I understand what you're saying, but I don't think we're gloating or even taking delight in this as much as just feeling like "Finally, the facade is exposed." (For me, anyway.)
Also, NC State had its own athletic issues in the 1980s and early 1990s, and we have paid for it for the past 20-plus years. We're now largely irrelevant among the major college teams. If we're cheating or hiding something, athletic-wise, we're not doing it right or have anything to show for it. (And, also, I'd add we at NC State are very aware of our own transgressions. We did have a chancellor, a provost, and the chair of the trustees resign in 2009, after all.)
I can't speak on behalf of Dookies, but for NC State, there's a long history between the two state schools (both technically being North Carolina's flagship universities) that goes beyond the playing fields that has caused dislike. The adversarial relationships is deep and long, going all the way back to the very founding of NC State and how UNC leaders at the time tried to interfere with that to today, when about 60 percent of the UNC Systems' Board of Governors is comprised of UNC graduates. I don't think it's gloating as much as feeling like finally comeuppance may be coming and maybe there's an opportunity here for a more level playing field. And, more than gloating or pleasure, I think it's anger over long-standing issues that is driving Pack Pride message board fans to be relentless in its pursuit of comeuppance for UNC and in exposing the true "Carolina Way."