wow, you guys sure did show me. i apologize for offending Kait and her merry band of lemmings. back to the men's board i go...
If that this is your response Matt it means the men's board is probably too mature for you, too.
I asked you a simple question, "What is Kait's major at Oregon?" If you know that then you might have had something to add to the conversation. If you don't know then your comments seem well... meaningless.
That your first resort is to attacks on people instead of, actually, addressing the topic means you are insecure and feel the only way to rise above your inadequacies is to drag others down. Real men don't need to do that but instead appeal to competence and skill. You can get help for that. Chicago has many good therapists.
So if you must leave don't feel bad about it or proud about it. Just go.