley to see a game.

Connecticut didn't give up on big time football it was the other way around.

All that is needed is for a Big Time Attitude to return to CT.

I like the location of the current stadium as is says I'm the States of Connecticuts Team.

Another thing Connecticut has is Bradley.
Until you fly into some of these smaller airports like South Bend , State College ,Bloomington, Lincoln, Madison, etc you really can't appreciate Bradley.
I have been a Uconn Basketball fan since the 50"s.
Nothing will match the exciment generated by our rise to power.
Nothing accept a simalar rise to power in football and it will happen.
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