Pass the Dam Ball | Page 2 | The Boneyard

Pass the Dam Ball


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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When the opponent plays a zone defense and the shots are not falling for the Huskies, you know it is going to be an ugly game, not the Uconn beauty of the past.
In the past UConn would usually destroy a zone by running their offense through Gabby or Lou at the high post. So far this season the Huskies have struggled to find anyone who can consistently facilitate the offense from the high post.
Apr 20, 2016
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One point we havent been firing on all cylinders this season. We need to all get on the same page, and that starts with having confidence in everybody on the floor and sharing the ball. The one stat I want to see look better is assists which will mean we are passing the ball and getting everybody involved. PASS the Dam Ball. It has appeared that CD CW and MW are the only players shooting the ball. There have been a bunch of posts mentioning Anna is wide open and shes not getting the ball. That has got to change. We can no longer play 3 on 5 against top teams and if we continue, much like the Oregon game have two top scorers not shooting well then we get clobbered playing CD against Oregon or 1 on 5. We need everybody on the floor involved.

A suggestion. Early in the game get the ball to Kyla Anna Liv and run a play to get them open to shoot. Defenses seem to be keying on MW CW and CD. That should open things up a little for our big 3. Liv has looked better espeically in the Oregon game and Anna has had constant improvement game after game. Anna can light it up but we have to get her the ball more often and she needs to be in position to shoot. Run plays for Kyla Liv and Anna throughout the game but espeically early in the game. I would like to see Anna as the trailor on the fast break too much like KML used to be.

So tomorrow nite we've got Memphis. Lets see what happens.
I agree with most of what you say but I still don't like the use of the term 'Big Three' bcuz I think it goes counter to your main point which is sharing the ball.


retired Ohio teacher
Apr 9, 2016
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Kyla could handle the high post if she would shoot that fifteen footer or if she could create offense off the dribble. On second thought, those are two big "ifs". She won't and she can't. Guess that is why they have tried other options.
Feb 7, 2019
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I have to chuckle that a few posters think they are Correct ALL the time. Get a life this forum
is for all to express our opinions no matter what. We need to be respectful as most are.
So these few posters and you know who you are quit arguing the point and accept all opionions/observations/suggestions! We love
UCONN and yes please accept you are not correct all the time! Here’s to a fun game tomorrow filled with LOTS of passing, cutting
and movement! Let’s go Huskies!
Sometimes I read a post and find myself violently disagreeing until I realize it’s an old post of mine.


La verdad no peca pero incomoda
Feb 22, 2016
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I’ve stated before that this is not a great UConn passing team. Beyond that, the argument that Anna is somehow being ignored by her teammates, for some dubious reason, is complete B.S. I suggest to anyone who believes that, go back and watch the game films closely.
I'm gonna take this a step further. Anyone who thinks they see a clear case of a player with the ball who sees a wide-open Anna ready to shoot but refuses to pass to her, please start citing the exact time stamps in the game so that others can go back and see it for themselves.

I'm with @oldude . These accusations have taken on a life of their own and I don't see it or believe it.
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Jan 26, 2016
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Nice observation. To my earlier post, Liv is in something of the same position when she fights for position in the low post and calls for the ball. Against Baylor, a pass to Liv was no better than jacking up a contested 3. But vs Oregon, Liv’s 4/5 & 6 assists was excellent and perhaps a message to her teammates to get her the ball more often.

One additional point relative to getting the ball into the low post. In each of UConn’s previous 3 seasons, you could absolutely count on the fact that the fist time the Huskies ran their half-court offense, the ball would invariably find Pheesa in the low post.

Pheesa could catch every pass, good or bad, and her broad repertoire of low post moves and ability to finish at the rim made her the #1 option in the half court. Once Pheesa established her offense, UConn’s shooters were the beneficiaries with wide open looks from the perimeter.

I doubt that Liv will ever get to Pheesa’s level, but I do believe she is capable of shooting at 50-60% in the post. I would like to see UConn work harder to start games getting the ball to Liv and then letting the game plan evolve from there.

ONO is shooting .521 right now and is averaging about 11 points and about 8 rebounds per game in only 26 minutes
Jan 26, 2016
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Perhaps the team should look at their last game again to see how it's done. Oregon had no problem passing the ball to open and cutting teammates for easy uncontested lay ups and bunnies.

I would love to see it but I'm not sure if it's going to get much better this season..................I'm confident you're going to see a whole bunch of head shaking passes next year..........
Jan 5, 2013
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I would love to see it but I'm not sure if it's going to get much better this season..................I'm confident you're going to see a whole bunch of head shaking passes next year..........

There are 2 different kinds of head shaking passes, hopefully it's going to be the good kind because I have seen Geno shaking his head at some of the passes the current team made.
Jan 26, 2016
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There are 2 different kinds of head shaking passes, hopefully it's going to be the good kind because I have seen Geno shaking his head at some of the passes the current team made.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say mostly the good kind but no doubt they'll be a few stinkers thrown in from time to time........


Poster Emeritus
Aug 27, 2011
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Sometimes I read a post and find myself violently disagreeing until I realize it’s an old post of mine.
Now THAT is funny, and i have not laughed (or maybe even smiled) at a Boneyard post in a long time. Thanks, Dokey.
Feb 7, 2019
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I'm gonna take this a step further. Anyone who thinks they see a clear case of a player with the ball who sees a wide-open Anna ready to shoot but refuses to pass to her, please start citing the exact time stamps in the game so that others can go back and see it for themselves.

I'm with @oldude . These accusations have taken on a life of their own and I don't see it or believe it.
Again, I think it is because they were used to the 0 for America Anna who led the team in assists and think they have to take care of scoring as upper class women. Since from day one, Anna has been my favorite Huskie, I primarily follow her on the court. I am not going to go back and give you time spots but if you were in my tv room you would hear me shout “pass to Anna” followed by a “I told you to pass it to her” after a hurried missed shot by another player. Again I don’t think it is deliberate—it isn’t a great passing team other than Anna and CD (who feels pressed to shoot, not pass) but it was interesting to me to watch Aubrey kick back to Anna for a couple of threes.


Poster Emeritus
Aug 27, 2011
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I'm gonna take this a step further. Anyone who thinks they see a clear case of a player with the ball who sees a wide-open Anna ready to shoot but refuses to pass to her, please start citing the exact time stamps in the game so that others can go back and see it for themselves.

I'm with @oldude . These accusations have taken on a life of their own and I don't see it or believe it.

One thing to keep in mind: those of us who cannot get to see games in person see the games from an elevated point way above the floor. From that perspective, it's a piece of cake to see open spaces to and open teammates. It's quite another thing at floor level-- much more difficult.

But not impossible. As I noted in another post (and someone else mentioned in this thread) neither Megan nor Christyn are particularly good at spotting and passing to open teammates, but I would be reluctant to charge them with deliberate selfishness. I don't see it. Court sense and vision CAN be learned.
Apr 29, 2015
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I’ve stated before that this is not a great UConn passing team. Beyond that, the argument that Anna is somehow being ignored by her teammates, for some dubious reason, is complete B.S. I suggest to anyone who believes that, go back and watch the game films closely.

What you will see is a lot of passes that are not made to open teammates, particularly to Liv, who is working hard in the paint, calling for the ball, and receiving it rarely. Liv had a height advantage vs Hebard and was 4/5 against the Ducks. Get her twice as many shots and maybe you have a much closer game.

Passing from the high post continues to be a big problem for UConn. There is no one on the team with the poise of Gabby or Lou who were both outstanding passers from the high post. The number of passes that UConn has tipped or stolen is bad. Over the last 5-6 games, Kyla has become a turnover machine, frequently throwing passes directly to opponents because the passes are late, bad decisions or both. Megan and Christyn are not particularly good passers.

The really good passers on the team are Crystal and Anna, and even they make some questionable decisions with the ball. There is one real positive when it comes to passing. Liv is becoming a very solid passer out of the post. In only 23 minutes, she lead UConn with 6 assists vs Oregon.
I agree with everything you said and usually do but Walker does not make a great effort to get the ball to Ania and it has been going on all year.


Snark is always appreciated!
Nov 10, 2016
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I'm gonna take this a step further. Anyone who thinks they see a clear case of a player with the ball who sees a wide-open Anna ready to shoot but refuses to pass to her, please start citing the exact time stamps in the game so that others can go back and see it for themselves.

I'm with @oldude . These accusations have taken on a life of their own and I don't see it or believe it.
What I do see is a lot and I mean A LOT of times players are open and they aren't getting the ball. The UConn system takes time to learn and with only 2 upper classman, that's a problem as you are integrating 3 underclassmen all who want to defer to upper classman. I literally feel like I can hear them think-"where should I pass the ball on this play, oh yeah, over here" instead of instinctually knowing through all the repetitions of playing together, which is what Oregon with 3 3-year players (and 2 4-year) playing together do so well.

I wonder (and the throngs will correct me) if by having 4 passers (facilitators of the ball) next year in Evina, Anna, Paige and Nikki, if that will help the team as all will know to look for passing? CW and ONO will be another year in the UConn system and Aubrey should be more comfortable. Thoughts? Or did I start drinking too soon today (though to be fare is ever TOO soon to start drinking?)….
Apr 20, 2016
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Now THAT is funny, and i have not laughed (or maybe even smiled) at a Boneyard post in a long time. Thanks, Dokey.
Right I smiled too!


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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I agree with everything you said and usually do but Walker does not make a great effort to get the ball to Ania and it has been going on all year.
It's not about Anna. It's about Megan. She is not an instinctive passer. By focusing on Anna, we add a layer of suspicion about something that is not there. Megan also misses opportunities to pass to Liv frequently in the low post. No one but me seems to think that is a problem.

Talking about UConn's challenges passing the ball this season is fine. Creating some kind of dubious conspiracy about it is not, and it does not square with the game films that I always watch 1/2 times following the initial telecast.

One additional point. Geno knows exactly what's going on with his team on the court. He would never tolerate a player consciously deciding to avoid passing to an open teammate. A more likely explanation is that Geno wants Megan to look for her shot first, so if she does not hit an open teammate, it's likely because she is doing exactly what Geno wants her to.

Finally, as Plebe suggested earlier, if there are examples of Megan, or any other Husky, ignoring a wide open Anna on the floor, please let us know the game, qtr and time on the clock so we can verify it. Because I haven't seen it.
Feb 14, 2017
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I like the OP's observation. After watching this year's team what I see in regards to passing is a lot of tossing the ball around the perimeter and then someone tries to go one-on-one with a dribble-drive to the basket. or just take a three-pointer. Very few screens are set unless Evelyn is in the game at garbage time. If a screen is set the ball-handler is hesitant to use it.

So, what plays are they actually running? I don't see set plays where the pass is intended for a certain player to score the ball. What I see is one-on-one and 3's. I mean if you're lucky enough you might win that way. But against a quality opponent, most likely you will lose. I refuse to compare past teams with the current because each year the team is a little different. Graduating seniors and underclassmen improving or maybe hitting a wall, and incoming freshmen all factor into the identity of each year's team.

However, with this year's team, I have found myself screaming at the screen during games no matter the opponent yelling, "Pass the Ball!" So many times ONO has been open in the post and she doesn't get the ball. Granted she needs to improve her shot-making, but you have to get your big involved, along with all your teammates.

Now even with all this said, I still think we have a good team. We're not great. But this is one of the best coaching jobs I have seen out of Geno in awhile, and it is born out of necessity.


Who put the Bop in the Bop Shoo Bop?
Oct 5, 2015
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Because some of you don't see it does not mean it is not happening. It may not be intentional but is has been happening.


La verdad no peca pero incomoda
Feb 22, 2016
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Because some of you don't see it does not mean it is not happening.
And just because we don't see it doesn't mean it is happening either.

The team just isn't a great passing team. At the very least can we refrain from accusing the team of rampant xenophobia or anti-frosh bias.


Who put the Bop in the Bop Shoo Bop?
Oct 5, 2015
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And just because we don't see it doesn't mean it is happening either.

The team just isn't a great passing team. At the very least can we refrain from accusing the team of rampant xenophobia or anti-frosh bias.
It seems some players are being accused of not passing the ball, not anti-frosh bias. Does it take great passing for an open player to pass to an open teammate? I don't see why so many people are seeing it and it not be happening. Whatever, I'm done with it.
Apr 29, 2015
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It's not about Anna. It's about Megan. She is not an instinctive passer. By focusing on Anna, we add a layer of suspicion about something that is not there. Megan also misses opportunities to pass to Liv frequently in the low post. No one but me seems to think that is a problem.

Talking about UConn's challenges passing the ball this season is fine. Creating some kind of dubious conspiracy about it is not, and it does not square with the game films that I always watch 1/2 times following the initial telecast.

One additional point. Geno knows exactly what's going on with his team on the court. He would never tolerate a player consciously deciding to avoid passing to an open teammate. A more likely explanation is that Geno wants Megan to look for her shot first, so if she does not hit an open teammate, it's likely because she is doing exactly what Geno wants her to.

Finally, as Plebe suggested earlier, if there are examples of Megan, or any other Husky, ignoring a wide open Anna on the floor, please let us know the game, qtr and time on the clock so we can verify it. Because I haven't seen it.
Megan actually looks at Ania who is wide open and hesitates getting her the ball. So the defender closes on her and there is no shot or she looks and goes one on one.


bamboo lover
Nov 15, 2016
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Megan actually looks at Ania who is wide open and hesitates getting her the ball. So the defender closes on her and there is no shot or she looks and goes one on one.
Megan does that with most of her teammates. Again, she’s not an instinctive passer. There is no intent by Megan to freeze out Anna.
Feb 7, 2019
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I agree with everything you said and usually do but Walker does not make a great effort to get the ball to Ania and it has been going on all year.
Truth be told the problem with Meg is her head doesn’t swivel. When she’s in center beyond the arc she looks only to one side of the floor. If she’s going to make it in WNBA, she has to expand her court vision. Part of it also is there is probably a great deal of pressure on her to score so instead of passing she takes bad shots.
Feb 7, 2019
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Megan does that with most of her teammates. Again, she’s not an instinctive passer. There is no intent by Megan to freeze out Anna.
Yes, passing is not Meg’s forte, though I have seen her make good passes. This is the area she needs to work on before she can move to next level. There isn’t an anti-frosh element except to the degree you go to what you are used to.
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Mar 31, 2018
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[ ]

I feel like I see Anna makes passes that others won’t attempt. Sometimes I think what are you doing but ball somehow reaches its intended destination. Passing does seem to be a true strength of hers.

I don’t get the opportunity to watch every game but I feel like some of the others here and that she has been in a good spot to catch and shoot and ball goes somewhere else.

Also I feel like Oregon was the first game Anna hit multiple important baskets. Most of her points this year have come with a comfortable lead so hopefully she takes and makes shots early against SC.

Maybe she will evolve into the female version of Nadav Henefeld that could have been on the men’s team. International player, great passer then changed his mind and went and played ball back home. It will be a true joy to watch her for 4 years.
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