No Roy, it is not your job to intimately infiltrate and interfere with academics. that is not what we are talking about. you sat on the sidelines and did nothing while most of your players are taking the same major, and an easy one at that..... at least monitor what classes they are taking, check their progress, and get under the hood just a bit. you have failed as a leader of young men with your hands off attitude.. and frankly, your appearances lately proclaiming you are doing everything right is disgusting.
Only slightly analogous, I worked at a respected, expensive private college for over 11 years (non-academic position). I learned through the years that it was often convenient for the "higher-ups" (deans, VP's, college Pres.) to "not know" about problems. They not only didn't dig into situations, but, they actively avoided doing so - because, if they DID know about a problem, in their position, they had a responsibility to try and solve it.
One of the weird things about a college or university that most folks don't understand is, it's a managerial nightmare. Even my little protected enclave of a school was, at the time, a 60-million dollar-a-year business. But, rather than a business producing a product or two, it was a multi-million dollar property management business (dorms, grounds, academic buildings, power plant, HVAC, plumbing, etc.), a multi-million dollar food service business, athletic business, lodging business, security business, library, recruiting, accounting. All of these functions are subservient to the golden idol of academia (professors are not, generally speaking, modest about their work), the influence of alumni and donors, the complaints of students and parents ("I'm paying $$$ to this place!"), and public perception. And, you don't get to turn off the office lights at 5 pm on Friday.
Trying to manage all these different disciplines, egos, and interests is very, very tough. The learning curve for university/college leaders is long and mistake-filled. So terribly often, the most expedient thing for them to do is to not acknowledge a problem until they absolutely have to.