Dude, you're killing me.
Klan members are morally corrupt not because they're in disagreement with the majority. They're corrupt because they subscribe to an objectively false and evil belief system. Even if the majority of society subscribed to the Klan's point of view, said point of view (racism) would still be morally evil. Again, truth has nothing to do with the majority rule. According to your mode of argumentation, if the majority of society all of a sudden decided that racism is justified, that would make the decision a morally correct one. This is absurd, but that's where your argument naturally leads to.
Jews and Christians believe that the Bible (Old Testament for Jews & Old and New Testaments for Christians) is the inspired Word of God. It is made up of various types of literary forms that span generations and which were composed by many different authors. To refer to it as merely "a book written by a bunch of rabbis a few thousand years ago" is intellectually ignorant and just plain false.
Folks in history may have used the Bible to support miscegenation but this is a false interpretation of scripture. God never forbids interracial dating or marriage in the Bible for the sake of keeping His people racially pure. From the moment the Israelites left Egypt there was with them a mix of several different races. For example, Joseph, son of the Patriarch, Jacob, married an Egyptian woman and had two sons with her and this in no way is condemned by God. And of course Christians are an amalgamation of folks from various races around the world. Christianity transcends race and it's always been that way from its inception. In the Old Testament, God does warn the Israelites about interracial marriages, but only insofar as He is concerned about inter-religious relationships that could negatively impact the Israelites ( i.e. cause the Israelites to water down or abandon their faith). God's concern is to preserve His people by keeping them religiously pure and this shouldn't be of any surprise.
Homos e xual behavior, on the other hand is unequivocally condemned by God in both the Old and New testaments. There is no ambiguity in the Bible on that matter (e.g. 1Corinthians 6:9-11 & Leviticus 18:22ff) and thus it should not come as a surprise that Christians and Jews consider homos e xual behavior to be unnatural ("peccata contra natura" or sins against nature) and immoral.
As far as your prediction goes, it fails to consider that Muslims and Christians combined make up about 54% of the world's population and both religions consider homos e xuality to be immoral. Agree or disagree, both religions are nothing if not extremely resilient.
You clearly hate religion and that's your right. But please try to educate yourself before opining on things about which you clearly know very little.
Don't be insulting. Obviously I've touched a nerve, but you don't need to insult my intelligence because I don't share your unflinching belief in a text.
I'm a student of religion. I was raised with religion, I attended religious camp and took religious classes through high school. I took two Bible classes -- one Old Testament and one New Testament -- in college. So drop the "let me explain this to you" BS, OK?
I understand every point you raise; it's not like it's the first time I heard it. I don't "hate" religion, but I'm not fond of it, mostly because it allows people like you to rely exclusively on the verbatim text of a 3000 year old book and ignore what science and the study of human behavior, both past and present, tell us. Like I said, I've got a lot of religion in my background. I never had a bad experience with it; it just never took. Mostly because at a young age I identified the Bible as a series of stories, many of which were regurgitations of other religious themes.
You can hem and haw all you like about how the anti-miscegenation people had the Bible all wrong while the anti-marriage equality people like you have got it all right, but you've got to understand that just makes me smile and shake my head.
The fact is, I completely see your point. It's a popular view, which I suppose supports the fact that popularity doesn't connote morality.
If there's a God above, he doesn't hate homosexuality. That's my view, and it's my position whether or not it ever becomes the majority view. It's just my prediction that people with your views will be looked at as ignorant a century or two from now.
As someone not constrained by two lines of text, I will tell you that I believe with all of my heart and my brain that homosexuality is not immoral, it's not evil, it's not a sin. There's absolutely nothing wrong with it. There's no rational basis to condemn it, either from a legal perspective, a public policy one, or a non-religious moral one. All you have, in condemning it, is the Bible. That's literally all you've got. Two sentences, on which you condemn millions of people who were born a certain way.
You can respond if you like but I've got nothing more to say on this. You unflinchingly believe that God hates homosexuality because of two sentences (which are open to interpretation and/or translation, mind you) in the Bible, and I think that's laugh-out-loud funny, no matter how many people share that view with you. So let's just agree to disagree and talk about UConn basketball instead.