Painful Thoughts/Auburn | The Boneyard

Painful Thoughts/Auburn

Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
That game was as embarrassing as any (including Arkansas) as any I have watched. I mean to allow that to happen and not show a single ounce of effort to change what was happening really had me wondering if could watch this team again the rest of the year. Normally I will say "hey we ran into a buzz saw not a lot you can do about it", and you know what it's probably partially correct. But you can't accept it anymore when it just happened in 2 of your last couple games, it's not the UConn way and is beyond unacceptable. Listen I think you know it things were decent and we looked good most of the time I'd tell you Auburn played out of their butts, they did, and the referees were walking the fine line for a homer, they were. But when you look at it in a whole, they deserved all those calls and they deserved to make a lot of shots because our guys aren't smart and they don't compete their tails off or match anyone's intensity any more. Man it's painful - I yelled at my son with about 5 minutes to go as he was standing if front of the TV doing something for his mom which was Christmas related. He didn't deserve that he was getting tongue lashed from his old cranky bah humbug dad because of the product I was watching. He's also a fan and asked "Why would you even watch them right now dad they're awful" - POOF the words of my son rang true. It's damn torture watching this team through my hands over my face waiting for worst thing to happen than I am seeing.

I am sorry I had enough hope and Husky pride to wait this long, or shall I say last this long but I can't take it anymore. This is not what we sign up for, it's not what we should expect so I am firmly on the do whatever you have to do in order to make me at least have a reason to think we will compete again. When I say these things I feel for the likes of the freshman/newcomers, AG because they don;t know what UConn basketball is. Even CV who seems to know what it should be, but our leaders, coaches have lost tough with why the are on the sidelines and in the uniform. In both blow outs I watched out players allow people from the other team laugh, celebrate their wonderful games in our players faces without a mere ounce of energy to stop some of these things. What I mean by energy is a HARD foul or trying to take a charge and beat them back while they try to make a lay up and dunk line in the waning moments. How do the coaches even think of allowing this to happen to their kids without creating some form of fight back?

Anyway my pride as a fan is cooked for now, no more excitement as the work day comes to an end knowing there is a Husky game on to get excited about that night, that's over for a while. I know the change has to be made, when I have no idea. I was all in on how we needed to keep this whole thing in our family and wished it worked that way and still believe that was the way to maintain what we had. It will be a long road getting it back for someone and I do believe we will never get there again I'm afraid. How AD David Benedict does it will be important, or even if he does it will be but the choice if made will be the most if there is hope at all. I certainly don't have that answer but I don't believe it can be in the family unless we can get our actual savior back.

All in all still a fan through and through but the hardest times of my life as a fan just got so much harder, and so much longer before we come close to who were were for so many years. Sucks, but hey..

Merry Christmas everyone, we still have our family and friends which is most important! And our dogs, can't forget them!

Hans Sprungfeld

Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
That game was as embarrassing as any (including Arkansas) as any I have watched. I mean to allow that to happen and not show a single ounce of effort to change what was happening really had me wondering if could watch this team again the rest of the year. Normally I will say "hey we ran into a buzz saw not a lot you can do about it", and you know what it's probably partially correct. But you can't accept it anymore when it just happened in 2 of your last couple games, it's not the UConn way and is beyond unacceptable. Listen I think you know it things were decent and we looked good most of the time I'd tell you Auburn played out of their butts, they did, and the referees were walking the fine line for a homer, they were. But when you look at it in a whole, they deserved all those calls and they deserved to make a lot of shots because our guys aren't smart and they don't compete their tails off or match anyone's intensity any more. Man it's painful - I yelled at my son with about 5 minutes to go as he was standing if front of the TV doing something for his mom which was Christmas related. He didn't deserve that he was getting tongue lashed from his old cranky bah humbug dad because of the product I was watching. He's also a fan and asked "Why would you even watch them right now dad they're awful" - POOF the words of my son rang true. It's damn torture watching this team through my hands over my face waiting for worst thing to happen than I am seeing.

I am sorry I had enough hope and Husky pride to wait this long, or shall I say last this long but I can't take it anymore. This is not what we sign up for, it's not what we should expect so I am firmly on the do whatever you have to do in order to make me at least have a reason to think we will compete again. When I say these things I feel for the likes of the freshman/newcomers, AG because they don;t know what UConn basketball is. Even CV who seems to know what it should be, but our leaders, coaches have lost tough with why the are on the sidelines and in the uniform. In both blow outs I watched out players allow people from the other team laugh, celebrate their wonderful games in our players faces without a mere ounce of energy to stop some of these things. What I mean by energy is a HARD foul or trying to take a charge and beat them back while they try to make a lay up and dunk line in the waning moments. How do the coaches even think of allowing this to happen to their kids without creating some form of fight back?

Anyway my pride as a fan is cooked for now, no more excitement as the work day comes to an end knowing there is a Husky game on to get excited about that night, that's over for a while. I know the change has to be made, when I have no idea. I was all in on how we needed to keep this whole thing in our family and wished it worked that way and still believe that was the way to maintain what we had. It will be a long road getting it back for someone and I do believe we will never get there again I'm afraid. How AD David Benedict does it will be important, or even if he does it will be but the choice if made will be the most if there is hope at all. I certainly don't have that answer but I don't believe it can be in the family unless we can get our actual savior back.

All in all still a fan through and through but the hardest times of my life as a fan just got so much harder, and so much longer before we come close to who were were for so many years. Sucks, but hey..

Merry Christmas everyone, we still have our family and friends which is most important! And our dogs, can't forget them!

Based on the entertainment product on display, I've clearly accepted that more joy could come from the Boneyard than MBB since late 2014. Today marks a new low point for basketball, but continues what I saw after the Arizona game. The Boneyard is coming back together. The good guys are feeling sadness and acceptance, and it's really up to the dark energy to not gloat and be jerks. There can be laughter and life tips and camaraderie. We're in this together. No sense shooting each other any more.

I do, however, modestly propose that we root for this team to be this year's shocking Conference Tourney winner that knocks out a bubble team and maybe even gets a first round upset against a Big East team that got an undeserved seeding. That's the only lens through which I can keep watching, and I can't help but keep watching. I need you all to do this with.

Now, finish wrapping presents (Lady Hans beckons). Go buy them if that's where you're at. Enjoy time with you family, and play with children if the adults get tiresome. Serve a meal to the homeless. Bust out your fat pants and stuff yourself with seafood tonight. Dress up for a candle light service. Go to the movies and eat Chinese if that's your thing. Just don't feed the dopamine dragon of bad Vibes that has Silicon Valley insiders switching to flip phones. We're on the same page again...or could be.
Peace to all.
Last edited:
Aug 28, 2011
Reaction Score
Based on the entertainment product on display, I've clearly accepted that more joy could come from the Boneyard than MBB since late 2014. Today marks a new low point for basketball, but continues what I saw after the Arizona game. The Boneyard is coming back together. The good guys are feeling sadness and acceptance, and it's really up to the dark energy to not gloat and be jerks. There can be laughter and life tips and camaraderie. We're in this together. No sense shooting each other any more.

I do, however, modestly propose that we root for this team to be this year's shocking Conference Tourney winner that knocks out a bubble team and maybe even gets a first round upset against a Big East team that got an undeserved seeding. That's the only lens through which I can keep watching, and I can't help but keep watching. I need you all to do this with.

Now, finish wrapping presents (Lady Hans beckons). Go buy them if that's where you're at. Enjoy time with you family, and play with children if the adults get tiresome. Serve a meal to the homeless. Bust out your fat pants and stuff yourself with seafood tonight. Dress up for a candle light service. Go to the movies and eat Chinese if that's your thing. Just don't feed the dopamine dragon of bad Vibes that has Silicon Valley insiders switching to flip phones. We're on the same page again...or could be.
Peace to all.

You forgot to include all our canine companions!



Apr 2, 2013
Reaction Score
When my non sports loving father in law put his hand on my shoulder last night as I was watching the game and told me it was going to be ok, i knew that it wasnt.

My energy for this team was waning, now its almost non existent. Ill watch and ill hope but, for now, i know itll be a waste of my time.

These are uncharted waters for most of us. I wont give up on my school but until theyre ready to put forth the same effort that I, we collectively, put into rooting them on, its going to be hard. Real hard.
Sep 16, 2014
Reaction Score
At this point knowing we won't make the tourney we may as well root to tank so Ollie gets fired
May 3, 2015
Reaction Score
Based on the entertainment product on display, I've clearly accepted that more joy could come from the Boneyard than MBB since late 2014. Today marks a new low point for basketball, but continues what I saw after the Arizona game. The Boneyard is coming back together. The good guys are feeling sadness and acceptance, and it's really up to the dark energy to not gloat and be jerks. There can be laughter and life tips and camaraderie. We're in this together. No sense shooting each other any more.

I do, however, modestly propose that we root for this team to be this year's shocking Conference Tourney winner that knocks out a bubble team and maybe even gets a first round upset against a Big East team that got an undeserved seeding. That's the only lens through which I can keep watching, and I can't help but keep watching. I need you all to do this with.

Now, finish wrapping presents (Lady Hans beckons). Go buy them if that's where you're at. Enjoy time with you family, and play with children if the adults get tiresome. Serve a meal to the homeless. Bust out your fat pants and stuff yourself with seafood tonight. Dress up for a candle light service. Go to the movies and eat Chinese if that's your thing. Just don't feed the dopamine dragon of bad Vibes that has Silicon Valley insiders switching to flip phones. We're on the same page again...or could be.
Peace to all.
No gloating from me. As we move past this painful chapter, let’s embrace what lies ahead. The national search for a replacement, the excitement of what may be, and most importantly hope for greatness and relevancy again. We may not get it overnight, but at least there will be “hope” in our hearts again. Sort of like a dead-end relationship with a woman you once loved, but once you know it’s time to move on the healing begins, and before long you start looking forward to all of the excitement, hope and new memories. I know it’s not gonna happen overnight, but I have to admit I’m just a little bit excited turn the page and start a new chapter.
Aug 28, 2011
Reaction Score
I do, however, modestly propose that we root for this team to be this year's shocking Conference Tourney winner that knocks out a bubble team and maybe even gets a first round upset against a Big East team that got an undeserved seeding. That's the only lens through which I can keep watching, and I can't help but keep watching. I need you all to do this with.

At this point knowing we won't make the tourney we may as well root to tank so Ollie gets fired

Thing is, as I've felt all along, eventually the results will sort themselves out. I've seen nothing form this team whatsoever that suggests they have any kind of tournament run in them, including upsetting a "bubble" team in the conference tournament, nor have I seen any indication that anyone needs to "root" for them to tank. It will all take care of itself in the end.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
We're Not a good team. Our best players aren't as good as most thought. Our freshmen look like most of the freshmen that come to Storrs, needing some development. Our coach looks lost on the sidelines. Not able to impose his will on this team. All this combined has caused us to lose our identity.

I'll be here next game.
Aug 27, 2011
Reaction Score
That game was as embarrassing as any (including Arkansas) as any I have watched. I mean to allow that to happen and not show a single ounce of effort to change what was happening really had me wondering if could watch this team again the rest of the year. Normally I will say "hey we ran into a buzz saw not a lot you can do about it", and you know what it's probably partially correct. But you can't accept it anymore when it just happened in 2 of your last couple games, it's not the UConn way and is beyond unacceptable. Listen I think you know it things were decent and we looked good most of the time I'd tell you Auburn played out of their butts, they did, and the referees were walking the fine line for a homer, they were. But when you look at it in a whole, they deserved all those calls and they deserved to make a lot of shots because our guys aren't smart and they don't compete their tails off or match anyone's intensity any more. Man it's painful - I yelled at my son with about 5 minutes to go as he was standing if front of the TV doing something for his mom which was Christmas related. He didn't deserve that he was getting tongue lashed from his old cranky bah humbug dad because of the product I was watching. He's also a fan and asked "Why would you even watch them right now dad they're awful" - POOF the words of my son rang true. It's damn torture watching this team through my hands over my face waiting for worst thing to happen than I am seeing.

I am sorry I had enough hope and Husky pride to wait this long, or shall I say last this long but I can't take it anymore. This is not what we sign up for, it's not what we should expect so I am firmly on the do whatever you have to do in order to make me at least have a reason to think we will compete again. When I say these things I feel for the likes of the freshman/newcomers, AG because they don;t know what UConn basketball is. Even CV who seems to know what it should be, but our leaders, coaches have lost tough with why the are on the sidelines and in the uniform. In both blow outs I watched out players allow people from the other team laugh, celebrate their wonderful games in our players faces without a mere ounce of energy to stop some of these things. What I mean by energy is a HARD foul or trying to take a charge and beat them back while they try to make a lay up and dunk line in the waning moments. How do the coaches even think of allowing this to happen to their kids without creating some form of fight back?

Anyway my pride as a fan is cooked for now, no more excitement as the work day comes to an end knowing there is a Husky game on to get excited about that night, that's over for a while. I know the change has to be made, when I have no idea. I was all in on how we needed to keep this whole thing in our family and wished it worked that way and still believe that was the way to maintain what we had. It will be a long road getting it back for someone and I do believe we will never get there again I'm afraid. How AD David Benedict does it will be important, or even if he does it will be but the choice if made will be the most if there is hope at all. I certainly don't have that answer but I don't believe it can be in the family unless we can get our actual savior back.

All in all still a fan through and through but the hardest times of my life as a fan just got so much harder, and so much longer before we come close to who were were for so many years. Sucks, but hey..

Merry Christmas everyone, we still have our family and friends which is most important! And our dogs, can't forget them!
This is well expressed. When my friend from St.John’s sent me a text yesterday during saying how they’re going in the right direction I had no comeback other than looking forward to baseball season and thinking I hope St.John’s loses to PC. All I have now is rooting against teams like Duke etc.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
That game was as embarrassing as any (including Arkansas) as any I have watched. I mean to allow that to happen and not show a single ounce of effort to change what was happening really had me wondering if could watch this team again the rest of the year. Normally I will say "hey we ran into a buzz saw not a lot you can do about it", and you know what it's probably partially correct. But you can't accept it anymore when it just happened in 2 of your last couple games, it's not the UConn way and is beyond unacceptable. Listen I think you know it things were decent and we looked good most of the time I'd tell you Auburn played out of their butts, they did, and the referees were walking the fine line for a homer, they were. But when you look at it in a whole, they deserved all those calls and they deserved to make a lot of shots because our guys aren't smart and they don't compete their tails off or match anyone's intensity any more. Man it's painful - I yelled at my son with about 5 minutes to go as he was standing if front of the TV doing something for his mom which was Christmas related. He didn't deserve that he was getting tongue lashed from his old cranky bah humbug dad because of the product I was watching. He's also a fan and asked "Why would you even watch them right now dad they're awful" - POOF the words of my son rang true. It's damn torture watching this team through my hands over my face waiting for worst thing to happen than I am seeing.

I am sorry I had enough hope and Husky pride to wait this long, or shall I say last this long but I can't take it anymore. This is not what we sign up for, it's not what we should expect so I am firmly on the do whatever you have to do in order to make me at least have a reason to think we will compete again. When I say these things I feel for the likes of the freshman/newcomers, AG because they don;t know what UConn basketball is. Even CV who seems to know what it should be, but our leaders, coaches have lost tough with why the are on the sidelines and in the uniform. In both blow outs I watched out players allow people from the other team laugh, celebrate their wonderful games in our players faces without a mere ounce of energy to stop some of these things. What I mean by energy is a HARD foul or trying to take a charge and beat them back while they try to make a lay up and dunk line in the waning moments. How do the coaches even think of allowing this to happen to their kids without creating some form of fight back?

Anyway my pride as a fan is cooked for now, no more excitement as the work day comes to an end knowing there is a Husky game on to get excited about that night, that's over for a while. I know the change has to be made, when I have no idea. I was all in on how we needed to keep this whole thing in our family and wished it worked that way and still believe that was the way to maintain what we had. It will be a long road getting it back for someone and I do believe we will never get there again I'm afraid. How AD David Benedict does it will be important, or even if he does it will be but the choice if made will be the most if there is hope at all. I certainly don't have that answer but I don't believe it can be in the family unless we can get our actual savior back.

All in all still a fan through and through but the hardest times of my life as a fan just got so much harder, and so much longer before we come close to who were were for so many years. Sucks, but hey..

Merry Christmas everyone, we still have our family and friends which is most important! And our dogs, can't forget them!
Sadly, my feelings exactly. My biggest hope is that Akinjo's TV is broken.
Aug 28, 2011
Reaction Score
Turns out a lot of people around here should have been following the women's team all along.

I don't read the BY all that much. Was wondering if maybe you, me and Mau could hook up for a pre game brewsky. Even if it is right before tip off as we depart for our seats in the concourse area. What say you??? Mau? Lets do this! :D
Last edited:
Jan 14, 2016
Reaction Score
Turns out a lot of people around here should have been following the women's team all along.
If you think this is bad wait until geno leaves and we don’t win every 2 or 3 years.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
I don't read the BY all that much. Was wondering if maybe you, me and Mau could hook up for a pre game brewsky. Even if it is right before tip off as we depart for our seats in the concourse area. What say you??? Mau? Lets do this! :D

I would certainly make that happen somehow. Talk later in the week and figure something out.
If you think this is bad wait until geno leaves and we don’t win every 2 or 3 years.

But that won't hurt this much, not close.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
Turns out a lot of people around here should have been following the women's team all along.
I follow them because I love to see a dominant UConn team. I long for 2004 and 2014.
Aug 26, 2011
Reaction Score
I don't read the BY all that much. Was wondering if maybe you, me and Mau could hook up for a pre game brewsky. Even if it is right before tip off as we depart for our seats in the concourse area. What say you??? Mau? Lets do this! :D

Can I tag along?


A Half full kind of guy
Aug 26, 2011
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This play reminds me of the last Perno year before Calhoun

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