You don't have Wi-Fi already in your house?
I got the bike for half price and they threw in two months of the subscription for free because of their delay in being able to deliver the bike.
I am canceling my gym membership because I have no desire to be back in a closed environment with people sweating and breathing heavily. That savings alone halves the price of my Peloton subscription. Plus I can have endless users on my Peloton subscription, which is great for us because two of my daughters are getting into it now.
I have two to three pairs of running shoes in rotation at all times; they last less than a year.
I still jog/walk/hike several times a week, but I wanted the Peloton to give my legs a break from the impact. I would also have considered a home rowing machine, but the Peloton deal came my way first. I believe a commercial stairmaster like the one I use at the gym (Cybex Arc Trainer) is much, much more expensive than either a Peloton or rowing machine.
As others have noted, the Peloton screen and streaming content are really excellent. For me and my daughters who also use it, it makes a huge difference in terms of motivating you to get on the bike and providing instruction.
I'm also really digging the arms workouts. I've never been a weight-training guy and I scoffed at the fact that the heaviest dumbbells that I could order with the Peloton were 3lbs. Now two weeks in, doing some type of arms workout every other day, I am definitely feeling it. I'm also feeling a lot more of a core workout than I ever got with running, arc trainer or elliptical.
Instead of dreading my daily runs because I felt like I was beating my body up, I now look forward to mixing them in a few times a week, and I feel better before, during and after them than I did when I was running almost every day.
@Deepster , you mentioned getting into a groove recently--who are your favorite Peloton instructors? As I sample them I notice that I have a much easier time syncing with some than others.