This is fair, and I for one cannot tell whether he meant: (a) best player outright as of now (b) best player expected to be on the 2014 roster (no Bazz or DD) or (c) best, as in "most talented", highest ceiling, most likely to be an NBA star.
I would submit to you that Purvis is probably the correct answer to both (b) and (c).
My point instead is, who cares what this guy says? Why even pump him up with the validation of caring about this mistake or non-mistake? Even our own local reporters are often clueless about the team. It's almost as bad as reposting tweets from two bozos in WV on conference realignment, thank God we don't do that.
Those three categories are it in a nutshell. I would say (a) is Bazz. I have no clue on (b) or (c) but Purvis does have the athleticism, size and determination to make a case for (b) and (c) if he can develop a point guard mentality.
My personal preference is not to validate "off the wall" or "over the top" or offensive people or situations. That list is personal. I can't expect others to agree with me. And I find it empowering when I don't need others to agree with me even as I find it nice that others share my opinion. The CR thread with tweets from guys just throwing stuff out and seeing what sticks is a combo of a) people who need even the faintest hint of hope because they can't generate it themselves and the issue is very important for them, and b) people who are just having fun and aren't taking themselves or the situation too seriously.
The more we understand how each one of us views the world, the more we understand why things happen. There are two groups of people who engage in this process. The first group has the noble purpose of helping people reach their maximum potential in the quest for a better world. The second group wants to understand things to exploit people.
The vast majority of humanity, imo, are more than likely trying to make people bend to the perspective it has.