After waiting my turn (my category) to get my shot, I got it on the first day I was eligible, March 1. I got the Pfizer shot.
No effects whatso ever. NONE!! The shot did not hurt, nor did the injection site afterwards. Not one side-effect. I guess I'm still a tough old bird!!

I get the second shot a week from Monday, and happy to do so.
The clinical offices where my wife and I received our shot, was busy all day. The line was wrapped around the building all morning beginning at 6:30 am for an 8:00 am appointment. You had to have an appointment!! All old folks, no youngsters. They had a line for those getting COVID-19 shots, and another one across the parking lot for folks getting COVID tests. The COVID virus is real and deadly. I respect it.
I wear a double mask when I go out, and will continue to do so at least to the end of the year. I feel terrible for all of the old folks (and their families) in nursing homes and assisted living facilities that died from it through no fault of their own.
Several of my fellow church members died from it. You realize how real it is when you know you won't see them at services anymore. Folks that I've known for years and served with. While I know one of these days I have to go, I'm not ready yet, and I'm not going to poke the bear.
Thanks goodness for the vaccine. It will save millions of lives of people like you and me. The one thing we can all agreed on about death's permanent!! I hope everyone in the yard won't tempt fate and will get their vaccine shots if you haven't already done so.
We don't want to lose anyone. I think we're looking at a NC next season, and we need ALL hands on board to help Geno pull it off. Be well everyone and stay safe. Go Huskies!